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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. The corporations wanted to pay the Union for services not provided because they got favourable terms. In common language it's called a bribe. Look up Winslow Construction. When unions are taking money to worsen workers rights but strengthen their own power it stinks. Also explains why Labor, the Greens and the unions are desperate to undermine the RC which is exposing them.
  2. A couple of points on this. Going back to nutbeans original post that same sex marriage should be a "no brainer". I am in somewhat of agreement. Where my problem lies is the the people who do argue for traditional marriage are slandered as "bigots" or "homophobes". Our current legislation stipulates marriage is between a man and a women. If you want it changed you need to do better than that. Second Abbott is the first PM to make same sex marriage a possibility. The hatred for him on this issue shows an intolerance in the people trying to portray tolerance. All the stats show same sex marriage to be approved by 70% of the people. A plebecite or referendum should bring it in. Labor in their last term had an atheist, non married, socialist backgrounded PM who had every opportunity to bring in marriage equality and she flat out refused. Labor want the Libs to have a conscious vote on it when they won't do it themselves. Abbott is the champion of same sex marriage and people blinded by political hatred can't see it.
  3. Can anybody link to Demonblog's Allen Jackovich day write up? The greatest blow by blow description you could read. I haven't read it for years.
  4. The core principal of insurance is protection from unforeseen events. Taking action against others ie. being the claimant is not unforeseen and can never be covered.
  5. I am very happy that Bill Shorten finally admitting the previews Labor Government's polices were luring people to their death. Would anybody like to hear from Tanya? Do you lefties agree with electricity Bill ? Should we turn back the boats?
  6. I think you have an outcome you want to believe. Let's break this down you think the warming caused by man may have been stalled by man? Natural climatic influences that have been going on forever didn't occur to you?
  7. Do you acknowledge a hiutus dee-L? or are you trying to rewrite history?
  8. I have no idea what that means? Are you saying the Rudd Goverment was further right than Abbott's.
  9. I have mentioned this before but why do you start sentences without capital letters and then throw a few capital letters in mid sentence for no obvious reason?
  10. Ok so which part of the Howard Governments legislation allowed the union to bill corporations for services they didn't provide? It's no good speaking like Shorten and answering the question you wished you were asked.
  11. No that is the whole argument there are so many variables but carbon dioxide is the fixation on the studies despite historical data and the current hiatus proving it is not a driver of climate.
  12. Which part of show me anybody that predicted the hiatus don't you understand? It is no good quoting the 5th assessment report published in 2014. The hiuatus had already been going for over a decade and a half. Are there any global warming predictions that have actually materialised? There are so many probability alone says some must have.
  13. No the increase in his power base gave Shorten greater power within the union movement and the Labor party. The workers got burnt on the back of Shorten's ambition.There is no perceived loss of workers rights. They lost rights.
  14. Temperature is measurable. If it hasn't warmed it hasn't warmed. How much time do we need to examine a hiatus?
  15. Correct me if I am wrong but I am pretty confident the Howard Government didn't pass legislation allowing unions to bill companies for services never provided and increase their union numbers (and factional powers) whilst at the same time stripping their workers of rights.
  16. dee-luded you are prolific poster of meaningless links. Unless you say why you are posting them I am not going to read them.
  17. I like how you count China as a minority country. Where do think Australia fits in if China is a minority?
  18. Socialism is. But you have argued with me you are not from the far left. Where do you stand on socialism?
  19. EH if you go to the Drysdale golf club I would meet you for a beer at the Drysdale pub. Had many meals and beers there.
  20. Hah? Bill Shorten took payments that weren't disclosed to the electoral commission from companies to buy memberships that increased his powerbase. At the same time those same companies reduced the workers rights and won contracts because they could afford too on the reduced labor costs.More unethical than conflict of interest.
  21. Nutbean - I appreciate your post. Unlike some who have posted in this thread you have read and have an understanding of the information available. The data is always evolving and that is why I am in the skeptics camp. If we get rapid warming again I will be in the the global warming camp. Whilst I am not familiar with the NOAA data I have looked at it. I am genuinely interested, did the website begin before or after the hiatus?
  22. Agree with you nutbean it needs to be a decision independent from politicians and made in the courts. I don't think Zaky made that point. He seemed to be talking about himself and taking a victims stance despite having plotted to kill ASIO officials. On a side note can you believe Q&A had a 10 year old to make a political point during the week? At least when they had that terrorist on the Liberal party member was rightly able to call him out. Abbott or any other Liberal will never argue with a child (except Sarah Hanson Young) it would be an unethical attack.
  23. Agreed. Absolute disregard for public money. I like Bishop but that is indefensible.
  24. The hiatus has lasted as long as the "unprecedented warming" did. You can't have one without the other. If the hiatus is too short to be factually investigated so is the rapid warming. Please note I acknowledge the warming since the Little Ice Age. The climate has always changed; it has to go up or down.
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