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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. Seems that way Ash, but as the Essendon people said that the other 3 coaches getting sacked has forced them to move or possibly miss out on 3 available coaches for their job.
  2. AGREE! Ash get off our site! I haven't even seen stakers mark
  4. I'd take sheedy in a heart beat. Besides having a plan b, he also implements it whilst the game is there to be won, will market the club well and bring in more memberships. I believe his salary alone would be covered by the amount of extra sponsorship, marketing and memebrships alone, then you have the fact HE CAN coach.
  5. I'd delist both ward and brown. Bit hard on bruce, i reckon like green last year he was carrying a injury which affected his kicking a bit and his style is awkward enough without any more comlications.
  6. I said to my Dad on sunday that we have to lose that game if the blues don't win before then and said either of these 2 set ups should occur Brown to ruck with white, jamar, PJ to play the rovers.... all at once! or brown, godfrey, ward all in the square cos if we win the tap and it goes to them they will just turn it over any way. play a reverse flood, flood our forwards and leave fev by himself to kick 20!
  7. I don't think he would have had a lot of say in the box on game day.
  8. Seriously....where is chad cornes? He would be up near the top
  9. We should call Sheedy tonight and say mate, there is a job awaiting you if you want it. Sheedy would not have to go through and sort of process, the reason ND was going to be made was they wanted him gone but didn't have the balls to tell him so embarrassed him and the club by asking him to re apply for the job. I think Ratten wont coach Carlton next year, even if he wins a few games.
  10. Happy B'day pets............ now get in the gym!
  11. I thought godders a goner until i saw the replay, i didn't see the carrol incident.
  12. Godfrey being a chance is why we are 2nd bottom. When a player of the skills of Godfrey wins your B&F you SHOULD throw out the baby with the bath water.
  13. Sylvia got votes simply due to his massive amount of running and presenting he did, much more so that any other player on our forward line if not the ground
  14. I'm not 100% sold on pagan, if we are to have a experienced coach then we should chase sheedy.
  15. 6. junior 5. jones 4. bizz 3. wheatley 2. sylvia 1. waterboy number 5 (should have been number 3, but i thought id hive it to the players) 1. newton
  16. The same things happened as they have happened every week, we play wide, our forwards then have to lead wide, or we stuff around with it until we either turn it over, or kick it to neitz and robbo with 3 guys hanging onto them. We refuse to shepard for the player with the ball, we never block our opponents so our ball winners can get fre at stoppages, we always run backwards looking to handball instead of pumping it inside 50 so the forwards get to compete 1 on 1, our skills are so bad we cant even hit a target by foot with little to no pressure ar handball it to someone 10 meters away, we can kick it to a player and make him stop and wait for it though, if only that was a skill required in the game.
  17. Has to win mark of the week and must be up there for the year just for how high he got up and with no hands on the shoulders to steady or help him along
  18. I was thinking the same Riley is GGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Poor Robbo, doesnt realize that he is to blame for ND sacking/ leaving joke people
  19. I reckon Sheedy will coach again, but not at Essendon, i have a feeling we might end up with him
  20. I reckon they will bring bell via sandy where he will play limited time so he doesn't do it again.
  21. Don't know if i would want him now. Who is to say he wont stuff up over here now as well as he is doing over there.
  22. I reckon Sheedy will be available, and i would be happy to have him coach the club.
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