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Posts posted by PeterJames

  1. no doubt bate has played well in past seasons, but dunn chases, tackles, has a bit of size and adds a bit of grunt to our forwardline, that without him we lack. he is one of our most intimidating presences on the field, and especially in our forward 50, and is able to get in the face of the opponents, and annoy them, which is an important role.

    Bate has attributes that make him a good player in a poor team, but he will struggle to find a spot in the squad this season, if we are playing good football, i think, i personally do not like him as i think that he does not use his speed enough to chase or pressure opponents, and will only sprint if he thinks he will be able to get a goal out of it

    This is perfectly said. BAte is a dinosaur at the moment and will struggle to get a game. If we make players earn a game Watts will not get one yet. It's no disgrace to make him play some hard footy before earning spot. I'll be worried in 2 years if he doesn't deserve a game.

  2. Gee we are an ordinary football team.... Frustrating to be a supporter of a team that hasn't had a back bone for 26 years and is regarded by many to be softest in the comp and a team that doesn't win contested footy.

    Pre season or not we are in trouble this year again. I am watching Collingwood atm and I look and think, there not a skillful team at all but [censored] they great in contested situations. Footy is changing.

    We draft players like Watts, Blease, Strauss & Morton because they have sublime skill but no heart. You can never teach courage and mongrel none of these players will ever have either of these traits cause they have never shown it in there life. Then you have a look at who Collingwood draft. Drawes, Sidebottom, Beams & Wellingham all players that aren't scared of body contact.

    I hate to player bash but gee I'm sick of complacency at MFC. Is it just me or are we actually a soft footy club supporters included? Can someone tell me why Jack Watts can't attack the ball like Hurley? Don't tell me it's cause he's 19. What are we going to be saying in 3 weeks when he's 20. Can someone tell me why Strauss and Morton are scared of body contact? I play footy as I'm sure many of you do and there is nothing worse when someone doesn't out there body on the line for the team. On the flip side there is nothing better then seeing a young 16/17 year old tearing in cause all they want is respect from there peers

    Bit of truth in that. The more i watch Hurley the more i wish Watts would have a crack. Maybe once he fills out he might go a bit harder but still no excuse. Morton is very soft but is good enough to get away with it. Blease the jury is out, he deserves a chance. Strauss looks like a deer in the headlights. Not so much scared of body contact but very slow in the big league. As campbell Brown said to him rd 1 last year "you are the worst player on the ground by a mile" I would throw Bennell into the players that need to harden up, he shirked it three times in a game last year.

    Lets not foget we have drafted Tapscott who will play footy forus this year and drafted some bigger bodied players this year. TIme will tell and we will know more in about a month i suspect.

  3. Much prefer the pies win. Take the childish hatred of all there stupid supporters! I don't like them but i respect them. They play better footy and are exciting to watch. St Kilda are not, there boring to watch and over rate many players! Did anyone else see Fisher duck his head when trying to mark last night!

  4. Contracts run out end of October so all players are still contracted. Miller could in fact start training with the group next month. All players including Bell, Miller and Junior are heading to China. He may yet play one last game for the dees.

  5. Sigh.

    I am not sure why in the world we would want to trade our AA and B/F candidate, simply because he is at his peak now and will be worth more.

    Yeah, let's trade all our young players when they reach 25, cos they'll be worth more...then trade the players we get with those draft picks when they become good!

    Mods, please lock this thread

    Well said... should be a like button on here!

    Too many flogs with to much time!

  6. Only read the opening post and i'm thinking are you for real?

    Beamer may well be captain in 2012. He should be and will will at least be in the leadership group. Sick of hearing people say Gysberts (who has played 3 games) Blease (who I have only seen last weekend for Casey and struggled at VFL level) Tapscott (last game for casey didn't have 1 kick! only 4 handballs) are going to take over Beamer. No disrespect to the players I have mentioned but they aren't fit to tie Moloney's boot laces at the moment.

    Don't forget Moloney and Jamar were the leading clearance combo in the AFL before his injury.

  7. And Morton os only 20? I think he will become a very good player. SO versatile, just needs a big preseason.

    Wona is a worry, we actually need a small forward badly. Bennel is not the answer and based on his form today if the season went on any longer he would be in the VFL 2's. MAric got a bit of it but sprayed it far to much.

  8. Bate is just to slow. Is big but not a strong mark. Is quite soft for a guy of his size, has the turning circle of a truck. To reliant on his left foot.

    Morton has more upside, again a little soft. But can take a mark. Needs to find some intensity. His skills are so up and down.

  9. I saw the second half of the magoos and Daw is a monster. A very big and athletic guy. He was flying for a lot of marks but didn't hold any. Just doesn't get himself in the right position. Kicked a couple and his skills looked ok but never got enough of the ball. Had his right knee heavily strapped.

  10. Also was the cheeky throw t Miller counted as a handball? It was right in front of the umpire! not sure how he missed it, we all saw it from 70m away!

    Do you know whether the game is live on abc this week?

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