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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. So much for accuracy and responsible reporting.
  2. I think the Courts should all close down. According to some on here, if you are charged you are guilty. Bugger having a hearing and testing the prosecution evidence, not to mention presenting your own. Oh and by the way, we haven't been charged with anything yet. IF, we are charged and after a hearing found guilty, the AFL should hire a lot of lawyers as they are going to be inundated with claims to recover lost bets by punters and bookies.
  3. You don't think 2 first picks and $200k fine is a serious punishment?
  4. Very positive for MFC that Casey Official spoke of developing young players for the MFC.
  5. This has just got to be a racket. You get a quote and as you posted, next minute they say you need to do this and that and suddenly the price has gone up 4-5 times what they quoted.
  6. Yes we are looking great but so are the other clubs. It's like the racing story where the jockey says I saw the gap and went for it, except the gap was going faster than I was. Until we see the boys in matches, it is really hard to get a handle on where we are at.
  7. Got my car serviced. Need a second mortgage to pay for it.
  8. Very sad news. Lovely man. Great commentator. RIP. Condolences to family and friends.
  9. Yowzah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Don't want to trivialise the thread, but I had a banana smoothie for lunch. Wasn't great as it was more of a milkshake than a smoothie. I like my smoothies thick.
  11. Redleg

    Lucas Cook

    That's it in a nutshell.
  12. Watch Quarteflash perform their hit Harden my Heart and see the lovely Rindi Ross belt out the song, as well as a saxophone solo.
  13. That absolutely smells of being pushed to me. Bet you he has been given a massive golden handshake.
  14. It is certainly an extraordinary situation for a VFL club to have no coach by now.
  15. I think his whole racing empire is stuffed as well. Thought it was placed into administration the other day.
  16. It seems to me that the reality is that players leave clubs for a multitude of reasons and some will succeed at their new clubs and some won't. Just because someone we give away does well elsewhere doesn't mean we made a mistake and likewise nor does it mean that someone who comes to us and does well, doesn't mean the original club made a mistake. It is now just the nature of AFL football that more players will change clubs.
  17. They could have taken him at any stage in the draft or psd or rookie draft. No long game here, just a silly boy.
  18. Says you. I remember another player doing exactly the same, his name is Nathan Buckley. Yes I know he missed 3 flags with the Lions. All I am saying is that if he really wanted to play for us he could get back here via a few methods. Of course I would be happy for the kid to have an AFL career even at Freo. I am pretty sure that he will forget about us as soon as he lands at Freo training and be happy where he is.. Again, I was just saying for players who want to play somewhere else, like Luke Ball and Tippett for example, there are ways.
  19. This inquisition may now take as long as the Spanish Inquisition. Tighten the seatbelts, 350 years to go fellas.
  20. Redleg

    Lucas Cook

    What is really interesting is that he wasn't given a second chance by any club as a rookie. Clearly 18 clubs believe he is not up to even rookie standard.
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