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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. Brian lives in Melbourne.
  2. I watched the Pies game on saturday and it was clear to me that the bloke who won them the game was Clarke the Irishman. Davis was great in the first and faded and Swan had a good couple of minutes but it was Clarke who took control of the game. I note that we appear to have given up on the Irish ( probably finances related ), yet we have the best Irishman to have played our game as our President. It is clear that some of these Irish kids can make it and I would be terribly disappointed if Jim with his connections back home couldn't suss out a couple of boys to try. I was at a function last night and saw Jim and his brother Brian together and recall that Brian was a Captain of the Irish team some years ago and a star Irish player and former Demon. He should be well connected back home as well. I hope we aren't ignoring Ireland. Other clubs aren't.
  3. Bob, what is the story on Dowler? Has he been injured this year? Has he got ability? Will he ever get a game with the Hawks given their talent? Is he worth chasing?
  4. Just gotta love those ego pumping posts ( I know it all ).
  5. Unlucky given his second half of the season. He was one of their best.
  6. Clearly no Coach would instruct a player who is 50 out and running in to goal to turn sideways and kick to a contest. PS. There was also a team mate 30 out on his own waving his arms for the pass who was ignored. It was just a piece of poor play from Maric.
  7. Very funny. I knew you had it in you.
  8. He has had an up and down year with some indiscretions, but given his last few weeks and especially the last round where he was Freo's 2nd best player and leading goalkicker, he is unlucky not to have been given another year. He can still play good football.
  9. Redleg


    I went off Nat at the Dome game but I am not so sure now. He can clearly do what Watts is supposed to be good at, taking a mark in the forward line. He is big, strong, quick and has an amazing leap. He can also play in the ruck and backline. He is aggressive in his tackling and if played in the forward line will help keep the ball there with forward defensive pressure. He is not a one trick pony. He will be ready to play next year. He would be a marketing dream for the club as well. Could he be the next Buddy? Maybe. All he has to do is mark the ball coming down and kick truly. Easy isn't it? Not impossible though. If we take Nat, Watts will wait until next year to nominate and we still might get him. I am truly confused.
  10. He is not the type of guy to walk away, he was pushed. Also he loves a dollar and a payout would be part of the deal.
  11. Redleg


    I hope to god Jimmy is not involved in recruiting, unless it is to use his contacts to source out a few Irish lads.
  12. It is not that simple, but as Axis said, if you keep your head, you can achieve a few deals this way that are loaded our way. Also, instead of giving our ND picks, we might be able to trade a player or two of ours to the other club.
  13. Would think he has been paid out and will not coach next year, if again. Media looks a good bet.
  14. Happy Birthday Jaded. Hope you have a great day.
  15. The problem with that is you eliminate the real use of the PSD pick 1 which is as a bargaining tool. In addition you set yourself up as a target for revenge raids in the future. In my opinion we have a real chance here to get 2-3 players with this pick. The first two are deals done using the threat of the pick, thereby securing a favourable deal and the third is by actually using it to select at PSD time the best available player. Not to do this would be a total waste of having the pick. A bloody minded attitude of just getting Warnock for nothing would be self defeating. How much better would our side be with three new players who are worthy of being in our best 22 than only one?
  16. Brisbane if the news is correct.
  17. And we would retain pick 1 in the PSD.
  18. Nice bloke. Got the most out of his ability. Good luck in retirement.
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