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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. 1 minute ago, Stiff Arm said:

    I put it to you that if we wait 10 years for new facilities, you might find that by then we are:

    A. Not in existence 

    B. Relocated interstate (FNQ Crocs, anyone?)

    C. Still in Melbourne city, but known at the Melbourne Kangaroos or the Melbourne Saints

    CRC seems the best of the current options, if we can get the funds and the deal is long term. But I am just an average footy punter, like you 🤷

    I understand we need a home 

    i Just don’t think The CRC will be the answer long term, but it’s only an opinion. 
    The real story is we blew it 20 years ago 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Stiff Arm said:

    So I guess you don't like footy being played at the G because it's the Melbourne Cricket Ground?

    It's possible for a sporting facility to walk and chew gum at the same time

    And i thought only Pies supporters thought in black and white...

    No Stiff. I am looking at the big picture 

    We should be pushing to get Training Facilities built into The New Great Southern Stand which will happen in about 10 years. Anything else on offer is just a tennant situation 

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  3. 7 minutes ago, No. 31 said:

    Caulfield Racecourse redevelopment plans mentioned in todays Herald Sun. High quality new spectator and horse stabling areas discussed, nothing about other aspects of the RC redevelopment (like MFC training & admin facilities) in this article though.

    Another second class tennant. 
    I wouldn’t go there

    • Sad 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, sue said:

    I don't care about their 'army'.   But imagine what a statement it would send to the AFL and their media hangers-on if there was a total boycott.  But as I say, since there is no way or organising that (eg. you and many like-minded, will be there), it just a vain fantasy on my part.

    If the MFC Boycotted QB 100% we would be labeled the Laughing Stock of the AFL. The snow jokes would be insufferable 

    I really don’t want to imagine that scenario 

    The Filth Scum already consider the whole incident with Angus to be a good laugh 

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  5. 23 minutes ago, sue said:

    It would be the best thing to do if the boycott was absolutely 100%.  But since that is impossible, I guess you are right.

    No. The Filth Army would love it if we didn’t show, they would crank it up 

    We need to match the bastards, Return Serves at Top Pace

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  6. 1 hour ago, Demon17 said:

    With you on this feeling.

    This Forum is providing some level of catharsis to enable us to vent, but I have noted on here other aspects to feel better. Such as the Duncan Wright incident and what I believe will be , or now is, Maynard's legacy for life. Thug.  Where's Rod grinter when we need him.

    I love the Dees still, but hate about everyone else associated with the game in positions to have a microphone and opinions, top of the list being the AFL funnily enough for denial of justice to Gus.

    Collingwood fans and behaviour after the Act is on another level altogether for hatred however which is why I will boycott KB this season, being a Pies home game.


    Don’t Boycott the Game. That’s the worst thing you could do. 
    Roll up loud and Proud. 

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  7. 20 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    There has absolutely been that narrative about Geelong, especially after so many Prelim failures. Scott was on his last legs in 2021.

    Pies, Blues and Tigers fans are feral, they also don't accept failure. Making excuses for this playing/coaching group isn't going to help. There should be accountability. Now that doesn't mean flag or failure, but straight sets two years running and a stale gameplan with cultural issues means supporters are within their rights to ask questions.

    Agreed. Binman just loves writing essays justifying his beliefs. 
    These boys can win more Flags

    With the right single minded attitude 

    • Clap 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Demon17 said:

    I looked at the O'Dea case and noted the victim in Greening was a Brayshaw-type player - all class, except O'Dea got 10 weeks - because it was on the tele. 

    Thus Wright's defence of " no Comment" to the police investigation, along with no tangible/reliable witnesses meant he walked- just like Maynard. O'Dea not so lucky.

    But Wright was a "good bloke" notes the Pies club website.  Just like Maynard.

    Gee, that's another similiarity too I missed.

    I'm signing off now and will follow Gus's career post- playing with love and affection.  My spies at the Club's launch had nothing but pariase for the feeling in the room, and the leadership shown by Max, Kate and trac I think.

    Go Dees.

    The Filth always praise their Snipers

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  9. 51 minutes ago, Demonstone said:

    That was an act of pure thuggery that left Greening in a coma and he was never the same player again.

    O'Dea was rubbed out for ten weeks.

    Maynard should have got at least 8, The AFL are going to rue this decision for Decades. 
    for at least 10 years we were told that the Head was sacrasanct. But obviously not when The Filth are involved. 
    Brayshaw had finished his kick and was wide open to the full force 

    It makes me sick to the core 

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  10. Hopefully Max is taking the time to look each of his Teammates in the eye today. 

    The Number 10 Guernsey should be in the warm up room wherever the team trains this year. 

    We need players to Step up and take responsibility as Angus did, so well. 

    Look them in the eye Max, as you did in early’21, when the Players all went away for a few nights 

    Look them in the eyes again, and get that commitment. 

    The Media want us to fold like a deck of Cards. They want us to bleed and go away….

    commitment 100%

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  11. 30 minutes ago, ElDiablo14 said:

    Don't get me started with the vile comments on Twitter. "Club is at fault, he's had too many concussions" 🤢🤢

    Yes. I just started to read some SEN Comments on YouTube. 
    i had to bail out. 

    It truly is “Us against Them” now. 
    We will soon see how strong this Club really is….

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  12. 8 minutes ago, DubDee said:

    man i’m having a bitter text argument with an old high school mate pies supporter. 

    wont admit any fault at all to maynard 

    he’s getting both barrels 

    I know the feeling 

    “Angus was just in the way…”

    they are pure…. (I am not allowed to say the word)

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  13. 1 minute ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    AFL dictated Maynard must not be suspended and threatened media with their accreditation if they pushed against it too hard.

    They're a despicable organisation, I've had enough of them.

    Of Course 

    The AFL wanted the Filth at Full Strength on GF day

    Ratings Bonanza

    The AFL would have made a killing with merchandise online. 
    Gill probably gained himself a nice little bonus as he quietly left the chair. 

    The evidence given was disgraceful, Angus was painted as the guilty party. 
    I hope he sues the whole lot of them, long and hard

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  14. 1 minute ago, demon3165 said:

    And over half the AFL supporters thought the same, I thought it was crude but they were the rules, but to lose a mate over, well that's your decision.

    I am well aware of the consequences, but my Hatred of the Pies goes back a very long way. 
    Victoria Park in the 70’s is something younger fans could never imagine 

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  15. 4 minutes ago, DistrACTION Jackson said:

    End of the year we will have a serious war chest.

    Gus - approx $600k pa

    TMac - approx $400k pa

    Brown - approx $300-$400k pa

    Tomlinson - approx $300-$400k pa

    We could have almost $2m in salary cap to play with, noting some of this will probably go to existing players.


    Yes. We have to get more ruthless at recruiting Top Line Stars. 
    we have done well, but i still think there is another step to take

    This Season, because of the way it has started is Crucial, if we can Stand up and Fight Hard, players will want to wear our Jumper 


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