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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. But have they ? I think we used them quite well Im thinking something (s) else are still to come. We'll know tonight
  2. I was asked by someone why im inclined to mids for this draft. So here's why. Quitesimply we need them. And need them more than another fwd 'right at this minute'. I'll explain my logic. Our midfield is not there yet. Its on its way ( at last ( but still needs more of the talented lads to provide the engine pool needed to compete at this level. We have arguably the Leagues best young talent as a fwd. We have a number of players who can fill the role of foil if that's what we need for the time being. Mids can be involved in the play from one end to the other. Their scope is wider and deeper than a kpp fwd. Yes Jesse likes to roam a bit but the 'foil' is likely to stay pretty much within the arc. So who's of greater value NOW ? Id say a mid. Come this time next year with we'll assume greater success in season 16 well be able to start shopping more to fill holes and rely far less on the draft. This i think will be last deep dip into the well. Id prefer mids. Theyll come on quicker and impact sooner than is likely a Wiedeman or Curnow etc.* and im not overly taken by either anyway . Get Parish at 3...surely a lock...and another at 7..theres a selection ...i have mine. The club seems a lot more canny about all of this these days. im sure the suggestions of others being in the mix is simply a ploy by the club. We outfoxes quite a few to get our selections and i can't see us making a mess of it now. Go Dees
  3. A good spinNot sure about the "whatever it takes" bit lol but get the gist We're showing greater maturity now as a club in how we go about all this. Bodes well.
  4. Stuie ..i saw that thats what prompted the tram train comment are there trams and trains yet ive got one Its just a very quick rough mock up and Im sure truly talented artists can come up with something far more today as an application of the logo etc But this is the kind of iilk that has impact. Fantastic to see the club going down this track
  5. An aspect to this is CAS..and ny inference WADA cant let this go too lightly..Theyre currently banging away at Russia. Now yo cant go the Russians with proper bans and turn around to some small fry lot of a sport and hand out tram tickets...It wont wash.
  6. just need to see that logo smacked across a few trams and trains now
  7. The new sweats/hoodies are going to fly off the shelf putting my less than subtle hint in now for one for xmas now !!
  8. how the colours look we're getting smarter !!!
  9. I can only think they might use the colours from this jumper as a guide
  10. Yes..a good dark dark blue...just as my avatar has....thats blue btw ...dark ..
  11. Hard to see how they can't all be guilty for mine, but possibly by varying degrees. Base ban 2 years Allowances... only time of the voluntary suspensions in that regard can be deducted. Ban starts from Date of handing down of judgement...None of this last game crap. ( No backdating ) The 'only" contrivance I can see being concocted is some form of time reduced for 'helping' the inquiry' ...yeah right I still think 20 months will be the effective ban for most of them
  12. Well done Melbourne Tbh I didnt mind the 'complex' logo but really like the new one. Im impressed with the cleverness of the 'stealth' roll out , the engaging of the town , the connect to the people. Kudos.
  13. not sold on Curnow. ..or Weideman. Just me i know
  14. Masters is the Mistess and is being royally screwed.
  15. It got corporatalised and sold to TV
  16. Sure beats 2 mill in the hole !!
  17. Its important to keep other clubs still guessing a bit. Important they pick the players we want them to
  18. The point Stuie...is not that its untried... but could be retried. Maybe with the idea of making the role his ( if only for this season if not working so well ) he'll become more confident about it. He just has to put his act together. ..who knows. I expect more scoring from a better midfield. The role Jack can play is as suggested the foil. Dont claim its MY idea...just an idea.
  19. Thats it eh...Theres some form of precedent now to follow this idea. It'll be interesting
  20. Okay...its the silly season. Im going to go with an idea that may or may not appear totally hilarious to some...intriguing to others possibly. We need a KPP forward as a foil for Hogan. Someone who knows where to be on the ground etc. As a forward someone who can kick a goal or two Now I concede as a pack mark hes not too wonderful...as a contested mark ( not quite as brutal as a pack variety ) he is so-so..otherwise a very good pair of mitts unlike some we can mention. Now I only suggest this as Id rather pick two mids this draft...and maybe go shopping for someone if need be through the year. in the interim...why not play Jack as Hogans wing man ? just an idea
  21. Agree. If not picked up by an AFL club It might indeed be prudent to get him on Caseys list for a year. He can then be evaluated at our discretion by our metrics F/S him next year if warranted.
  22. if hes not on anyones list I couldnt see why not.
  23. Well despite my not having spent too much time trawling through all the possibilities Im going to go with my gut...so to speak. Not too distant in our past we had the opportunity to pick two players who knew each other inside out...were best mates and they as it happened were of the type for two spots on the list. History now shows we pretty well stuffed up that twosome ...still ., we did get one !! This draft theres another opportunity to pick up two mates who , again , would fill two spots very nicely. That being two mids...We need good mids...the more the merrier. We can fill in for the time any other role. There are players for those roles even if not the very best choice, for the moment but again we need good mids.. We also need to loom a fabric which will bind these players together as we build a good team. Nothing usurps mateship. There are two players coming up for picking who are like two peas in a pod. Theyd add to our mid talent and might likely both make some step onto the big arena in 16 though it s not a requirement. 17's fine I speak of Parish and Mathieson I like what they would both bring. There's a bonus to getting both as they play ALREADY with a synergy So...if i had to pick its Darcy and Rhys. Worth learning from mistakes eh MFC
  24. just mentioned elsewhere he has a familiar look about him...... could play that bloke.
  25. The look of Partington reminds me of someone....;... he was pretty handy as I recall.
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