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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. melbourne did a gutnik? does that mean some informer initially dobbed them in to the mfc? just trying to understand
  2. odd that you just selected news service. over $1B funding is for a bit more than just news. FB can do it for nothing (well have been) i also have my reservations about "surveys" and the "questions" they ask. funnily in all my years i've never been polled for my opinion on the abc i don't consider myself "conservative" or "right". I'm a bit all over the place depending on the issue (but generally never on the extremes). what i do dislike is idiologues or people who find it necessary to align themselves exclusively to a political entity i definitely struggle to understand those who can't see systemic bias in the abc. i can only conclude it is because those people just enjoy being preached to by the choir
  3. where does the afl get their intel........have they set up a gestapo or just rely in informers?
  4. i'm not sure about de-funding myself, but an organisational change would be warranted (imo). disappointed with ita, thought she might have righted the ship (npi) anyway lots of people/organisations have done good things, but failed overall and still get the rrr's so i don't follow your logic take jack watts for instance
  5. could rename it dee-luded, od?
  6. i don't know much about skynews and never watch it .....but a true impartial media will employ people from both sides of politics including those a bit more than just a little either way of centre. i'd rather hear voices of both sides from a particular media outlet than just one side, especially one i am forced to pay for ymfyd if it helps you
  7. cherry picking never wins an argument no-one has claimed the abc never do anything well
  8. i wouldn't have said so if i didn't think so yes, maybe it's you
  9. why is that relevant ds? he claims the abc is decidedly and systemically biased, which i agree with. you seem to disagree the argument is not whether other media are biased or to what extent. The abc is unique being government (tax-payer) funded
  10. and the just prev tigers goal from a staged-for free was pretty sus too those 2 gifted goals represented 33.3% of their score neither side deserved to win
  11. well if this is to be typical of footy 2020, better make that asterisk a very big one
  12. huh? i have no idea where you plucked that from in terms of what i posted
  13. unfortunately ds, i don't have a crystal ball, but there are numerous ways to protest for change, but ultimately, despite whatever laws and sanctions you can come up with (which may help) it is essentially a re-education of how people think
  14. quite agree, racism in itself is not political, but it does get used and abused for political objectives
  15. i think that's already been demonstrated, ethan such a lack of innovation that some people think they can only demonstrate effectively on the streets in a mob
  16. or even less than one
  17. career had to start after jan 1980 according to chart header
  18. "demographic" centre of melbourne has always struck me as a weird concept that is hard to grasp meaningfully i wonder how they calculate it?
  19. specifically where in port melbourne could be used? i've read the (general) plans for the fisherman;s bend development and there are a number of possibilities i was assuming the land to city side of melb grammar sports complex which is designated as a new green area
  20. specifically where in port melbourne could be used? i've read the (general) plans for the fisherman;s bend development and there are a number of possibilities i was assuming the land to city side of melb grammar sports complex which is designated as a new green area ***** posted to wrong thread.....have now copied to the other thread "new training ground option" *****
  21. blazers?
  22. 15 years on demonland and you are surprised? now i am surprised at your surprise
  23. duck hunting season ends this weekend, so i guess that's when the relief starts....at least for the ducks
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