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Posts posted by PeterJames

  1. Nah he didn't kick it. Basically said players claiming they kicked the goal when they know they hadn't is cheating. To me its same as ducking your head to get a free kick, holding the ball in so the bloke that went to get to the footy gets pinged for holding ball. Also tried to relate it to cricket where you know you've caught the ball, this is in fact the opposite which has been shown time and time again that it can bounce just in front of you and you think you have caught it.

  2. Yep think its just all to tough for Liam. May need some time in the twos to figure out a defensive game. The way he plays he would need to kick 6 goals a week. He along with Petterd, bate and juice just don't know where to lead.

  3. Jurrah needs to be dropped. He is utterly useless.

    What happened to taking risks, going up the corrider. Coached to save his career tonight and it didn't work. Horrible performance from Dean tonight. Will rightly be shown the door at years end.

  4. Everyone I have heard has said he is playing. (media outlets i mean) Would never believe a caller on SEN. I could call in and say Jurrah Watts and Mckenzie have come down with the flu and they would play it.

  5. If we weren't so thin at the moment, I wouldn't be surprised if Jurrah was given a week to rest whatever seems to be niggling him. Unfortunately, with so many out he is just going to have to play through it.

    Or should they just bite the bullet and give him a week off anyway?

    Heart strings can heal quickly, just a few goals early is all that they need.

  6. If you can drop Moloney from the leadership group for having a few beers surely Davey must get the arse for his performance today!

    Moloney and Sylvia are showing leadership. I think one good midfielder (classy) short today. And a half decent forward.

  7. I'd get him in the boxing ring with Hank and make him go a few rounds then make him run as hard as Beamer does. We'll see how he feels after that. And someone named Hard? blaming the coach for this? maybe because he has been to soft on him for years. Never been able to cop a tag should have dropped him years ago. Really why does he not want to run hard and chase anymore? When is his contract up?

  8. Big Jack Watts efforts as someone mentioned. 2,3,4 efforts in one passage of play was great. He is really becoming a good player. He is so quick and has great hands. I for one doubted him but looks like he can be a player. Would also like to give Col Sylvia a mention. Thought he has consitantly played very well all year. Will be between him Beamer and Jonesy for the B&F. Funnily enough most demonlanders like to have a crack at these guys.

  9. Today's issue wasn't the spirit/intensity/effort. It was a lack of class and poor skill execution.

    We are always going to struggle when we have Bartram, Warnock, MacDonald, Bate, Petterd and Newton in the same side. Replace them with Jamar, Trengove, Scully, Grimes, Garland and Bail and you can see where the problem lay today. We gave away so many goals from turnovers and other assorted mistakes. When we tighten that side of our game up, so long as we maintain the effort, that's when the wins will come.

    It also doesn't help that Davey, Jurrah and Sylvia didn't play well. Three skillful players not living up to their ability, when we're already down in the ability stakes, hurts.

    Sylvia Played well. Don't mention him in the same sentence as the other to pea hearts

  10. Glad you brought this up. I just got back from this game, while playing in front of 80,000 must be a huge buzz. But two players for the tiges who stood out for me were Nahas and King. Players who i dislike and hate when we play them. I have to respect them after tonight. No they didn't dominate the gam but two of the smallest blokes on the ground had a massive crack, did there job and defended like there lives were on the line. While Davey and Petterd have far more talent both seem like it is just to hard to try like these guys week in week out. I like the look of Dylan Grimes too, has a dip. If we don't beat Essendon in 2 weeks we may as well give up.

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