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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Exactly, don't give the big dogs any reason to think this could be possible. Fill the G.
  2. I would really like it to NOT be close. A win with minimal effort would be much better.
  3. I like it! Perfect show of respect.
  4. layzie


    Not far off really. His work rate and willingness to get improve is unsurpassed. At very least the Jerry Rice of defensive players for me.
  5. Nice one! Got a few friends from Lancashire. Would be good to get over there again.
  6. layzie


    Big game to start with this morning with last year's champs the Rams taking on the Josh Allen Bills. Probably rude not to throw on a same game multi.
  7. Easy to forget and I know it was a warped season but in 2020 both Grand finalists finished top 4 and went the hard way.
  8. Hoping the battle hardened way will prevail over the easy way. I know we’re carrying injuries but I live in hope. Not thinking ahead too much but by the time prelim day hits Geelong will have played 1 game in a month and 1 competitive game in 6 weeks.
  9. Yeah I've heard people swear by it. With anything you probably get a few extra emails from numpties but that's no biggie. I used to sell a bit on Ebay but find it a lot harder now, seems like more of an Amazon/Kogan/Catch business these days.
  10. Things have changed, gotta be portable now. Your own bed is overrated anyway 😝
  11. Man I loved that album, used it for a lot of inspiration for my own musical arrangements 😀
  12. I am legit lazy haha. Is it just like Gumtree?
  13. I hear FB marketplace is the way to go for selling old stuff these days. Really need to get on board.
  14. Agree, A-grade talent maybe but rarely shows it.
  15. Hopefully Selwyn is gee'd up today. He's the only thing that can win it for us.
  16. As Dwayne Russell would say "Could this be the firestarter?"
  17. Definitely a dream and no premiership victory would be sweeter but I just wonder if I'd make it through the whole pulse raising ordeal!
  18. Didn't pick you for a Soccer fan Gorg, nice one!
  19. I've got this dream at the moment that Geelong show their age at the worst possible time. It can happen.
  20. Love the Monarchy or not you have to admire the life she led and the person that she was. Now is the time to pay respects.
  21. Yeah she always liked Melbourne better than Brisbane as a city anyway! Obviously I'm just making that up.
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