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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. 6 minutes ago, Macca said:

    So how on Earth did we suddenly win a flag training out of Casey?  

    Doing it a bit tough never hurt anyone

    Tigers won 3 flags training at a postage stamp of an oval.  Yet we're forever hearing that teams should only train on MCG proportions

    These things nearly always get blown out of proportion

    For years we were told the Junction Oval ground was unfit for training.  Yet it was easily had the best surface going around.  No mud, great drainage.  Like carpet

    And a meeting room is a meeting room.  Stick a few chairs in there and a whiteboard and away you go

    Here is a man who has said Trading and Recruiting is all complete luck of the draw…. and now this….


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  2. 8 minutes ago, Six6Six said:

    December 2012, For the first time Six and his camera decided that it would be good to head down to training at the mighty Demons. Back then we were the ultimate nomads, no home base (what's changed) we didn't even have Gosch's paddock which was the domain of the Magpies. We trained on the rugby fields assigned to the Storm and even headed down to Linton Street Moorabbin which had already been abandoned by the Saints. Eleven games into that season Neeld was sacked with one win and an average losing margin of 77 points. The demons went down to the Saints in round 3 of the Nab cup at Casey Fields 2.7.6 (66) to 2.10.13 (91). The quality of the footage is not as good as I no longer have the original shots, but it should be OK if viewed on a phone or tablet. 

    The only men standing from back then appear to be Jack, T.Mac and the skipper.

    Please enjoy ==> https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-h9VFff/i-SNMX97x/A

    The all look so small and under developed. 
    such a dark time 

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  3. 15 hours ago, Ollie fan said:


    You are clearly changing your own narrative here. In the second quote what you are implying is that Yze should have been the coach, not an assistant - but that was not what you earlier said.


    But then again  almost all of what you have said in this thread is rubbish.


     And BTW, if Yze - great bloke, great player as he may be- was so good, given that he was the midfield coach of one of the greatest midfield combinations ever, why did we often get beaten out of the centre?

    Because Goodwin wouldn’t take advice 

    He has the final say. 

    BTW I would have made Yze Coach this year (2024) my opinion 


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  4. 12 minutes ago, Demonsterative said:

    Yep, Yze had a career goal to stay an assistant and not coach one of the biggest sporting clubs in the country. 


    You are just being demonsterative now, when did i ever mention that Young Yze should remain an assistant coach…?

    His presence will be missed 

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  5. 3 hours ago, Pennant St Dee said:

    Okay just remember your place, leave the knowledgeable to discuss what is happening onfield and you can continue to wallow in your miserable MFCSS world. Then again it was you calling for Goodwin to resign last season after our loss to Carlton.

    I have no doubt you have never had to plan for a footy season and ride the highs and lows it brings whilst accepting and acknowledging how hard flags are to win and having that mindset that if everything goes right you can win it.

    You curse things and go through everything mentally what you did and didn’t do but you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater and you certainly don’t fail to acknowledge progression in developing players and continuous list improvement 

    What a load of self serving twaddle. 
    I would have Kept Yze and said goodbye to Goodwin at the end of ‘23, Yep

    Many Players have progressed to a point , but they don’t have the same drive (attitude) as has been there before. Too many Slow Starts 

    Goodwin is a very stubborn man, particularly on Matchday, and that was a big factor in Adem leaving 

    Take it or Leave, you have no idea Who or What i know about the MFC. 

    2 Cups have been thrown away, you may accept that, that is entirely up to you, but i certainly don’t have to Parrot Fashion your views. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Demonsterative said:

    SWYL (can I finish your username quote/sentence? 😳😜).


    Your black and white thinking (filth thinking) is plain boring and tiresome!


    Read the room

    No worries…

    Our Supporter Base is far more passive than i thought 

    Reading the Room 

    STFU indeed…

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  7. 38 minutes ago, Pennant St Dee said:

    Don’t expect the rest of us to be as narrow minded as yourself and others. 
    Theres a difference between being disappointed and being angry when there are things beyond your control which have massive impacts and don’t even think of going down the Grundy line with regard to matters within our control as it would have had zero impact on our forward structure in those finals.


    The supporters you accuse of not being angry enough are the same supporters you accused of accepting mediocrity when they brought to yours and others attention numerous times what was happening with the development of the team.  They told you a lot of luck in terms of everything going right is needed to win flags and we had that in 2021.

    What occurred in the proceeding 2 seasons is to do with human nature, luck and learnings.  Yes that word everyone hates Learnings, we started 2022 like a house on fire and fell into a decline, but let’s be honest what were to expect having gone in as reigning premiers for the first time in 57 years.

    But you want us to be angry that they couldn’t foresee that and that they couldn’t foresee the Petty, Fritsch and Melksham injuries. But then again that’s me making excuses and accepting mediocrity as opposed to being a realist

    Don’t tell me to be Passive, just because you are

    If what i think is not to your liking, don’t converse


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  8. 1 minute ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    If I’m in denial, I’ll happily stay in denial. I’d rather think about what might be possible this year, not what could’ve been last year and the year before, but WASN’T. 

    It’s in the Record Books so you can always look it up….

    2 Failed Campaigns with all that talent 

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  9. Just now, WalkingCivilWar said:

    But we haven’t… and mentioning it every five minutes isn’t going to change that.

    Premierships are bloody hard to win, yet clearly you and many others saw it as a given that we’d win at least three on the trot. Taking things like this for granted is a surefire way to set yourself up for disappointment. And no, I’m not saying we should hope for anything less than another Flag, but surely we don’t need to eternally dwell on the years that’ve elapsed. 

    Not as a given.
    We have the Talent, but not the same drive we had in ‘21

    We should have won both years, but we were beaten on our home deck 4 times

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  10. Just now, WalkingCivilWar said:

    I never said you should forget it or brush it under the carpet, but you’re going to the other extreme: you’re disproportionately dwelling on it, which is fine, it’s your prerogative. But need you point it out so frequently?????

    Disproportionately dwelling on it?

    It should be at the front of every post we all write this year


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  11. 1 minute ago, redandbluemakepurple said:


    After two years of getting a gazillion inside 50's yet scoring enough goals is an indictment.  One is entitled to expect one's highly-paid, highly-skilled experts to derive strategies and bed them in over that time frame.

    Thankyou. I truly don’t think Demon Supporters en masse are angry enough about the last 2 years. We certainly should be

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  12. 1 minute ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Don’t you ever get tired of pointing this out? Serious question. I mean, ffs… enough already. You weave this into pretty much every discussion on DL. We all know only too well: four consecutive home final losses, consecutive straight sets exits etc., etc., bloody etc. 🙄 


    What do you want me to do about it? Forget it, brush it under the Carpet maybe?


    so, no i won’t forget it 

    Losing to The Filth and Carlton in consecutive weeks….


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  13. 7 minutes ago, Roost it far said:

    I think 22 was forgivable, last year we let ourselves down massively in the finals........and before anyone says we only just lost those games.......please think first.........Collingwood pantsed us in the first quarter and a half and then we gagged in front of goals like a 12 year old trying to ask their first crush out on a date but just can't.........Carlton.......FME....we should of beaten them by 6-8 goals in a canter but played undisciplined, scared to lose football............injuries didn't lose us the either of those games.

    That’s 4 Home Finals in a Row…..

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  14. 37 minutes ago, rjay said:

    Good post 'BBP'...

    I must admit my inclination would have been to make similar moves to yours above.

    The Grundy T Mac one is a bit harder to justify as Grundy unfortunately proved he was not much chop as a forward...at least Tommy had some runs on the board. I might have been more inclined to take Grundy over of Schache but he wouldn't have given us a lot of flexibility. At least Schache could have played ruck, forward or back but we didn't want to use him, so not much point in him being there really...

    ...without being part of the inner sanctum I guess we will never know the logic of why we did what we did.

    You would have to think there was sound reasoning.

    TMac had no runs on the board last September. He was a complete liability in both games. He couldn’t move. It was actually embarrassing to watch. Unforgivable from a Selection pov, but it was done not once but twice, whilst 2 fit blokes were not used. 
    will take a long time to forget last September 

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  15. 52 minutes ago, Deestar9 said:

    I really can’t understand these incredibly negative opinions. We only needed to score one more goal a game last season & we go to one of the top forward lines. A few tweaks to our forward delivery & more importantly keeping our forwards on the ground will make a massive difference to our team. Get consistency on the scoreboard & that will impact our whole team dynamic. Name one team we haven’t matched it with & have lost for any other reason than because of our  “much publicised forward deficiencies”.

    The main problem was we had this same issue in 2022, and again in 2023

    Massive F50 entries with very low conversion rates 

    The issue was not resolved during 2023 pre season 

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