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Everything posted by Doggo

  1. It's hard to predict a future structure because changes occur. Players improve and decline, players are traded to/from clubs, players get injured, etc etc. At this stage we look likely to get Butcher, but i agree with you deanox, in that he's no certainty and if he is drafted, he will take some time to develop. Even without Butcher, i still stand by my future forward structure.
  2. Bails on after the break. In about a minute, time now is 12:31
  3. He (Strauss) was wearing # 46 right? I agree he didn't get a whole lot of possessions, but i can't think of any one occassion where he turned it over, and often his ball use started a chain of possession which led to goals, plus 1 or 2 goal assists himself. The ball didn't spend much time in Casey's defence in the second half, but when it was there, he looked really composed and smooth, and an added bonus to his game, which is something i'm not sure he's noted for, was his defensive spoiling was pretty good. Beat Pask, who's no mug at VFL level, in one-on-one contests more than once. He also had a lot of nice little handballs in traffic that were barely noticable unless you were watching him closely. Might just be me overly excited by him, but i thought his game was very good. Although he was reasonably quiet, he was very effective.
  4. Jaded, i think your forward line may be just a little too tall? Four of your forwards, including Jurrah and not Bate, are all tall enough to be considered genuine marking forwards. I understand Watts and Jurrah are pretty handy off the deck, but considering they'll also be contesting the ball in the air most of the time, your forward structure is lacking sufficient ground level crumbers, besides Wona. Bate and Miller are handy, but forwardline pressure isn't their specialty, and Jurrah and Wona can only do so much at ground level. I think you'll find the ball rebounding out of that forwardline far too easily.
  5. I agree. As hard as he works, Miller is average at best at CHF and will not be our CHF when we are in our next flag tilt. Provided Butcher ends up at Melbourne, then Miller's days are numbered, as I see a developed Jack Watts as our genuine CHF, with Buthcer at FF. Miller needs to learn to play deep if he wants ultimate longevity for his career. With Watts to be our superstar CHF, and Butcher touted as a real power FF, if Miller can't learn to play FF and kick goals, as well as his lead-up role, then i just can't see him being anything more than a depth player in years to come. Our forwardline from 2011 onwards hopefully looks a bit like this: HF: Bate, Watts, Wonaeamirri F: Maric, Butcher (Miller), Jurrah With Green (who'll be nearing the end of his career by then) spending a lot of time in there as another marking option, and Sylvia, Morton, and Jetta all rotating from the midfield thru there. And should there be injuries to key talls, guys like Garland and Martin capable of playing as 'swing-men'. I see Bate as the lead-up flanker, playing the role Miller plays now, Jurrah playing the role Robbo played a bit earlier in his career, as a slightly undersized tall, who starts deep and can take a pack mark, yet has the mobility to find the ball on wing/flank, Butcher/Miller the traditional deep FF, Watts the mobile, pack-marking CHF ala Riewoldt, and Maric, Wona, Jetta, as well as Green and Sylvia, as ground level players. The key to having this forward setup is being able to play Miller and/or Butcher deep. If Butcher can come in and hold that spot down, it makes it hard for Miller in the long term. However, as is quite likely, should Butcher be drafted but take some time developing at Casey, as all young KP's generally do, then Miller has to step up and be able to play deep. I don't see Watts becoming a full-time FF until much later in his career, so a lot rests on Miller being able to become the no.1 go-to man deep inside 50, and kick REGULAR goals. Something he has yet to show at AFL level, ever. If he can develop this part of his game, or someone else like Garland or Martin can hold that FF spot down, then we'll get the balance right.
  6. Agree. Jurrah was great, and Miller's kicking is still ordinary, and probably always will be. One thing i did like about Dunn's game though was his ability to take some contested marks, and not 'squib' the physical aerial stuff, as he so often does for Melbourne.
  7. I agree. A brutally honest and frank self-assessment there from Col. Definitely took a lot of courage to come out and reveal all that to the football world. I really hope he can continue on turning it around for himself.
  8. I thought Jetta only kicked three, but they must've awarded that 4th to him instead of Newton, which was a very speculative goal that seemed to hit all of Newton's knee, back, thigh and everywhere else except his or Jetta's boot. Surprised Jurrah (and Dunn) weren't named in the best though.
  9. Forgot to add, Dowse was the 23rd man (under the rule that allows a TAC cup player to play VFL) and was really impressive. And Alex Silvagni is an absolute gun at VFL level. Played everywhere yesterday, was on Pask doing a pretty good job on him, then went to the ruck when Spencer came off, then capped his day off with a pack mark and goal. Too good for this level of footy IMO.
  10. All the MFC boys were pretty good IMO, here are my thoughts: Bail: Haven't seen much of this guy, but to be honest was disappointed with his game yesterday. Very sloppy disposal and desicion making. Kicked 0.1 and 2 on the full, and missed several targets. Gets a bit of the ball, but doesn't really stand out at this level IMO. Only early in his career, but as a mature-age recruit, with very poor foot skills, doesn't look likely to make it. Hope he proves me wrong, but thats just the feeling i got from him yesterday. Bartram: Looks like a really good player at this level. Seems to have much more time and composure, generally used it well (something that is lacking from his game in AFL), and found it a quite a bit. Probably won't get back into the team on that performance, but a good game overall in the midfield. Dunn: Is your typical VFL superstar, NQR AFL player. Right at home at this level, but somehow needs to reproduce that at AFL level to become a real player for MFC. Got a lot of the footy, used it really well, took some strong contested marks around the ground too, and probably finished with close to 30 disposals for the day. Could be a chance to get back in on that performance. Impressive game. Hughes: A pretty solid display at half forward. A real competitor, attacks the footy hard and had around 18 touches. Didn't kick a goal but set a couple up and overall contributed well to the win. Jetta: Drifted in an out of the game. To me looked to spend most of the second half on the wing with limited success. Didn't see a lot of the ball, but was good with it when he did. His work-rate defensively is good, but probably still needs to work on his endurance. Second and third efforts were there, and as a result probably won 2 or 3 frees for holding the ball. Finished with 3 goals in a tidy display. Jurrah: The story of the day for mine. As many here have already said, Jurrah was extremely impressive yesterday with his 4 goals and presence up forward. Definitely lived up to the hype from what i saw. Was also the first time i've seen him play and there's absolutely no doubt that with more strength and conditioning he is going to be special. Anyone who thinks otherwise after watching him yesterday is just foolish. His ability in the air, his leap, pace and lateral movement are all phenomenal, his kicking action is flawless, and everything he seemed to do with the ball was good. He looks so natural, like he could play footy with his eyes closed! With a couple of pre-seasons under his belt he really could set the AFL alight. Could be a lot closer to a debut than anyone at the club could ever have expected at this stage. Martin: Started forward and was doing ok, but a forward line containing him, Newton and Miller was too top heavy, so was sent back when Silvagni went into the ruck and Spencer was off. Did well in defence, though was hardly sighted as the Scorps took the ascendancy in the 2nd half. Good solid game, but didn't do anything to really put his hand up for a recall. Miller: Was solid in the first half, presenting well as he always does, but didn't seem to have much of an influence until the second half, when he was pushed deep. His second half was just excellent. Finished with 21 possessions and 15 marks, plus 3.4 and at least one other shot that didn't score- an exceptional return. Still very iffy with his set shot kicking, as someone stated earlier, not once did he look like he actually believed he could get the goal, which was dissappointing. But overall a very good game, got the BOG award (ffs Phil Cleary is a tool) and should be back in the seniors next week. Like Dunn, looked too good for this level, but needs to reproduce that at Melbourne. McKenzie: Lots of possies and generally used it well, though at times seemed a bit rushed with his disposal. Only a young lad, and definitely looks a likely type, good in traffic and, like Valenti, looks a natural footballer, but with good height for AFL. Newton: Looks to have really turned the corner with his attitude. Great defensive pressure, setup a couple of goals with some nice passes and kicked 2 himself (the 2nd one was a very dodgy one that both he and Jetta were throwing a boot at, yet neither seemed to actually touch it). Had around 15-20 disposals and played pretty well. Drifted in the 2nd half as Miller became more prominent. Petterd: Played forward and on the ball and was solid without being spectacular. Missed a few targets by foot, but overall was pretty good. Won't get back into the Melbourne team on that performance though, IMO. Spencer: Big and awkward and often clumsy. I found his game disappointing to be honest. Won the majority of hitouts, and although his kicking looks awkward, was actually pretty effective. But overall had very little influence on the game. Came off a couple of times injured. Copped a heavy knock diving on the footy in a desperate display (after fumbling) and got a bit concussed, came back on and looked a bit out of it for mine. A lot further away from playing consistently in the AFL than a lot of us had hoped, IMO. Strauss: Was ultra impressive in the second half. Spent a bit of time on Marty Pask and did pretty well playing tall, but generally was used as a defensive rebounder, with great success. One play in particular where he ran the ball down the field, gave a pass off, then got it back and hit Miller(?) lace out, was superb. Reminds me a lot of Scott Pendlebury in the way he moves, just silky and class written all over him. Body looks pretty mature too. Should get a game for the Dee's in the next few weeks i reckon. Very impressive. Wheatley: Struggled in his return. Kicked a mammoth 65m goal, but overall was a bit rusty with disposal and will be better off for the run. A couple of weeks away from a return to the Dee's. Valenti and McNamara were non-starters. Not sure why. Bennell did not play either, and may be a late change for Macca on Monday. Umm, did i forget anyone? Well anyway, hope that's helpful for anyone who didn't catch the game.
  11. We did smash St Kilda in the ruck last week, 44-22 in the hitouts, as well as the Hawks the week before 31-28, so we've been doing alright in that regard. Our midfielders have been the bigger issue, not able to win the clearances despite our winning in the ruck.
  12. Yeah saw that. Hilarious comment re: public v private school LOL
  13. HAHAHA... i know, but as i said in another thread, i don't think i've been as excited for a game since the 2000 GF! In all honesty though, as long as he gets thru unscathed and doesn't make any massive howlers, i'll be wrapt with his game. And a win on top of that well, that would make my day, no, my year!
  14. Agree completely. Stef and Garlo just look like they could be anything. Garlo even looks like he could eventually have a run in the middle as well. Guys like Pavlich and Goodes started as KP defenders, so, you never know. In the past i've toyed with the idea of playing Rivers forward, mainly because of his ability to take a big pack mark and how well he reads the play, but also, more recently because of the emergence of the other young KP defenders on our list. We have 5 key defenders that all have some claim on a spot in the best 22, as well as McNamara on the brink of selection. I feel because of the overabundance of key defenders, guys like McNamara will have to develop another side to their games (as Tmac has shown this year playing back, wing and forward for Casey). Rivers could be the same, in that of our 5 KPD's, he is the slowest and oldest, but is the best mark (IMO), and his uncanny ability to know where the ball is going before it gets there (something which none of our forward seem to possess) could well be handy as a marking forward. It's never happened, but does anyone think there is even a remote chance that in the future Rivers could become a forward? For some reason i can easily imagine him playing his last 2 or 3 years of his career out as a forward.
  15. DEFINITELY Beamer! He's one man you don't want to get angry! I wouldn't be surprised to see him run 150m from one end to the other, just to stick up for our golden boy.
  16. Maxwell for mine as well. Traditionally, the 'sniper' is one of the lesser lights of the team who plays hard but lacks skill and is really no loss to the side should he be suspended. In Collingwood's case, the sniper is their captain. Gotta love that... I also think Leigh Brown might try and throw some of his (ample) weight around and run thru the kid if he gets anywhere near him.
  17. I see him in future as our Adam Hunter-type key position player: automatically picked in the 22 as a very good backmen, yet still able to go forward and kick goals when needed. This is something ND tried to do with Miller, with very limited success, but i think Stef will be up to it. We haven't had a genuine KP who could play back as well as he did forward since Neita in the 90's. He's got plenty of time, i'm not worried about his future one bit. He already looks like just a 'natural' sportsmen, like guys like JW, Scott Pendlbury and other ex-basketballers. One of those guys with amazing physical attributes who could pick up any sport and in quick time be quite good at it. It's one thing he certainly has over Miller, who is more of a battler-type rather than a natural, and thus playing both defence and attack seemed to do more harm than good to his development, as it almost confused him as to what his role was. Martin will be fine playing that 'swing-man' role as he's an intelligent, natural player and fast learner, as well as an athlete, who will only get better with the more positions he's exposed to. But ultimately, i see him as a backmen primarily.
  18. 10 kicks 2 handballs 12 disposals (83% effective) 5 marks (1 contested) 3.1 goals behinds 2 tackles 4 inside 50's 1 goal assist 1 free for 0 frees against 0 clangers From around 75% game time. He'll kick a behind with his first kick in AFL (after hitting the post from 45m out, on the run, near the boundary), and a goal with his 2nd kick. The other 2 of his 3 goals will come in the last quarter, the first of them, coming early in the last, to put us in the lead for the first time since the 1st qtr, the second to ice the game around the 27 min mark... for the fairy-tale finish we all long for! Dees to win by 19 points on the back of a perfect debut from JW. Coincidentally, the final margin's the same as Watts' contribution to the score. Thus making Watts, THE difference! :D
  19. Thanks for that. We learn something new every day... Hopefully he's a lot better than u say, and has improved dramatically since then. I still haven't seen him play in the flesh, so i obviously can't comment on his talents or skills. But others here have and the majority seem to think he's going to be something special once (if) he get a couple of full pre-seasons into him, puts some weight on and gets more comfortable with big city life. Whether that's just blind optimism and bias from MFC supporters pumping him up, or if he is the real deal, only time will tell. BTW, says in that article he debuted in the 1st's that week and kicked 2. So in fact, he did crack into the team... Sorry. I'm just being pedantic, its 4am and i'm terribly sleep deprived.
  20. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl...2-19769,00.html Not sure if this has been posted already. A light hearted little piece about Jack's early initiation to AFL footy. Gave me quite a chuckle... Especially these bits: "He (Brock) didn't hold back. He gave me a few to the chops," Watts told the Herald Sun. "The blood was pouring everywhere." & "I hadn't done a lot of weights before arriving so it was a bit different. When I'm taking the 50-kilo weights off the bench press to get my set done, it's a bit degrading." Poor kid, hehe... First he gets a few smacks around the head from Brock, just to say 'welcome'... Talk about an initiation of fire! It was never going to be easy being #1. I wonder if all our new recruits get that sort of baptism?? And on top of that, he probably cops it left right and centre for lifting girly weights (no disrespect intended to the female readers out there)! And still the kid just smiles and cops it on the chin He hasn't played a game yet, but one things certain. This kid is definitely going to a star speaker in the media for years to come. He has 'high-profile' written all over him, something we haven't genuinely had for a long time, and if he lives up to his playing potential, will be bringing new MFC fans to our club for the next 10-15 years. God i'm excited about Monday. Don't think i've been as pumped for match day to 'just get here already!' since the GF in 2000. The lead-up this week feels like it's been going forever!
  21. Comparing THE Jack Watts to the (unfortunate) Cockatoo-Collins brothers... shame on you!!! Wash your mouth (or keyboard) out with soap ! :angry: I'm kidding, btw...
  22. I know just from speaking to my non-MFC supporting mates, that the majority seem to be of the view that we are being too conservative with Watts. I've given them the old "we'll play him when he's ready... he didnt have a preseason... still too light... still at school... etc etc" and they always come back with "he's the best kid in the country, he'll learn to deal with whatever come his way... if he's not injured, you should play him!" I figure when it comes to top draft pick players, the football following community generally expect/want to see them play early, even if their form doesn't neccesarily suggest they should be picked. The fact they were elite juniors is proof enough. I'm surprised to hear that the current sentiment on talkback is negatively geared towards us- exploiting Watts for exposure, because i've heard nothing but the opposite around town in recent weeks. People want to see Watts, and what better day to "unveil" him to the footy world than our blockbuster QB match? He'll learn more about playing footy in the AFL on QB Monday in front of 70,000, than he would against say, Fremantle, in a near empty MCG. Jack's form has been solid without being spectacular, and though there are other young players who have played better/more consistently in the VFL than he has over the season thus far, that doesn't neccesarily mean Jack isn't ready. I have total faith that DB and the FD have got it right and are playing him now because he is ready, and as was stated in the press conference, he's managing his school workload, and training, really well. I honestly believe they wouldn't do it if they thought he couldn't handle the pressure of the blockbuster environment- although just last week i said i wouldn't be surprised if he didnt play until round 18-22, i'll back the coaching staff on this one.
  23. For this week: HF: Watts, Bate, Sylvia F: Maric, Robbo, Green Still lacking that extra quality tall, but having Robbo and Green in there does sure it up a little bit. Bate to play Miller's lead-up role. Sylvia also in for marking power, though will spend a fair portion of the game in the midfield. Could use an extra crumber as well, although Jetta's form hasnt been great in the VFL and Wona's year has been ruined by injury so far. 2010 & beyond: HF: Jurrah, Watts, Bate F: Maric, Butcher, Jetta/Wonaeamirri IMO that forward line has the right combination of quality talls (Watts & Butcher), good ground level players with defensive pressure (Wona, Maric, Jetta), and strong marking mobile medium sized forwards (Jurrah & Bate). If Sylvia keeps his good form up, he will be spending more and more time in the midfield. Obviously others will rotate thru that forwardline, but i'd be happy with that starting 6 or 7 forwards every week for the future. I think the question should be... Bate at CHF in a dream forwardline?? I have no doubt Bate is valuable as a 3rd or 4th option forward, not KP. He's still reasonably young (22?), and other than his indifferent start to this year, he has shown a bit. However the gap between his best and his worst is still too wide and he should be playing more consistently at his age. Still could become a very good player for Melbourne, but as i said earlier, if he does it won't be as a key position forward, thats for sure.
  24. Unfortunate, but you may be right, depending on contract status. I love the way he takes the game on with his blistering pace, but, if he does have the dreaded OP, which has been suggested, then his power thru the legs will be significantly diminished, thus affecting his speed and depth of kicking. These are his 2 weapons, especially his pace, and without it, i'm not sure he brings much else to the team. Interesting times ahead for Bucks. Growing up a passionate Melbourne supporter, i know he'll be completely shattered if he is delisted at season end, so for his sake i hope he can get up and play some good footy later in the year.
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