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Posts posted by PeterJames

  1. Did you ask him about our seemingly step backwards in defence this year?

    Nah didn't harass him to much. Massive into Garland though and Frawley. Spoke about the Bombers and he really happy with there defenders. Thinks we need to get our midfield right in terms of getting beaten in the inside 50s and we will be a good side next year. Reckons at least two clubs have sought after Malthouse as a coach after I brought it up but didn't say it was the dees. Also said Dean and co were sensational and Viney was a massive bonus for the club.

  2. I was on the way back from Perth yesterday. Sat next to Sean Wellman. I had chat about a few things and one i was desperate to bring up was this issue. He seemed to think he would sign with MElbourne. He had no inside word just a feeling. Also mentioned that the word going around is that there isn't much interest in the GWS. Last year Gold COast had targerted several players and others new there interest which made it more exciting to move. This year he said players were holding out on the contracts to get a bigger slice of there pie as advised by there managers.

  3. end thread

    nothing to see here

    felt like i had two grade 3 students telling me that the other one started it, and i felt like banning them from the yard for a week for lying.

    Well said. Shows how sad society is nowadays. People want to believe it, thought it was a great story. Sad people still want to believe everything she says and that Nixon must have done something. THey don't want to know the facts but just want to kick him while he is down. I don't like him but if you get through the crap he has been so harshly treated it's not funny. It looks like he was drugged by her and set up. All he wants to do is move on, lets let him by never giving Kim Duthie airtime ever again!

  4. Before everyone goes to crazy, the pies will lose nothing if they challenge the decision. He will get one week if he is still found guilty, so they would be silly not to! Don't think he will get off though.

  5. I was listening to it and Mick never did accuse Maric of cheating. He said players that claim that sort of stuff is but he didn't know at that point whether Maric was definately cheating and that it was players who carry on with it which MAric didn't. Although when he rambled on about the wicket keepers catching it he lost me as its near impossible to tell sometimes to tell yet he thinks the opposite.

  6. Yep he was dead on correct. I think his biggest point was about Green, basically saying he was waiting all night for the easy ball.

    In fairness our two toughtest acts recently Morton (yes MORTON!) bump that concussed the bloke was paid a free kick against and Trengove who got three weeks.

  7. It's horrible he requires surgery and hope he recovers quickly but I wasn't having a go at him because of a injury. Its because of mutiple pea heart efforts over many years. His knee was fine when he was handballing in front of himself during the st kilda game. Hereally should be the one apologising to his team mates for the lack of effort.

  8. Beating the forward Press....hmmmm.

    Here's a novel idea....Sheperd for the ball carrier. (sorry to those young supporters who might not know what that term means...Google it).

    The current 'catch phrase' in football, besides 'forward press', is 'SPREAD from a contest'. I personally like to call it the 'kick it to me'.

    In my opinion the best way to beat a zone and/or press is to PROTECT THE BALL CAERIER. That's right, just sheperd or block to allow the guy with the ball the time to make and execute a good decision or to make ground up the field and then execute.

    From what I have seen in the last few years of football this basic act has almost been lost to the game.

    Imagine a 'high traffic' situation on the half back flank; hand balls flying left and right with the ball eventually ending up in the hands of a player in some space. Let's say it's Aaron Davey. ALL his team mates less than 15m from him now RUN TOWARDS HIM and RUN TO BLOCK AN OPPOSITION PLAYER, instead of 'spreading' (running away) to accept a handball when he ends up uner pressure;. The result would allow him both the time and space to locate a target further up the ground or to 'navigate' his way, by foot, further up the ground.

    To me it seems a natural thing. I was always taught to run TO the contest NOT away from it. And to protect the ball carrier too.

    Employing this tactic may be akin to what they do in Grid Iron but I am certain it would snuff out the zone/press pretty quickly once teams realise that, if we win the ball, having players spread all over the width of the ground (outliers) is just having players standing around doing nothing while their team mates are grossly out numbered.

    Essentially ALL the players without the ball, in it's general vicinity once we have won it would be focused on blocking for the ball carrier NOT running away from the contest calling out 'kick it to me', 'kick it to me' 'kick it to me'.

    Go Dees

    Glad someone brought this up. Its something we just do not do. Green a few times would rather try to get the handball than sheperd. I know he is a great kick but sometimes the best option is to sheperd the guy with the ball.

    Also with Judd, Carlton organise the stoppages so he will get the ball, they block and protect him as much as they can. This is what we need to do with Moloney, to many selfish players around stoppages trying to get the kick themselves, this also comes down to coaching.

    As a whole team we have to many players not wanting to sacrifice there game for the team. This is why teams like Richmond with King and Nahas and other like Essendon and West Coast are so far ahead of us at the moment.

  9. He wasn't as bad as many were saying last night. Jurrah has less willingess than him but everyone forgives him because he can take a mark and snap a goal. The next few weeks he does need to impact the game, i do believe he will be a good player. Just hope Dean gets the best out of him.

  10. Ah not many from that game. I think that Sylvia is now our best player is a positive. He has started to reach his potential and run hard all game. Get a few better players back and he will dominate games.

    I'll throw Joel Macdonald as a positive, i like having him back, we look more solid.

  11. I nearly choked on my late night pizza reading this. This summary makes me sick and makes me question what you think leadership is.

    Qtr 1 Melbourne player about to take ball Green chooses to not shepherd and runs out of the way of the Carlton player to try and get an easy kick. He then lambasts the player when he turns it over.

    Qtr 2 Has options inside 50 but takes a hero's shot for goal to an empty square.

    Qtr 3 One handed effort in the Carlton goal square resulting in a goal.

    Green as our captain makes me somewhat embarrassed to support this great club. The only thing more embarrassing is I cant tell you to choose over him.

    Glad you brought these up. I was thinking the same thing. Also one in the third where he gave a soft effort to try and quickly throw it on his boot rather than locking the ball in our forward half. Brad is not a leader at all.

  12. Morton deserve another week. Thought his early attack on the ball showed he had learnt he has to go at times. To be honest we were that poorly coached i feel I can't take it out on to many players. Jurrah has little idea about footy other than trying to do miracle things.

  13. Worst captain of the MFC ever, Leading Teams is a dud, Green is so far out of his depth it aint funny. Everyone tells me you cant have Sylvia as captain he is a loose cannon, but he is the only player we have that can lift his team mates through his actions. Green will not be captain next year, he may even not be at Melbourne.

    I kind of agree but this is about Dan Nicholson.

    Also give him and Evans better numbers!

  14. Hahahhaha. Look at the two teams. Look at them on paper.

    We are a 10 goal worse team. He coached to win the game. Had we played up the corridor we would have lost by 100.

    Dean's struggling but he'll be fine. The players also need to play for him.

    If i remember John Worsfold was the coach most under pressure 12 weeks ago. Now he's controlling when he wants to renew his contract...

    Why did we change our game plan for tonight? What was our game plan anyway? Play a loose man back and our forwards up? This was coaching ten years ago. He doesn't understand the modern game i feel.

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