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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. [The issue of knowledge is probably the only one that may hold him back. He clearly knows the game backwards, but the question is whether he knows the role well enough. What are you talking about???? As the Captain of a triple Premiership Team His Knowledge is more than anyone around melbourne for many years. Enough said. Voss knows discipline and self control to climb the september mountain back to back to back-Get Him. Take the chance and this club may become the Force it once was-Feared by all
  2. Voss is a captain of a triple premiership side. That experience is invaluable. No text book or Power point presentation can beat that. GET VOSS or at least make sure he is seriously considered before going elsewhere
  3. Gardiner made the right Decision. A tough one but correct. For the club to wait till the end of the season before making any coach changes would have harmed our sponsorship and Marketing opportunities dramatically. ND would be aware of this aswell. Neale made the right call as well. 2 goals to half time against Richmond was the last straw. For all his positives it proved Neale was no longer able to get the best out of the players, even though it was shown that the players did have his respect. I have always been an ND fan but i saw problems after round 1. We looked Static and flat. ND as far as i am concerned will always be part of the Demon family but i hope we can get Michael Voss to coach us, but whoever the board elect i shall support as i know the search will be and should be exhaustive. Voss was the captain of a triple Premiership team-you cannot beat that as long as he is a good communicator. Guy Mckenna is also up there, I would hate Voss to coach Carlton-Those Bastards deserve Nothing!
  4. I would look closely at Harvey-as Sumich is odds on at fremantle i hear
  5. I was one of them-This club has under achieved since 1965. Enough is enough. We carry the name of our city for christ sake
  6. We get to play 'em again this year too-about bloody time
  7. Most of you seem too have forgotten Brad's effort in the Final last year against Fremantle. Small minds forget rather Quick. I think its great that Miller got 6 last week For Sandringham. I would keep him back there for a couple more. Work on his Marking and kicking-coz he knows where to lead. He just might get there, I havent forgotten that game last year
  8. The Long term Benefits of this alignment will be HUGE. Just wait till those new facilities are built. This may have saved the demons Long term and given them another chance at being a Power Club-Like "Big Kev" I'm Excitwd
  9. Pettard playing Cool Hard Footy in front of 70,000. He is the deal
  10. Let us hope the Jones Boy and Brock Mclean play together on the MCG for Many years to come. Far as I am Concerned rite now These two players are the only "Completely Untouchables" list-oh and Pettard. It is great to see no 15 belt down the members wing again. takes me back to my childhood with watching Stanley Alves
  11. Cam Bruce gives his Heart and Soul to melbourne-Yes he"s probably playing with an injury, but because of the Situation has Continued to play-GET OFF HIS BACK
  12. I disagree-yes st.kilda have had injuries but not the key position players that we lost. a forward line with gherig riewoldt and kosi should still be kicking goals. There is trouble at mill at st.kilda. my bro is heavily involved with coteries down there and he was shakin his head last night. that club is in trouble
  13. We lost 9 in a row because of early crippling injuries that then unbalanced the side completely. Look at Moloney who is now injured because of over work to compensate. We are in much better shape than st.kilda. Demons will win far more games than lose in the second half of season-That said i still believe every player is on notice, Perform or out-we must play tough
  14. People are talking about swapping Miller for Riewoldt???? HaHa thats Hilarious-But St.Kilda are that Loony they might just go for it!!!! Bring me Whiskey
  15. If the club gets tough then people cannot call us [censored] weak. it's that easy
  16. I was furious last night. i don't care what Kevin Bartlett says-This rule change stinks
  17. 90 seconds away is just not good enough. That's my point. I will use north as a guide, After Carey stuffed up i honestly thought that club would die, but they toughed it out. Would Melbourne have come through under the same circumstances???? I doubt it
  18. I have followed Melbourne since 1970- we have a chronic "Losing" culture that has to be addressed. I don't blame anyone but it cannot be avoided. St.Kilda, Footscray and Geelong have the same problem. Everyone at the club has to be put on notice-I thought we could challenge for the flag in March!!!! Look at the train wreck that has followed. The players have been giving there all-i can see that, but its not good enough. Why???? Is it our lack of training facilities, lack of "social club Home" all of the above What Robbo said in the paper was correct-don't just blame ND Blame everyone-The whole club musst have a clean out. Look at the Kangaroos they have beeen on a shoestring but they will not lie down- we must find that Recipe or else we shall not survive. I am Sick and tired of accepting 2nd best
  19. I sit in the members and yell my guts out-don't generalize. Everybody is [censored] off at the moment 9 losses is hard to stomach for everyone
  20. I don't care about the margin- 1 point is enough, although above seven makes it safer!! I just want to have a beer after the game. I don't ever stay for one if we lose and i'm getting bloody thirsty-Fire up Demons please
  21. Sadly we have no chance-Even without the injuries our club looked atale and slow in round 1. Before everybody jumps on my back, Let me say this-We do not have a winning culture at this club. It's been too long. How we get it back i am not sure. If this club does not get ruthless soon we will die. Look at last weeks attendance. I don't blame the players or officials, its a whole club feeling-The joint is stale and needs a total Rennovation. Victorian clubs are just making up the numbers-thats an AFL Fact. Weat Coast get Compensation for Cousins!!!!! How dare they. How do we compete with that????? Sydney who went broke Numerous times are now leading the pack while Victoria is being Sucked Dry. Call me Cynical I don't care. I am watching the great Victorian Icon be taken from us and i am not happy. No we will not beat sydney tomorrow-the team will fight and have a crack but that will be all. Hope i am wrong!!!!
  22. Of course Aaron can improve-he's starting his fourth season, as long as those hammies stay in good order
  23. I will always remember sugar and Gerard walking off the ground arm in arm together thinking the same thing. "Gerard you missed out"!
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