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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. you mean the machines that make the ATMs....what's wrong with that?
  2. if i was a lawyer, i could (would) argue anything.......alas i'm not
  3. if greene was rubbed out for the dogs game as he should have been...... then bears would have won last week. green was bog and bears only lost by a kick so.....gws don't deserve to win today because they shouldn't even be there, and the club who should be [censored] off is the brisvegas bears needless of the above, the farce of the tribunal and appeal boards is a disgrace
  4. no greene, whitfield, coniglio, ward. filth just got an early xmas present next week colliwobbles against tiges - nothing better than another filth gf loss
  5. well he was the only one who played all 22 games, so not surprising
  6. "angsty greatness" - gold, luv it
  7. maybe fyfe is the "real estate"
  8. i'm surprised the afl hasn't set up a player's safe injecting room at afl docklands
  9. same as a pic i usually right click image, select copy image, then just paste straight into post. there are other ways too
  10. no doubt there is a lot of uninformed bs floating around and a plethora of apologists. interesting the afl's first comments were about willie's well being and supporting him, but nothing much about the evils of drug taking and abuse of procedure. they are obviously reluctant partners with asada/wada i think 4 years suspension seems a bit harsh (given my understanding) but it may be what they are forced to give, given the rules. also disappointed that willie hasn't at least fessed up if he had taken illicits recently, which seems logical.
  11. a hun article here today reported he was given a subsequent blood test and was negative for peds and illicits. it didn't say what the time delay was between the urine test and the blood test but implying it was soon after. not making any suggestions, just the messenger
  12. another graduate from the university of the bleeding obvious
  13. according to one report they were there and caught him red-handed, then forced him to do another sample but that was 3 weeks ago, so why the delay?
  14. great timing willie. hopefully they went back for more urine plus blood and hair samples
  15. not many filth games played in the 90s, moonie. Don't think i went there at that time. council lost patience with the filth with the urinals constantly flooding the railway lines.
  16. i always wore wellies and a gas mask going to vic park, followed by a very long shower at home afterwards
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