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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i have no idea what IP PA SI and TG mean. Even google advanced search was no help
  2. he did milk it just a little (not rance-like)......but who wouldn't. i'd rate it short of staging though, because he was actuall hit and with some force still a 50m but won't get suspended based on christian's rulings this year
  3. just forget the stupid rules and their even more stupid interpretations..... just what do you think the decision should have been (in the spirit of the game)? I reckon the priorities would be (in this sequence) 1. play on - probably this as contact was inconsequential (feel for the game) 2. free against hogan for dangerous contact - a real possibility, he had choices, and clearly 2nd to the ball, but the freo guy did go to ground, but probably just to protect himself 3. free for hogan for having his legs taken out - stupid, the guy was in the motion of picking up the ball and clearly first to the ball. he didn't dive at the ball.
  4. bernie can play midfield tagger next week
  5. how'd that happen? our score is now > than our i50's
  6. yes, but why do they always leave their spectacles in the change rooms?
  7. we could also have an umpires tribunal where they could be fined for blatant errors and a mro for conduct unbecoming, bringing the game into disrepute etc and being suspended making them ineligible for the downlow goose, gander
  8. given umpires vote on players for the brownlow..... ....how about players vote on umpires for the downlow?
  9. i just took my time machine for a little run..... ....and yes, the umpiring tonight was just appalling i'll keep the final score a secret......mainly because i am a sadist deep down
  10. between the railway cutting and the oval there is firstly a parallel strip of grass, then a parallel (i.e. east-west) pathway with an avenue of large trees either side. i might be wrong but i would expect this avenue to be retained (do you agree?) therefore, there is quite a distance from the railway cutting to the oval (40--50m???) and the (double) avenue of large trees would obscure (to some extent) the view of the ground from buildings over the railway cutting at least this seemed to be my opinion when i went and walked the area on the day of the saints game. what do you think cbd? or have i got it wrong?
  11. the north east corner is just a reference to where the proposed training oval is located in yarra park
  12. that was a game out of the bag, full of brilliant trys if anyone didn't see it, watch the "highlights" video on nrl.com
  13. the role of a small fwd has traditionally been one of the hardest gigs in football, and a graveyard for many even the best small forwards careers have been punctuated by good games and many average or bad games today it has probably gotten even harder with the forward press and the congestion and the demand for a small forward to be a defensive fwd at the expense of his natural attacking instincts and finding himself often in the defensive half because of the need to run both ways it's not surprising when you look at the total career of a good (permanent) small fwd that his overall stats might look a little on the lean side. quality doesn't always get measured well by stats
  14. can have 2 interpretations, od " The Demons confirmed there would be an administration building on top of the train line----- but only goal and point posts------ on the playing field <<<< which is >>>> in the northeastern corner <<<< of yarra park >>>>." i prefer this interpretation myself
  15. horrible game rugby maul + small ground = super maul maggots at it again.....show ponies, no feel for game
  16. certainly don't use it for study anymore
  17. if we lose to freo ..........don't bother reading joeboy's "my three word player analysis v freemantle". it won't be pretty ..........in fact stay clear of demonland for a few days unless you are a masochist esp if feeling suicidal
  18. afl rules don't apply for #freekickhawthorn.......they just become elastic guidelines.......much like the maggots
  19. according to the hygrometer in my study, it implies that 65% is the point between "normal" and "very humid" but i don't trust my instruments ?
  20. absolutely moonie, but he was still a midfielder not a permanent small forward mids used to score a lot more goals in those days compared to now, at least the good ones did. suspect today a mids role in the forward line is not so deep and to keep the ball locked in the forward half. totally different game structure now with 30+ players ending up in the forward half most of the time
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