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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. You are correct to a point over the last few years, but there is no reason to kowtow to the Faceless AFL for the Future. I will not watch this club Roll Over and be dictated to, This is the perfect timew to Stand Up and say no. Right now. A white strip against St.kilda??? Last Time i looked they have neither read or Blue in their Jumper or shorts, but they do have white. FIGHT THE POWER old dee. we are red & blue
  2. Well said, this is the perfect opportunity after wearing white against St. kilda to say NO. If we need to wear a more Red Jumper against certain teams or a more predominantly Blue Jumper Fair Enough, But this white arguement is just incorrect. Stand Up Melbourne, if there is a fine for not wearing that Rubbish-Tell us all what it is and lets get the arguement out in the open....Red & Blue only.
  3. Cause & Effect is exactly right-The Effect a bad Loss has on our younger kids when our Older "leaders" go missing is bad. The Effect being our young kids full of potential see Mediocre performances & bad Habits during a game creep in. That is the Effect that worries me. I know very well the long term goals-But at present we have hit a wall and some adjustments need to be made.
  4. Did we really wear a white clash strip last week against St.kilda?? Well that just backs up my arguement from all along doesn't it-These Alternative strips are not used for "Clash" purposes. They are a marketing Tool, that the AFL make a cut out of. Playing in a white jumper against St.kilda-How ridiculous and down right arrogant AFL. If we must wear this Rubbish it must be Red & Blue. Essendon do not wear white in a clash strip so why should the MFC??
  5. The only assumption i am making is, that i am worried you are content with Insipid performances like the adelaide game, a game where Jack Trengove was directing senior players for part of the time.Jack is class yes, but there are way too many passengers away from the MCG on our list-so to be content is just not right 25. But you are entitled to an opinion mate
  6. I agree. My impression is that a few things inside the Footy Dept. are not quite going to plan, and a little "tweaking" is needed-nothing drastic-but it looks like the other sides have us good and worked out right now. So we have to work out new strategies.
  7. Yep i have looked at the Draw of both clubs over the last 6 weeks. And Richmond have won games interstate on enemy soil so i reckon they are way ahead of us sadly, and it hurts me to say that. Considering we smashed them in round 5. People were predicting the Toiges would go winless this year-Far Far from it now.
  8. I agree. I want Jimmy to lead our club to success, but i wonder if some of the players are not putting in their share on match day, which is why they are so well paid. No i am not a Lawyer, just a very passionate supporter who has seen this club stumble so often over the years-It has got to learn to stand tall, or no amount of other work will help.
  9. You Forget one thing. If kids are taught the right way by good teachers they learn real quick. which is why i ask the question. Hardwick seems to have sorted out quite a bit over the last 6 weeks whilst we tread water at best.....so it's worth asking. (and no i do not want bailey sacked-I want him to be a better coach)
  10. But that can never Happen. The Reguiar season should be treated as 22 games of equal 4 points. If you Win Great-If you lose, not good enough and why? The Finals should all be treated like GF's. That's the time to excell. The Home & away is the time for work. We as a club have always struggled with playing 22 rounds as long as i have supported the club.
  11. I am not blaming anyone, i merely asked a question. If you have a group of kids with less than 50 games in them this is the perfect time to Get the Fundamentals of the Game into them. And i consider a rolling defensive zone a modern Fundamental-so if the team doesn't know how to play that style, which has been around for over 3 years something is lacking....
  12. Happy with todays effort were you??? Sorry for speaking my mind-I am sure nobody inside the club is worried that i speak openly, with always the best intentions. My wish is for this club to be a Power again over a long period of time, & not a mere Doorstop like Fitzroy ended up.
  13. But why don't we know?? These Guys train Daily now-Have team Meetings, everything is viewed on laptop over & over, so why do they not know? Is it our teaching Staff? I was always taught that ignorance is no excuse. So i wonder how long we can use those types of answers? Maybe its time to actually learn rather than hide-Head down in the study & Learn....Just an idea.
  14. Sure, well let's hope so...Because Remember..."Failure Requires no Preparation" So if nothing changes at least i will know that you are satisfied. That's a comforting thought!
  15. Can't agree with that. Not all the Team is Young-we have many senior players in our current side. Opposition sides all have young players too . Our Team attitude is not right-10 years of losing on the road & you are content? Maybe the players are like that because they know they can get away with it. "oh the supporters won't mind-they are content" Interesting thought that....
  16. Great Article Emma.... Jared I hope you succeed individually & as part of the team because you now understand the merits of hard work.
  17. Excuse me...You are content with the adelaide Performance of last week??? Am i reading that correctly??
  18. We have shown Glimpses of great improvement-Brisbane Game. But the Follow up games to Good Performances have been woeful-As in Game over 5 minutes into the first Q. That is the Biggest Worry. If Dean Bailey & his crew, along with jimmy & his crew can fix this "attitude" problem, because that is what it is. We treat a big Game as a GF, Have for years, The Following week we have nothing left. Until we treat all games as merely 4 points in a season of 22 games then we will struggle,
  19. I have been Following the Demons for 40 years so do not question my loyalty. If you think the performances against adelaide and West Coast are acceptable-Fine, But i do not. And for that matter i do not mind if everyone on here disagrees with my sentiments (which have always ben very pro Jimmy) But i will never accept soft performances against a very ordinary performing Aselaide & West Coast.-Both of them are shite this year. Your Comment on dynasties-a little difficult to work out which side of the fence you sit on. You have had a bet each way!! BTW if we had Beaten North Adelaide and Wet Coke we wouldn't have needed to bounce back-we would have just won-cool that's the object. We were Beaten in all of those 3 games bfore the Games started. We Beat Port by one point. Remember....
  20. Comparing our game to essendons game against the Crows is just making an excuse (again) Our Game against adelaide totally stunk and that is the only way to describe it. At 1/4 time-Game over. Shite effort.
  21. I agree completely & yes i know it is a long Job-But Last week when Jack Trengove was out there trying to fire up our senior players-That to me is a very deep Seated Problem. Maybe what i need to say in this thread is that i don't think enough of our players are giving Jim Stynes the Respect & Commitment he deserves. Not just at the MCG, But every week. It's not good enough, considering what the Great man going through is Doing for this great club.
  22. First-I have read the article twice and i like it, & thank the stars above that Jim Stynes is our president, because without him the Media would have hung this club out to dry. Over the last 3 years we have had the Best Honeymoon of any "Rebuilding" club. So we are plain lucky-But without on field commitment to the jumper from the players each week that Media Tip Toeing around the MFC will not last Second-Why do you wish to separate the Board from the players? We are all in this together. If the players do not perform to their best, we shall never be a financial powerhouse as you wish. I think that is one of jimmy's great strengths, that he is uniting the whole club as one-This club has been fractured since 1965. But without success on the field, even the greatest boards will not be able to perform miracles. If you want MONEY and RESOURCES to be ongoing at the MFC, we have to be performing at a very high rate every week, and if we do get Thumped-TO BOUNCE BACK HARD the next week. From winning one gets good fixtures TV Prime Time. Top Sponsorship exposure, stadium revenue etc etc. The Board and players should be reasnoably close in so much as they know they are all working for the one Place & cause. Third-Why should we never expect to win?? Between 1954-64 You Bet this club expected to win. Between 1971-91 Hawthorn ALWAYS expected to win, and they were pretty good at it. I wish the Jimmy Stynes Led Demons to create that same dynasty. If that is not your wish ox_5 i sympathize for you. But to be the Best you gotta be tough & ruthless. At present you accept mediocrity mate-LIFT!
  23. I think you are the narrow minded one. You have obviously accepted these soft beatings for many years. Yes all clubs have had these kind of beatings. BUT WE HAVE THEM REGULARLY for decades now, So NO the CLIB DOES NOT LEARN FROM THEM...as yet I HOPE THIS Board can address this problem.... and please so not use the Geelong 2007 Loss to collingwood as an example of similarity to us. We have many stairs to climb before we can claim Geelongs position. After losing the 2000 GF we couldn't even make the finals, let alone go one better. So once again i hope Jimmy & His Board are the ones to finally "exorcise" the '65 Curse.
  24. I hope your right!! i hope we play well every week, unlike some who think its ok to take the foot off the gas and coast home....soft attitudes never win.
  25. Its pretty hard to stream i have found, you are better off finding a hotel or sports bar and having a few quiet ones..More fun also. Last nights world cup game was a cracker with a full pub!!
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