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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Except its not a process of common law. Its according to the protocols as set out in the WADA code Those naughty lads need to understand much huh !!!
  2. Do the "34" understand........you don't poke the bear !!!
  3. They keep this up and they're going to hell, do not pass go !!! Still they dont get the idea of "co-operation" They still dont get they they have been nicked big time. That they WILL have the evidence thrown at them at the appropriate time as befits ASADA. The players need to take some humble pie serves. They need to realise they are the in the poo
  4. Obviously the Players Association are a bunch of Nongs who fail comprehensively to understand the WADA Code they work under. And still the 34 idiots are getting poor representation
  5. in reality the question SD iscan you prove they werent. Thats the onus upon them, they seemingly didnt bother. its incumbent upon them to seek verification. You dont ask the guy giviing the "nudge nudge wink wink" "she's all ok mate" you go ask outside.. I bet there were some who suspected and were happy to play the ignorant footy player etc. Some were Gullible with a capital G no doubt and there would have been those that were very suspect and just folded to peer pressure. Granted a lot of sports ppl are no more Einsteins than the general populace but they are given education and Im surprised more parent didnt jack up about this ( npi )
  6. be shocked !!! Its a Faustian deal !!!
  7. which is what they should have done a year ago...might have meant something then. Idiots are cheaper by the dozen it appears !!!
  8. well they sorta dont...it has to jump over hurdles and through fire before it gets a possible chance at the mystery formula. In essence they can make it all up , who's to know....all behind closed doors hush hush secret squirrel shlt etc SD...the AFL makes up EVERYTHING and then suggests later some sort of reason etc was applied. The actuality is imho its all a political outcome to suit whatever needs to be done/catered to at the time. Have ppl not noticed things are only ever elaborated or near-explained AFTER the event. Its borderline comical really. Its the official 3 card monty game...called the AFL Commission !!
  9. I think thats what the club is summising also. Could/has to be be instantly traded( traded for someone) , maybe to the Filth for Harry I reckon. I sense thats how it might pan out
  10. and delivered by Seagulls !!
  11. yes he speaks very well for a young lad !!
  12. werent the Commission meeting today ??
  13. You know....when he can either 1) stand up in a tackle...or 2) deliver one with effect then a lot of naysayers will go quiet. Until then he's all talk....talk...... and talk. Not many games won debating !! Sorry..Action speaks ....words have no currency. He needs to do something instead of waffling on every eos !! If he can, good , if he cant...bye
  14. yep...bet your house on this....and the ridiculous thing is the AFL will listen to them Youre attempting to package LOGIC FAIRNESS and AFL all in one argument The AFL will work always to its own agenda. Isnt that right Vlad ??
  15. There are thousands and thousands of Athletes . officials, and support in this country that ABIDE the rules. They get , they do the right thing. If I were any of them Id be asking why the f should these idiots from footy get any special treatment, why are they different ?? They are told time and time again about all this and if they should somehow think its all beneath them , not worthy of paying attention for 5 mins , not being rigorous in what happens to them then well more fool them.. AFL footballers are NO different and they can bloody well swing for their foolishness and stupidity. It would be grossly unfair to the law abiding sportsperson to allow these players anythin gother than what they are due....and thats not a wet lettuce smack !!
  16. I fail to see why these players should be treated at all favourably. There is no excuse for not knowing. There are no excuses for not questioning. They chose the path they took well they can take the whack too. This is all just a fabricated get out of jail excuse they're now running with. Its actually irrelevant what they thought...its what they did. They haven't heloed ASADA they tried to hinder them. The board should be dismissed and surely prosecution awaits. So should Golden Boy be slapped with charges ..conduct endandering or similar. No way should anything be watered down. Essendon as a club should be suspended foe at last 12 months. Crimes and Times...do one....do the other. Reestablish decency and good government in the code....by example
  17. Things we can reseonably deduce from alk of this: Nothing flies higher than Icarus than James Hird. Nothing is is more pig headedly arrogant than a Paul Little And nothing is not dumber than Dog Shlt than your typical Essendon player. They must be a cult.. .no one else in their right mind would have ever been sucked in by that rubbish. Burn baby burn
  18. Jacques Merde last seen heading to airport. Shame about all those planes getting grounded !!!
  19. nervous breakdown at the bottom of a keg of Johnnie !!!
  20. All. Things Essendon have crashed !!! Lol
  21. not a doubter any longer eh OD
  22. Worth the wait. Squirm you basstards
  23. Se Marvin...there was a KABOOM !!!
  24. Just landed...any news ? Lol
  25. officially or unofficially ? Oct 3
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