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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. This is my reply to the thread on "marketing at the MFC". "They say a fish rots from the head down and I am starting to smell rotten fish. " Funny!!!!!!!!
  2. Yours is clearly not an isolated example of an opportunity lost. They say a fish rots from the head down and I am starting to smell rotten fish.
  3. Other than being premiership players. We of course have many other premiership players!!!!!!
  4. Pity we are debating what is good marketing or poor marketing by the club. In my opinion to not find something to send out, even a card with some autographs is " [censored] weak poor marketing" end of debate. The only redeeming feature may be that it is a new young employee who as a result will be enlightened.
  5. That is disappointing and I think you should write to the marketing department. A failure to receive a decent reply with some kind of action would warrant a letter to the CEO in my opinion.
  6. Think that is a bit unfair on the clubDeeReaming as they must get these requests all of the time. There are many children out there who are ill etc who would love to be a mascot but obviously it is not always possible. The club clearly has a community conscience as can be seen from the Pink days, Berrys Street days etc. They appear to have got a sponsor for the gig which from a financial point of view is the aim. That might have with it a caveat that no other mascot is allowed for the price paid, I don't know. The real issue is has any other attempt been made to in some way make this kid a happy Demon, for example sending him an autographed picture of the players etc, or getting a phone call from one of the boys. That to me would be the job of an efficient marketing department.
  7. The Roos had 12 to 2 frees inside their forward 50 and scored 5 goals with several sitters missed. I could only find 3 people on the ground who performed worse than the Melbourne players and they were not in blue and white but yellow. If it happened to the Pies Lions or Swans their coaches would be counting the cost of their fines already.
  8. Absolutely correct. If we are to emerge as a strong club from the rabble we presently are, the handling of this situation is critical.
  9. I feel sorry for Paul. He has worked hard on his game and has improved markedly and yet has been struck dowwn a few times with injury just as he was getting on a roll. I actually feel he may have been leading our best and fairest. Anyway, get well soon PJ.
  10. Then find a way for the Tiges and Blues to each win 5 games or we are no chance no matter where we finish.
  11. Disappointing that Bate gets a minor hammy and is out so far for 5 weeks. Petterd and Moloney are obviously carrying injuries.
  12. Why is he a soft target? Because of his poor output. I think most Demon supporters cut players a lot of slack and give them a real chance to prove themselves. Yes this bloke has had injuries, but this year he has done a full preseason. If he is not currently injured then he is running out of excuses. This is his make or break year. I don't expect him to star, but rather be a solid contributor. At the moment he is not. He should not have to pull his finger out, he should pull his whole hand out.
  13. Bit hard on CJ, I thought he showed a bit and can kick. Didn't get much game time. Morton and Aussie showed they have futures. Garland can go back to Sandy for at least half a season as he is nowhere near an AFL footballer. White's handballing and lack of effort in the last line a few times cost us goals. Robbo, I think his time may have passed. One trick pony who when his trick won't work is useless. Finally, Sylvia has just about lost me. The most overrated high draft pick ever. Much improved effort by the team though and it gives us hope for the future.
  14. He will be better there when Bate comes in to provide another option and Dunn gets more game time up forward.
  15. He only did it three times !!!!!!!!!
  16. No he won't, he is playing for Sandy.
  17. Commentator described Valenti as having leather poisoning just before half time. He could be a very unlucky footballer given there seems no place for him on the list at the moment.
  18. Ok. Just a little sidelight. The great Percy Beames daughter, who must be in her 60's now and was a top marathoner in her day, still jogs around Caulfield Park every day of the year. She often has hair rollers in her hair and always says hello to everyone. She is a real character and has told me a few stories about her dad who was not only a champion Demon but a top cricketer as well. RIP Percy.
  19. Was just wondering why you use a picture of Percy Beames and not Russell "Rhino" Richards.
  20. Agreed. Given our current plight would any Melbourne member rather have Travis at 28 over Jack Grimes at 18? I think not.
  21. If true, I find that statement from our President offensive. As anyone who was there will attest, the meeting was a shambles, with many members unable to get inside and vote. In addition many votes were cast by people who allegedly had no interest in the club, don't support the club or probably football at all, and were merely named people on memberships purchased allegedly by a Director of the club. Considering the importance of the vote and the decision sought to be affirmed I found this allegation at the time disgusting and still do. It was not a proper vote and should not be referred to again in my view. It is used in the context of belittling Melbourne members. I have often heard that we should look forward and I agree, but especially not look in the past to a shameful meeting/vote.
  22. Redleg


    What the hell is the gameplan? I am too busy watching guys turn over the ball to understand what it is. A classic example was Wheatley ( the longest kick in the side ) running into goal from 50 and he handballed to a guy standing still. Possession lost and goal to Dogs. Go figure.
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