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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. I use Hodge as an example of a cricketer who was never given nearly as much chance to prove himself as others have been. I never said Hodge should be used now RR. His time has passed sadly.
  2. Fair call, but does it give it give Hauritz the right to play this summer? I don't think so, but he may well do so because there is not enough time to make a replacement. Does that mean the selectors have been doing their job Fully?? It is a tough call 50/50 I think the biggest problem the ACB has is the Handing out of the "Golden 25 Contracts" (i think its 25) I do not agree with that at all. That just causes to big a gap between those that do & those that don't have. It also gives the Golden few the chance to lose that edge & get away with it IMO. It's the same philosophy as a long AFL contract eg 5 years. I don't like them as too many things can change in that time. 1-3 year contracts i favour. You play well you get rewarded. I think in some ways we are seeing the ACB backed into a corner of it's own making, and the results are the current Test Team. I have never liked the Golden Contracts concept, Each player should be able to make a claim for a spot on form and mental toughness, and not so much on a long term Handshake to the lucky few.
  3. I am sure they do 45-Far more than i have, and i wish they would take a few more risks, that is just it. The Bowling of Hauritz on the last day just gone, could not have been worse than someone else, but he keeps getting a game.! Why? Imagine if Donald Cockatoo Collins was played for MFC week after week just on the off chance he would produce a "Blinder"....The Selectors would be lynched by the members. What is the difference with the Cricket selectors?
  4. Cameron White should be in the side, i have already mentioned him, but of course he is a victorian!! silly me. I used G S Chappell as an example only (Big Changes have been made-Not) Hilditch deserves to face the media no doubt, He is protected species for sure on a good (part time) wage!! Lets see how G.S. Chappell goes in the next few weeks, as he came from the Australian Cricket Academy he should have good information on the young players around the country. It is a better option than playing the 3 "list Cloggers"
  5. I agree with you RR, i know Test Cricket is a Tough Gig, 11 spots-1 mistake as a batsman and that's your day finised-i understand all that. Yes the selectors have a hard job for those and more reasons, In the case of Hussey though its not a case of him being out of form. He is past his best as a batsmen. It's not his fault, happens to us all. So i can't see the point in playing him any more. North has been way to Hot & Cold, & has had a dream run from the selectors. Brad Hodge comes to mind, imagine if Brad was given all those chances, A lot of the problem comes from the fact that we the Public do not know the selectors agenda, they are not accountable. Time they were IMO. Hauritz a 5-6/10 is probably fair, but is that a reason to continually play him-is he ever going to be a 7-8 player? I doubt it, we are not going to get any more out of Hauritz. This situation is not a new one, we all know that. And yes i will admit, i don't know all the young replacements around the country. But playing the 3 afore mentioned i see no gain for anyone. While Cameron White for one is not being played. If he was from NSW he would be in for sure. I do not expect all cricketers to make 50-100 runs every innings & bowlers to take 5 fors each match, but when they continually fail and the average just keeps plummeting it is time to move aside. Have some faith in raw kids, and come out and tell the public. Then we will be cool about it. But if the current team stays the same for the ashes series & Punter keeps telling the Media that everything is ok, & we played good Cricket in patches-People will not watch or not turn up to games. The selectors should become more transparent..take some chances, & it should have started last summer against the Paki's as i said earlier.
  6. Just enhances the "Best Available" scenario doesn't it. As has been stated in previous threads if you have too many gun Midfielders you can always draft them out for Top Currency at a later date. But an ordinary player who was drafted for a particular reason will always be ordinary. That said i reckon the Richmond "culture" has not helped these guys. Will be very interesting to watch the development of Richard Tambling in Adelaide. He could be another Rohdan.
  7. So you are saying North Hussey & Hauritz are contributing enough to the Australian XI both now and over the last 18 months are you? Sorry i don't, and thus they are taking up places where younger players should be getting a go. Thus List Cloggers is fair enough-not a nice name i agree & Harsh, but enough is enough. Is it a possibility that our Test selectors are too conservative??
  8. Correct TU, but don't you think these were things we already knew before the Indian Tests were played? That is exactly what frustrates me.
  9. But we did not lose that day. We actually had a Massive win. I hate losing, But i knew what we had won.
  10. What's there to Hide? We all know that the club planned as well as it could to win no more than 4 games last year. The Prize for Jordan's MAGNIFICENT kick was the first 2 Draft Picks. Who cares what other supporters are saying....Collingwood Tanked in 2004-5 does anybody worry about it now??
  11. Sorry RR I Forgot for a moment that you are always Right. The 3 List Cloggers i have mentioned should not be in the team ok, they prove nothing. Smith should have played more during the year, but its too late for the ashes now. So it's going to be more of the same. Channel 9 must be stoked.... Thus my point that the indian Tour proved nothing.
  12. That is meant as a joke i do hope....!
  13. Jordan is a candidate for the Grog Monster in the coming months. He must be reminded of that result Daily.
  14. I wish i could get hold of SEN's call of the game, it was truly priceless. I was singing Grand old Flag, but yes must have been surreal at the game! I couldn't make myself go and barrack for a loss-I wanted to but my conscience just told me to stay home and listen-i am glad i did. Cheering for Richmond in public is WRONG!!!
  15. HaHa! I was having a Bath when that goal sailed through, and as the radio Roared i leapt up into the air and punched the sky, and utterly soaked my entire Bathroom....But i did not care!!! Happy Happy Joy Joy! B)
  16. Yes i was thinking that yesterday, but after a while the brain would just not register smell, 69 days is beyond comprehension. How did they survive the first 3 weeks, before being discovered??? That's a lot of canned food to store...Amazing story.
  17. We need a statue of him to be placed outside AAMI Park as a reminder of his generosity towards the resurrection of the Melbourne Football Club. B)
  18. Apart from Bolinger none of these guys have had a sustained run at test cricket, to build up any confidence, while M Hussey Hauritz, and dare i say North have all played past their use by dates. You are not shy to get stuck into Players at Melbourne who have stayed too long, so why not the Test Team. The Age and the Hun were both Scathing today of the performance today, are they both wrong as well?
  19. So you would continue to pick M Hussey and Hauritz? Personally for mine their time is up as players so yes "list Cloggers" We use the term for the MFC why not the Australian Cricket team, because that is what they are now. We all age, and our time passes. That's the way it is. I get the feeling on this thread people are too precious of the Aussie XI. We are all prone to bag the Demons at times but never the Cricket side. Time for The "Mr Cricket" academy or the Commentary job. Warnie may be out of line a little, but he is just frustrated-He may be a card playing [censored], but he does know how to bowl better than almost all, and what Hauritz was throwing down yesterday was below bad
  20. it does!! Jordie Mckenzie was the reason i stuck that game out.
  21. What!! you have friends who Barracked for Brisbane earlier this Decade, then swapped to Geelong after that?? FFS that aint on!!! Have them killed immediately.
  22. Exactly, & not since Robbie Flower. (Love your name by the way-i just cracked up at work!!!!) B)
  23. Sure they got 17 wins, but september is a new season & they had very little left after that St.kilda game. That's why Flags are so hard to win. The physical toll on the Geelong boys after 4 years would be immense (remember how many jabs the lions had during the 2004 GF) It will be Fascinating to quietly watch the cats next year.
  24. Totally agree, but i am saying it because there is still room for Flash to improve (a lot) to be elite, Right now Flash is a great player Gary Ablett and Judd are elite. I want Flash to get to that level.
  25. But that's just it. Geelong's best was gone, they had used it up over the last 4 years. Look at Cameron Ling in the Prelim, he could hardly move. The Cats were out of gas, apart from Ablett who i think may be an alien-His endurance is F$%^kin' unbelievable!! Interesting Geelong did no trading in the past week, i would have. Position 5-8 for mine in 2011. The Demons will beat them next year at the MCG post Ablett. And don't worry we are discussing not argueing!!
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