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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. I tried dr google too, and this is what i got.....
  2. you must be related, red aine and her red mare
  3. ha, i find myself in a state of equineamity
  4. could've just gone with onya, would've fitted in nicely
  5. you should change your moniker to 'annie get your gun'
  6. i must say as a kid i remember footy grounds with a bike race track around the ground, so i suppose a horse track is not that much different - lol
  7. ....albeit very slowly
  8. well that's a bit of a relief now it's time to ditch the ex completely......no second teams
  9. yes, looks can be deceiving it seems peel back a few layers and what have we got........a bluebagger! i think you might be due for re-education, wcw. you can have storm as your second team, if you must
  10. the stuffed toy definitely gives you away....lol
  11. yeah, no need to stirr up the situation
  12. all this horse-talk is giving me a mare
  13. so what is the $400 per year for?
  14. make it action jackson and then it can refer to viney
  15. serves you right, red for not paying your protection money
  16. i did the same thing to my heel when i was 18 and didn't realise until i turned 40 and had an xray. i did know i'd hurt it but had no idea i'd fractured it. at the time could walk on it ok but jumping hurt. 😆
  17. and don't forget, wcw, an army marches on its stomach, so take plenty of nibbles
  18. i though the peptides went it alone with their own website, but that may have changed recently
  19. ru serious? plenty of seats they could negotiate for with mcg
  20. and a joint cba would be great........but if it would be fairer, separate cbas would be good ???
  21. another ralphy special......ppfffft
  22. good idea on point 2. player would have to nominate he's going for a goal, say within 5 seconds. then ump signals time off. if he doesn't nominate then he gets the usual 5 seconds (or whatever it is). if he nominates then doesn't shoot for goal, no probs. all sounds too sensible. p.s, if he does nominate and the game clock is stopped he still only gets a max of 30 secs, else play-on signalled
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