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Everything posted by dimmy

  1. Oliver Gawn May Mc Donald Petracca CHandler
  2. Clarrie is not old enough for Geelong to recruit !!!
  3. No....they are being built for concerts i.e. like Baseball stadia because we are continually trying to be American
  4. Up until just before 3/4 time I think Kozzie thought he was 195cm ,trying to take marks in packs. Stayed on the ground and he would have kicked 5
  5. Great to get a win in Round 1. Good start to the season !!
  6. Not Naughton , hardly saw him today. Could replace Brown when he retires
  7. Give it a rest . He has probably worked harder than a lot of players . Good luck to him. Besides he probably has more brains in his left foot than most of his perennial critics!!
  8. Yes, and there are a lot of schools who cannot afford proper facilities. The amount these blokes earn should be deducted from Govt Grants !!
  9. Pleeeeeeze get someone who can kick straight !!!!
  10. A few posters on this thread seem to think people are commodities. TMac has been part of the backbone of MFC through thick and thin . We must be a Club who bind through loyalties and I feel some posters do not seem to have a loyal bone in their bodies ! I recognise that both of them are in the twilight of their careers (bodywise), lets shwo some sembalance of respect !!!
  11. It wasn't his kicking, but his lack of getting the ball !!
  12. A bit harsh on Sparrow. After McVee the biggest improver of the year. Plus we always knew Rivers was coming !!!
  13. Not every player is a star (at AFL Level) . The cadets are Woewodin,Turner ,Laurie ,Howes The Gunners . Spargo ,Chandler, Tomlinson & Jordon come into that category. The Bombadiers (one step up) are Sparrow,Bowey,Pickett,McVee, , The seargents are ANB, Hunter , Langdon & Lever The Seargent majors (who really run the show) are Jack Viney & Steve May The Looeys : Rivers, Fritsch & JVR Captain : Gus Half Colonels Oliver Generals : Maximillius & Trac An army cannot have too many generals, Colonels etc because the mundane things in the "battle" are mostly done on the front. The quality of the leaders have a great impact, BUT so do the work of the Gunners. Point of this is that the role of everyone makes a Unit
  14. Bit harsh on Salem ,he was pretty crook earlier in the year. Brayshaw will never win the Stawell Gift, but IS a footballer and is FLEXIBLE. HBF,Midfield,HFF .How many times does he appear in defence. He reads the game.
  15. At this stage it seems we have: complete control of the draft a new rule to have 25 players on the ground a millions $ for Lynch (who is more than mature) Naughton who is suddenly going to consistently take marks AND is going to 100% cure his goal kicking plus would cost the Southern Stand if we were silly enough to take him. that Van Royen is a spud and Petty has retired The simple solution is ...........
  16. Agree wholeheartedly. Choi (who is handy),was playing VFL at the weekend and some are speculating that he is our potentially great saviour. There is a reason he is not a lock at both Richmond & GCS
  17. Do not want either,one sulks too easily and the other only wants to jump on peoples heads. Forget the magic "expensive" recruit !!! ANd forget about Lever as Captain. He would be waving instructions to everyone and sometimes doesn't follow them himself
  18. Agree with some of the statements, BUT Melsham (Damn) is on his way out account age, BUT could make a great Forward Coach TMac (one of my favourites) unfortunately is a bit "banged up" account of his role as a team player. Brown , I think we saw the best of him in 2021 Lets give some credit to Spargo (his efforts, particularly in the 3rd Q proved he is more than a list clogger) were OUTSTANDING. It is players like he and ANB who give everything for the team and bring a lot to the table. Imagine if Kossie had their workrate. . Rivers is only half way developed (Could be anything !!) Build his tank and he could be a devastating HBF or Wingman. JVR & McVee are still development players (1st year) Bowey is filling Salems role. But maybe trying to outmark Pettonet might be a stretch too far. Chandler has developed this year because he has been given a better run at it Sparrow is probably (apart from the immediate above) our most improved player this year. With confidence he could take some of the heavy work off Viney Gus....Some posters rubbish him , but he is the link person every top side needs: Grand Final , Clarrie's absence etc show just how valuable he is to our structure (allows Tracc to play forward.) Max is a generational player, but needs an apprentice !! Stephen May (see above) But Petty cannot be at both ends of the ground !! Turner, Woewodin, Laurie plus a few others will present themselves next year because they have had a taste (albeit small of what is required. Plus there are few kids @ Casey knocking at the door. Be careful about thinking that a magic recruit is going to change the whole place around . We have enough stars, just need to lift the quality of the foot soldiers. Have not mentioned Tracc or Oliver because they are the fifth gear we need ( ala Cripps & Walsh) Let us not throw the baby out with the bathwater by incessant criticism of "fringe" players
  19. We have two tall forwards ,but they were not playing ( JVR & Petty) . Had a strong sensible mid (Gus), not playing. Rivers will develop into a great HBF (Like Rioli). Kozzie will learn !!! We need a Petty in defence & trade Lever !!! (He was terrific for the first 15 minutes tonight but.....then turned into a traffic cop. May is the cornerstone of our defence so we need another May !! Spargo,ANB, more of please !!
  20. Bit harsh only a 2nd or 3rd game (after injury in his first). O thought he did not look overawed and shwoed a lot of potential (and I am not his Aunty!!) Bill Laurie has shown enormous improvement. Give him a few more games and he will be very handy
  21. We have been developing Van Royen and apparently there are a couple in the 2's . Let's work on what we have or can develop. If I was VanRoyen and got shafted for Koschitzke , I would be a bit dark. We lost Bedford with our impatience and to be honest I think he has developed this year ,so much so, I think he is a better long term bet than Hunter.
  22. Just let the kids grow .......they will fill out and be terrific if managed properly. We have been spoilt with the young people we have brought along over the last few years : i.e. Bowey (Salem Jnr), Rivers ("Daniel RIoli " Jnr), Jarrod McVee ( Tony Hardiman Jnr), Van Royen (Jonathan Brown Jnr), Sparrow (Viney's Love child ) , Kozzie (Jnr Wizz) , Spargs and Chandler plus Wowo Jnr. And that is just the ones I know about !!! All is good in the village !!!
  23. How can McVee be a Category A Rookie and be playing every game. Surely he should be a "must" sign person ?? (This is written as an informational query not a comment ).
  24. Well the choice was between Carro, Lloyd, Cornes or Eddie . I will take Danger !!!! But it will be some socialite from the Amateurs who went to school with Mc Laughlan or DIllon (I really should not be bagging him yet !!) . He/She will be portayed as having a broad business background and a full grassroots knowledge of the game (mainly through the chaffeur's experience playing out at St Albans
  25. Reading between the lines : ANB Nearly BOG Brayshaw : Nearly BOG
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