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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. sorry i lost you, but i never said i was unhappy gfg didn't get a discount. i've always known that. i was just saying for those that might not know.
  2. but with 2 calendar curses coming in (grundy, hunter) we reversed the curse and turned it into a positive 😆
  3. i wanted ga plus reserved seats for me and 2 grand kids didn't want gfg for all 3 as the $200 for gfg was worth much much more than their tickets. In fact when you added gfg for all three of us it more than doubled the cost. in addition there are no grand final junior prices so kids pay full adult prices to go to the gf and the gfg doesn't give you any discount towards gf ticket prices anyway
  4. and the working committee don't all have to be sitting board members
  5. i double raise and there's a whole team of roosters in sydney and red'n'blue to boot......but no good looking ones alas
  6. we should run a poll on best looking rooster
  7. think you missed the point reserved seat option with ga - but gfg is mandatory (in fact gfg mandatory for all mbrships with a seat. ie everything except plain ga with no seat option) limit of about 12k gfg in total, therefore limit of 12k seats and already gorn if you want a seat you are stuffed, and it is only dec heard a rumour (very loose) club may be looking for more reserved seats possibly in nw area. if so these may be available for ga with no gfg?
  8. "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." (Les Brown) may the force be with us, dz
  9. with so many underground tunnels been built in melbourne and copious boring equipment why not an underground stadium and training complex? could be sited almost anywhere under the cbd https://en.visit-innlandet.no/what-to-do/gjovik-olympic-cavern-hall-p637833 https://www.tourism-review.com/the-first-ever-underground-football-stadium-news1276
  10. i don't think od said we need the gov to bring suggested locations to us.
  11. the greens and the 2 marijuana members effectively will hold the balance of power in upper house
  12. sure is......and why hasn't demonland gone into meltdown? 😖
  13. ru serious? you are the demonland record holder for facepalming
  14. could get a bit semantical we could be open to number of sites that fit our criteria at the same time as having a particular preferred site i'll put it as a 0:0 draw
  15. that's coz all the other memberships have a mandatory gfg attached, which limits it to about 12k i think in turn that limits reserved seats to the same figure only leaves ga options with no reserved seat options membership growth will be difficult this year if they don't increase the reserved seat (no strings attached like gfg) numbers
  16. that's coz you were locked up at the time due to covid, od
  17. just imagine if they had lost, od on second thoughts better not imagine
  18. their pathology is in great shape
  19. there is obviously an underlying pathological condition in many soccer supporters. this attracts them to soccer and then an excess amount of soccer attendance triggers this antisocial behaviour. just like excessive marijuana usage can trigger schizophrenia DrDc
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