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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. The AFL has moved the Bombers v Dogs game from Darwin to Telstra Dome to aid the bushfire appeal. I suggest they should move the Demons v Hawks game as well and give all proceeds to the appeal. More Demons and Hawks fans will attend the game and spend money and donate directly if the game is in melbourne. With more food and drink and admissions tickets sold more money would be raised for the appeal. If the same was done in tasmania it would only be a small crowd with far less chance of raising money. Imagine 20000 people giving an extra $10.00 each that would be $200000.00 for a start. If there were 30000 then much more. Come on AFL do the right thing for the people of country victoria who have suffered so much in the last few days, move the game to Telstra Dome and donate all takings including food and drink and the cheer squads can collect donations.
  2. Rollo I am sorry but I will have to pull out tomorrow. I have a committment that I need to attend to and yes it is of the four legged variety with a business meeting thrown in. Can I pass on my apology to all and wish the boys the best of luck in beating Talking Carlton. Jack will be able to demonstrate his fine coaching ability unfettered and could have his nephew as an assistant. Good luck Dees look forward to another fine rendition of the club song on the Net.
  3. He asked if anyone would notice if Melbourne wasn't in the AFL. He then intimated that no one would. I think for a person earning his living from football it was a disgraceful statement. I would pose my own question, " would anyone notice if Dwayne Russell disappeared from the media'?
  4. I hope Demonlanders know how lucky they are to have Whispering Jack writing for them. He sat next to me tonight and was on the phone posting for most of the evening. I don't know how he was able to relay the info so well as more was being said as he was posting the last bit. He is a talented correspondent.
  5. I don't know who ITGRB is and I wouldn't know the accuracy of the post. I don't know if the sponsorship was "fumbled" or the Lions simply had a better product to offer. That needs some examination. As for Stynes and Schwab saying "she'll be apples", would you prefer " we are stuffed and will be out of the AFL soon". That would be great for the morale of the team, staff and supporters on the eve of a new season. I share your wish for the announcement soon of a major sponsor for the MFC.
  6. Fair go. Stynes and Schwab both said they were confident of getting a sponsor with Stynes adding "before the season commences". The season commences on March 29. Today is the 4th of February. What is the problem? Why are they referred to as morons? They did run a debt demolition campaign that was needed to reduce the previous Board's debt and raised over $3million. The previous Board left the club last on the ladder and over $5million in debt. Maybe we need more "morons". ITGRB has posted his or her first thread. Who says it is accurate? It may or may not be. I am not an apologist for this Board but they deserve a fair go. The previous Board got ( 5 years ) and we ended up last and as I said owing over $5million. I can't recall them being called morons after 6 months if at all.
  7. AGM is thursday night at G. Don't believe anyone else is standing so will be elected unopposed.
  8. Hope they don't read Demonland. They are sponsoring us, could we be a bit grateful and use some tact when posting?
  9. Just throwing this out there for discussion. What if the club took out a full page ad in the Age ( one of our sponsors ) with the name of every member from 2008 and every new member in 09 so far, stating that these members would all support our sponsors and seeking further ones. If it was smartly worded it would capture the attention. It may assist with the chase for a major sponsor showing we are somewhat innovative and certainly help with minor ones. If the Age threw it in it would cost nothing and if we did it nationwide through them it would not be a lot. Maybe a picture of the team could be included with a caption something like " these guys want to win for you". What do Demonlanders think of this idea?
  10. They would have to do some serious work on the traffic flow.
  11. Agree that PJ has not hurt oppositions yet up forward but that can only happen if he is given time to settle in a forward role. Agree we need at least one "traditional ruckman". Maybe Spencer will get to that stage in time. Also agree that so far Meesen has been hopeless for his trade position. If he doesn't improve this year I would be looking to terminate his last year with a compromise deal. He will then be untradeable and would have to be delisted. He could end up one of our worst trades ever. I wish him luck, we could certainly use another handy ruckman.
  12. Rhino, I am a bit more upbeat about PJ than you. While he is not a "traditional ruckman" he can ruck and has the pace to get to contests. He also has more football skills and a ton of pace more than the "traditional ruckman" and can play in other positions. He has improved his marking and with our lack of key forwards he is an important member of the list. Not saying he is a great player but he is valuable for us at the moment.
  13. Was discussing Troy with my wife yesterday on the anniversary of the tsunami. Still very sad and heartbreaking for all family and friends. RIP.
  14. Another aspect besides the money playing a few games at Casey would be the coloseum effect of the Melbourne supporters. The ground would be full of one eyed dees supporters and the pressure on the umpires and the opposition would be enormous. Also the support would lift the team. I could imagine us being nearly invincible in time there against interstate teams.
  15. The main thing is that we start to play a good brand of football that will bring the crowd. I hate saying that I would accept losses but I am hoping this is the last year I will have to say it. The club must maximise every opportunity both on and off the field and I think most will agree we are not yet good enough. A couple of more young stars will only help the cause. In 2010 we should have a talented list ( hopefully ) that is ready to climb the ladder.
  16. It would not be a matter of selling it to Casey as they would not need to have it or want to pay for it. Rather like Skilled Stadium having a game there with a crowd of about 18000 would earn us about $400000. Playing the same game at the G would earn us nothing and in fact would cost us.
  17. Agree. I repeat again, get back to the bosom of the MCC. It will be our salvation. On all fronts, financial, facilities, football and image an MCC/MFC merger can deliver.
  18. Agree. I can see Junior, Robbo and Whelan possibly retiring next year and maybe one or two players being delisted or traded. That would give us maybe 5 picks and with possibly Spencer being elevated only 4 picks. We have a young list now and that makes it harder to change a list dramatically as players are given time to develop.
  19. I would cop one more bad year to get the two best boys in the country next year with two provisos: First that we blood kids wherever possible and give them game time and, Second that we play a good brand of football and have honourable defeats (a few goals not 100 point thrashings). With two more top boys plus others in the draft to be added to those youngsters we already have, I feel that we would be ready to start our climb back up the ladder.
  20. "We are also hopeful of making some important announcements in the near future in relation to funding and facilities,” Mr Schwab commented. This is the quote from the article that really interested me.
  21. You have missed the joke. He was a fictional character on Seinfeld that George pretended he was. He was supposed to be an importer/exporter. He is now working as a gopher for Mr. Pitt.
  22. He won't be the last player to get into trouble. Just hope the Melbourne boys behave themselves.
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