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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. Getting rid of Deledio for them was like Watts for us. There are lots of similarities.
  2. Outside run and spread is as much about structures and gameplan as personnel. Don’t get me wrong I want list improvement but my point was we need someone from under Clarkson. He seems to be breeding people to make teams achieve.
  3. https://www.google.com.au/search?client=safari&channel=iphone_bm&ei=kA19Xcf1CoK0mgfMnpuwCA&q=bradbury+winning+gold+gif&oq=bradbury+winning+gold+gif&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.3...103429.109657..110461...1.1..1.820.2917.0j4j3j2j6-1......0....1.........0i71j41j0j0i22i30j0i22i10i30j33i160j33i21.IsfOj6Y6OuE#imgrc=DIKB0yBhYxjPKM:
  4. Lots on here think the moving on of so many assistant coaches proves it wasn’t injuries that sent us tumbling this year. Viney doing his first preseason in five years, Lever doing a preseason, Oliver doing a preseason and May not coming back like December Christmas feast will see us improve rapidly. Bring in Yze for some Clarkson IP and we challenge next year.
  5. I often found it strange that people, vented and posted tributes to those they din’t know online. I still don’t completely understand it with Frawley. But it has affected me. I hope his family are able to get on with their lives as best as possible. Danny Frawley “spud” rip
  6. If we offer him a performance based contract on pure exhilaration he would be our highest paid player.
  7. Raid the cattery - not for more assistant coaches please.
  8. Clarkson didn’t sell us Lewis. A three time premiership legend in Lewis chose to come to us. Clarkson did chase Fitzpatrick though, so that deal is more relevant to your argument. If any club has played us its Collingwood offloading Lamumba & Dawes and pinching Howe & Dunne.
  9. Wayne, Gary and James are the best players I have ever seen. Nathan was good, but not as good as the others and will always be the bridesmaids.
  10. We are not drafting players who are worse kicks than other teams. Game plan, lack of fitness due to interrupted pre-season and poor player development are resulting in our kicking problem.
  11. It was reported in one of the articles when it was announced he was parting from the club that he had a PR team and that was causing friction within the club.
  12. Are you part of his paid PR team that went a long way to costing him his job? None of us outside the coaches box know how brilliant technically he is or isn’t. But Melbourne’s structures this year and even last don’t seem to work at the mcg which happens to be our home ground and where the gf is played. He has to take some responsibility for that. I doubt very much he will end up a senior coach
  13. Whilst true he played forward well last season, then got switched back, then got dropped for the final against west coast. Like Hunt this year was playing well forward. He seems to be the only player on our list that can run towards goal, turn on a dime and lead back to the player with the footy, mark it and allow us to “connect”. A natural forward. Then he gets moved to the backline, then dropped.
  14. The game evolves and teams follow other successful teams. Hawthorn in their prime were skilful and had elite skills all around the ground (until they got Frawley). Keeping possession is a passing phase. We will bounce back next year and our brand of football will be hard at the contest with a defence that intercepts everything and then repels. Other teams will copy us.
  15. They all have one aim. Past players, administrators and board members want MELBOURNE to achieve the ultimate success. They all might have different ideas on how to get there but guaranteed when we do they will all be drinking out of the same Cup.
  16. Petracca is a fatter version of Colin Sylvia.
  17. I agree with you and think the history and heritage of the MFC is important. You will get posters on here who hate bringing back any past players because they think it is part of some “old boys club”. For the most part they are miserable posters and don’t understand the importance of networking. It would be far easier if we have had some success to build respect for past players coming back to the club and then having a positive influence in the rooms. I’m hoping Ooze could be the one. Without the ultimate onfield success at Melbourne, he is a fan favourite, one of our best players in 30 years and has achieved success strategically under the best coach since Norm Smith.
  18. The difference is every Australian cricketer idolised Waugh and Ponting. They all grew up barracking for Australia and wanting to play for Australia. The reality is most of our current playing list don’t hold Neitz, Green and Wiz in the same esteem as we do on demoland.
  19. It’s hard to see sometimes.
  20. I liked Dom Tyson and didn’t like your attack on me for defending him. You were proven correct on DT. Your footy insight seems good albeit negative. I wonder if you are just a negative person in general and would be off the mark if you barracked for Hawthorn or are insightful. We’ll see when we win the premiership next year ?
  21. The final siren sounding in the GF will be my highligh. Perhaps overshadowed by the 10, 9, 8.., countdown on news years eve. Bring on next year.
  22. Glass half empty - why would he have no improvement? The year before when he did a full pre-season he came 3rd in the Brownlow.
  23. How about we draft best available rather than race based recruiting.
  24. You create a toxic culture by doing the wrong thing by your staff. Perception is important. We on demoland are all passionate supporters and expect the players to play for the jumper. They need a reason to. Winning is important but it can be short sighted. Carlton sold the farm to get Judd to win a few games. How did that work out for them?
  25. Jones is not in it for the money and has no affection for the Gold Coast. Why would he make himself some tradeable commodity? He has never been a leader by tongue it is all on field. Lead by example and his best footy is behind him. His leadership doesn’t work with an aging body. The idea he would go to another club is ridiculous.
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