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Posts posted by PeterJames

  1. If he does leave (I don't believe he will and hope that he doesn't) I'll blame his management.

    Do GWS have that much to offer besides money? He will be a rich man whomever he chooses. When he is in his prime he could well be playing in a Grand Final for Melbourne in front of his family and friends or leading GWS to a groundbreaking 8.5 win season for thirty more pieces of silver.

    His management have proven they are savvy when it comes to negotiating for a good money offer let's hope they aren't greedy and stupid in sending a bright young prospect to a potential basketcase and wasteland.

    His management have done whats in the best interest of there client. If Tom said I just want to be at Melbourne he will sign with Melbourne, they will not force his hand either way. They will give both offers and let him decide.

  2. I think everyone well mostly the media get carried away with contract talks. It would be a long way off a player leaving due to this. The player isn't really involved much in the talks. This is the role of the manager.

  3. Can't see why Bennell is ahead of him. Should swap those two and give MAric a good 4-5 games to show his worth.

    Bennell has showed he is scared and has little impact on games.

    Maric is skilful and know where to go, lacks a little bit of intensity and mongrel. Should be given a chance to prove himself.

  4. Yeah, pretty much the most obvious point in the whole discussion.

    As to moving forward 6 spots, it could be the difference between getting Jamie Bennell or Dan Hanneberry (or 10 picks would have got us Jack Redden, who we really wanted). West Coast wanted Bennell and we just pipped them to get him.

    Every year after the draft, teams rue the fact that a certain player was snatched a pick or 2 earlier.

    Moving up a few spots can be very beneficial, if your scouts have done their job well.

    Geez West Coast would be shattered they dodged that bullet.

  5. I agree with the Goddard comments. reminds me a lot of him without the big leap. I think the rest of the season will be big for Cale. If he can have a good couple of games it will do well for his prospects. He needs some confidence and to use him when he is open, yes Ricky Petterd that means you!!

  6. Davey shouldn't play in Darwin, fitness and form against him. Tapscott should be a chance, MAric should definately come in for Bennell.

    Will be good to have Bail in the side. We really lacked a defensive side on friday night, something Davey will not bring.

  7. Adrian Anderson is a complete [censored]. To come out and contradict what Jeff said shows how hard his job is. Anderson said there should have been a free kick because it was rough conduct in a tackle. There is no such rule, the umpires cop a lot of abuse and this is because no one know the rules of ur game.

    get rid of him asap.

  8. Thomas and Caro have no reliable sources. Anyone that actually knows the future of Tom would never say anything to anyone in the media. In the end the journalists have spoken to someone at Gws who think because they are going to make an unbelievable offer that he will sign. the journalists think because Ablett signed so will tom. They have a 50/50 chance in being right and will gloat massively if he does saying that they knew before everyone else and if he doesnt that he changed his mind after saying yes!!!

    For what its worth a good friend of many years is a player manager at a rival company and has said he has no idea about Scully (i ask him every couple of days) He reckons no one in the know would mention anything to journalists but they wouldn't mind a little media talk to bump up hs price. But from his end of players there has been no interest in GWS as there were a lot more players willing to talk to Gold Coast. He feels not many will sign with GWS and this is the reason they are starting to come up with such huge offers. He also states due to confidentiality he nor any other managers can talk about specific players which makes it even more strange that people are saying that Scully is gone.

  9. This is a big issue and it reflect very poorly on Dean Bailey. MFC have to look at other coaching options if Roos, MAlthouse etc are available. I'm not saying we should sack Dean Bailey before the season is up but he will have to show some improvement in these areas. Our effort on Friday wasn't up to standard with what was up for grabs, especially after a club legend had passed away.

  10. Out Jurrah and Bennel - Find a heart between you! Nicholson.

    In Batram, MAcdonald - We really missed these two .Tapscott if fit or maybe Cook.

    Why should we keep Jurrah in just because the game is in Darwin? That's rubbish.

  11. He is just so soft. I cringe watching his half assed contested situations. Harden up or get out.

    Not sure who is softer Bennell or Jurrah. So scared of contact it's sad. Both need to harden up at Casey. Everyone just has a go at Morton but those two always put in softer performances but get away with it because they are flashy players.

  12. I was at the game. three hour round trip, home at 2.00am so disgusted.

    1. the win/loss dynamic. we are definitely better than this. atm a win is setting us up for a loss and a loss is setting us up for a win.

    2. etihad is a totally different game. in the confined spaces it's like indoor soccer. we persist with our 'mcg game' where we whip handballs around and push through like a roman legion. meanwhile footscray are laser passing over distances and using angles to their advantage. meanwhile we are gridlocked into our heritage team syndrome whereby we are periodically unveiled at the mcg (like a classic 60's Vauxhall) and periodically win for the benefit of our nostalgic masses.

    3. the scully thing is corrosive, i don't care what anyone says. at least callum ward has his cards on the table.

    4. if one of carlton collingwood hawthorn geelong or essendon (or swans for that matter) had the cattle we have they would be scary.

    5. we have the mentality that high draft choices are automatically going to push us up the ladder. imagine colin sylvia at geelong.

    6. captaincy is messing with brad green's mind, last season is messing with liam jurrah's mind.

    7. scully is vastly over-rated ATM, if gw futurama want to give him $1m per annum plus page 103 in the sunday telegraph we are better off pumping funds into a similarly over-priced coach.

    8. DB is a hell of a good bloke and has had a good run, it may be time to give someone else a turn. the coaching position is a cruel and unforgiving world, no harder gig in football.

    9. get off cale morton's back. it's no point flagellating our non performing players we are only revealing ourselves as embittered perennial losers.

    10. Sean Wight would have turned that game round in the second half.

    My neck is sore from nodding in agreement. Very well said, every point is correct!

  13. Aussie will be doing it hard for a while, after his and his families great loss.

    I'd like to see the MFC help him through these dark times and offer Aussie a one year extention. On the minimum payments that is aloud in the afl, maybe even send a trainer up north to help monitor his fitness through the pre-season.

    Aussie is a must keep for mine, hate to think that this is the end of Aussie's career...

    I don't think that will happen or is fair. Aussie isn't up to AFL standard. he is a great guy and has talent, but will not get another contract.

    I also guarantee that Melbourne will do there best to look after Aussie and his family but gifting him a one year extension isn't right! Hopefull he returns to play footy some where in the Tiwi islands and him and his family are happy but MFC isn't a charity its a harsh business.

  14. The comparison with Storm is interesting. All NRL people want it to fail, they hate the Storm and we so happy when they got what they got. The supporters (most not all) fail to see the big picture with there sport and hence it isn't growing. They were to happy to watch Melbourne suffer and happily looked at picking up the players but failing to realise it was also the players who were accepting these deals knowing htey were dodgy. I don't think Tom or Ward will accept a deal knowing it is dodgy.

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