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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Titus O'Reily , he knows what he knows this guy Melbourne chat to Jesse Hogan's manager
  2. and so BRAVE !!
  3. Be funny to look back on all this in a year's time
  4. One of the funniest gifs Ive seen.. Thanks
  5. Mfcss running at 12/10
  6. The official rumormongers are at work remember. No one wants Melbourne to succeed. I'm intrigued why ?
  7. I'd be surprised if he wanted to leave, his choice. Interesting subject
  8. He goes he goes He stays he stays Such is life
  9. dont we "cross" that when we come to it ??
  10. What really pizzes me off is that finally as a team, as a club we might start getting somewhere and my whole enjoyment of the game is being challenged by the very corruption of it. Would it have actually harmed the'brand' for the AFL to take a hard line ? If anything I think it would have strengthened it. But we all know what the AFL stands for ANOTHER FISTFUL of LOOT The silence of outrage is deafening. Sad.
  11. This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Got me buggered also. Youd think theyd be absolute bunnies in a scope right now
  12. Welcome to AFL360 and here are your hosts... Slobbo and Dyso Watch the 'spin' dance and hear them wax lyrical
  13. Some sense about this. Interesting for mine the first wall is the game against Port...and lo and behold who do we start our campaign against ?? lol. I see NAB as testing the waters and trialling snippets of game plans as well as giving some kids a taste
  14. thats a huge reach BBO
  15. Ted summed it up...its all about easy targets.... and we were once one, and we're still not out of the woods just yet. Ballarat Gold Bus = The AFL
  16. Used to use the old Allowrie jamjars in younger days when imbibing a port from the 'magic' cask (16L of pure ongong joy ) But Shiraz out of one.!!!!
  17. Footy is at the crossroads, again. If Gil the Dill and his cronies keep running red lights it's inevitable that some will be left in tears. Beveridge has shown his true colours. He now joins a list I despise i.e.Those that seek to win by unfair advantage. And Joe Public will be caressed into believing any help that is bound to be given 'poor victim' Essendon is good for the game. That moment will probably coincide with me turning away from the game. Doubt I'll be alone.
  18. Something that clashes with theirs and the umps of course !
  19. What may I ask is wrong with a nice cab-merlot. My god there are wine-nazis here Some shifty Shiraz swillers no doubt. Probably use jam jars too
  20. Funny...the AFL get all shirty over phone use by a non- returning player , in a nuff nuff NON premiership game. That's a no-no ....but please , go get employed at an AFL sanctioned show, feel free to advertise your sponsor ( even though whilst banned they AREN'T your sponsor !! ) AFL.....what a joke
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