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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. hope that wasn't a freudian slip.....lol
  2. only thing missing was a cheese platter. liked the short appearance of the bagpipes, but
  3. laughable i only reflected on your wall of text post, proclaiming yourself as a quasi expert on virology, in a light-hearted manner you shouldn't take yourself so seriously have a nice day
  4. where was i specifically complaining about "it'? what makes you think i don't take "it" seriously? where have i shown any lack of gratitude re footy availability? really macca, did you have too many nasty pills for brekkie?
  5. amazing......demonland seems to have more epidemiologists than deakin university has professors
  6. thanks brett..........that really cheered me up
  7. well bummers little wet dream didn't last very long.....talk about hot and cold
  8. no weirder than kicking around an inflated pigskin and making big bucks
  9. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ and yes, i broke my caps rule
  10. i think the only way he will get off a suspension is to argue it was a block rather than a bump currently if you elect to bump and end up hitting the head you'll get 1 week if impact was low might have to appeal to the tribunal after christian gets advice from tom browne
  11. just loved the way we turned the lions into the bears in the 2nd half what a team
  12. obviously, ds, you'd no doubt prefer "go ds" ?
  13. what's not to like about this? a heart warming story all round to all those involved, take a big bow
  14. yeah right, blazers. logos and partner desks were obviously the watershed turnaround in our return to the big end of afl-land thanks schwabby (in anticiption)
  15. why is mcnamee bringing this up now? he didn't even get within a bull's roar of getting brown anyway what a [censored]
  16. i understand all the balls used during the game are to be wrapped in ppe and sent for cremation depending on the outcome of the game the umpires may also be cremated
  17. yeah, best to ring club. i've found them to be helpful in these situations......good luck
  18. send the filth to nt send norf to tassie solved
  19. did the mfc email you with a barcode to use for ticketing?
  20. if you knock all that off in a week all your teeth will rot and fallout, and you'll turn into a filth supporter so, suggest you clean teeth and gargle after every 200gm
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