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Posts posted by PeterJames

  1. Barrett is full of it. Has no idea. Just making up wild figures to get himself publicity. Really dislike the guy and have had personal issues with him, confonted him about them via email and never got a response. Terrible person.

  2. Huh?

    The are the home team, they should wear their traditional strip and we should be made to wear cream-coloured tapioca, or play naked with a great big red and blue turban if required.

    I know it's there home game but if the AFL were serious about Jumper clashes they would make every team have two jumpers and the ones that don't clash the teams should wear. If we wear our white jumper it will still be a little confusing. But my eyes are average haha.

    I also hope the doggies go back to the stripe without the bulldog on it. Looked great the other week but thats another story.

  3. There is such a difference in the way Gold coast and GWS are going about it. You look at the coaches, Guy Mckenna and Kevin Sheedy. Mckenna all class and down to business. Sheedy should be a politician with all his spin and bulldust. Recruiters, grubby allen an absolute dog of a bloke. Gold Coast went quietly about there business and got most of the players they wanted on just above salaries we expect. GWS throwing millions at young unproven players on long contracts.

  4. When he did his press conference i was so convinced he was staying that i got a new jumper with 31 on the back.

    The longer this plays out the more of a distant memory that day becomes, but if you go back and re watch the interview or re read his quotes its impossible to say he's going unless hes a blatant lier, which is somthing im lead to believe he is not.

    If he goes then his integrity is shot (at least from a MFC / supporter / team mates perspective), and if he stays then some people in the media who are spreading this 100% gone crap should be given a big please explain.

    But nothing has changed from Tom or his management. Just horrible journalists claiming they have the inside word. They are just hoping like Ablett he goes so they can say they were right. Really they have a 50/50 chance in the end.

  5. John Ralph stated this morning on SEN that Cale Morton rejected an offer from Gold Coast last year to move for more money.

    Because GWS was offering more? But seriously he wasn't out of contract then. I hope he stays as I think he will be a very good player. Only time will tell.

  6. Not quite a dog, but Mark Stevens is blabbing further about Scully going. To be fair, he seems to be responding to supporters who have similar concerns to us. If true, the club must know. And if it is true, then surely we wouldn't be playing him.

    Terrible management, if anything it associates Tom with lying.

    StevoHeraldSun Mark Stevens

    @JamesNanks all I will say is someone I trust, who is extremely well connected, says Scully 100 pc gone. Sad but seemingly true.

    2 hours ago

    Well he should name the person. If someone is talking about Scully and saying he is gone he should name the person.

  7. Might be a twilight on Saturday. Will keen on heading over there now. Watch the foxtel cup game on T.V and it lookok then. Long distance between the goals and fence looked different. But can imagine sitting on the wing would look fantastic!

  8. this is so typical. Bulldogs lodge a complaint to the afl about gws breaching the player poaching regulations, Melbourne just roll over and do nothing about it. typical

    GWS haven't done anything wrong with scully. THey havent offered him or spoken to him. Maybe the reason he has come out and said this is because he has signed (ward). They gave him 2 weeks to sign. Interesting this is.

  9. Love the Adelaide Oval! Such a great place to watch cricket and would be good to be sitting on the hill behind the goals watching the Jurrah-machine flying for grabs (if he is allowed to of course ;) )

    So true was a great cricket ground. Not so sure after the developments. But would be great for footy i think, being able to stand on the hill and have a few beers!

    Would be keen on going over, can't stand that aami park. Horrible excuse for a ground.

  10. Ward 5 million for 5 years is just outrageous. If it is true the AFL must be so desperate to get GWS off the ground they are irresponsibly providing the Giants with bottomless pockets.

    They have broken the rules in doing this. Wonder if there will be any punishment. Highly doubful but it is clearly unfair for the Bulldogs.

  11. Mark Stevens is a grubby little attention seeker. no idea why anyone would believe him. He thinks he is far more important than he is. Absolutely no one 'in the know' will tell him anything other than a GWS PR person to drum up publicity.

  12. MArk Stevens is a [censored] of the highest order. He was the one hellbent on naming the young man from the Gold coast who didn't want to be named over the weekend. The only person that would know is Tom and I'm sure he hasn't told Mark Stevens.

  13. It is Beamer! Or Bowser!

    Great bloke and is well and truly leading the Bluey, only Col Sylvia could track him down I think.

    Also what does he have to do to makke it up the top there. Take Davey down and replace him with Beamer! (unless he is the last person on the right I can't see!)

  14. It is not that silly considering the championships have started. This is where most of the recruiters nut out there decisions. The obvious challenge is the ladder positions. May as well just do 1-25 as that won't be the order.

  15. I am actually happy he is with Lynch, seems to come across very well. I've said this before a family member was/is being looked after by Velocity and they are fantastic.

    Sheahan did look silly after that. The reasons made perfect sense.

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