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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. Jaded we usually agree on our team, but we are letting our players off by blaming the Coach for everything. We have outplayed the Eagles who need to win for top four, with no forward line and horrendous umpiring. If we had kicked what we should we would be 5-6 goals up. Does the Coach get credit for that? I blame the players for missing gimme goals today, like they have all year. Goodwin has made mistakes but teams can’t win when they butcher the ball and we are according to stats the worst at it in history. My god I am a fan of Petty but seriously 2 misses from 15 out straight in front. Lewis just missed from 5 metres out for his 3rd miss and was lucky to get another kick. The most important thing we need above all else is the ability to kick straight both at goal and passing. I have to go now and buy another TV, because I have kicked this one to pieces. PS. Senior players can work out the breeze after one shot. They are dumb.
  2. Fair enough sack him tonight. Goodwin should have kicked those 5 gimme goals. No forward line, 9-1 frees against and dumb goal kicking from our boys. Petty just missed 10 out. Blame who deserves it, the players. They are Coach killers.
  3. I recall when Jesse limped off against us I posted that it was very possible a navicular reoccurrence and that the Dockers would hide it for a while so as not to upset their fans. Both happened. Jesse has certainly had more than his share of bad luck both on and off the field. Hope he has a bit of luck next year, but poor games against us.
  4. There is a player nowhere near their ability who is never dropped, so why should they be?
  5. But he is a mile ahead of ANB and Hannan on recent form. I agree, if he is not played this week especially, his papers have been stamped.
  6. KK not looking great with concussions, AVB may have to retire with long term foot problem, Joel Smith has missed 2 years of footy. Don’t think it has to be the cause of the lost games but the fact and impact of it, as a factor to be considered. That said, of course we won’t get a PP, even if we asked for one.
  7. Gee, a cloud just hit me.
  8. Not as stupid as it sounded when I posted it. The Saints are considering a PP request on the basis of their injuries this season. Well guess what, on the published list of injuries to clubs this season we were rated far and away the hardest hit by injuries, both in total games lost and most importantly, games lost by best 22 players on the list. There was a large gap to second placed team in both categories. Well if the Saints are contemplating a request with less injuries and a higher ladder position, ( we could be 2nd last Sunday night ), then so should we. Any advantage helps in this competition. Just ask the Cats if they would give up their huge advantage at skilled.
  9. I wouldn't say corrupt, but rather very poorly run.
  10. Don't ask me. All I know is that Coaches said last year Max was too dominant and they would talk to the umpiring department and the next thing you know there are 5 frees against him in the Saints game. Those frees have never been paid to him or against any other ruckmen since. The we see one umpire pay 2 more of the same that were just plainly wrong. One was a gift goal when we were a chance to win and then we lose by 8 points.
  11. 17.4.3 Free Kicks - Ruck Contests A field Umpire shall award a Free Kick in a Ruck contest against a Player where the Player: (a) who is not a designated Ruck, contests a throw-up or boundary throw-in; (b) unduly pushes or bumps an opposition Ruck; (c) holds or blocks an opposition Ruck; (d) makes Prohibited Contact with an opposition Ruck; (e) engages in Rough Conduct against an opposition Ruck; (f) makes contact with an opposition Ruck prior to the football leaving the field or boundary Umpire’s hand; (g) who is the designated Ruck steps outside the Centre Circle prior to the field Umpire bouncing or throwing up the football; or (h) hits the football Out of Bounds On the Full from a throw-up by a field Umpire or a throw-in by a boundary Umpire.
  12. Where he ( Fritter) should have been all year and the second half of last season as well. He is a forward.
  13. I know how you can think that, as over the years I have thought the same, but in the clear light of day you realize how ridiculous that thought is. If people actually told umpires to cheat it would get out and the perpetrators would go to jail. Yes that is how seriously that would be treated. There is a lot of money involved in AFL footy including gambling and the penalties for corrupting the process can be jail. It is actually no different to rigging a horse race. The simple answer is human error, complex rules open to interpretation and possibly unintended bias towards and against certain players.
  14. Or only in our games against Max.
  15. Well what I find interesting from your 3 word summary, is that most of them are negative. Combine that with some charity goals to the Dogs and 14 players unavailable for us and yet we only lost by 8 points at the Dogs dung heap, on a day when they were celebrating their survival 30 years ago and needed to win to keep their final's chances alive. I find that pretty amazing.
  16. Who is the rabbit?
  17. Can we ask for a couple of pp’s?
  18. Would like to see both Petty and Oscar put on 10k's of muscle and have a good pre season and then see how they go up forward.
  19. Is Spargo injured?
  20. He cost us 4 goals against the Blues.
  21. Not suing you, suing the Restaurant. Why would we sue you?
  22. Melksham getting close to missing the rest of the season. I wonder how many clubs have lost 4 players for an entire season, before it even started and then several others who end up missing most of the season after playing a game or two?
  23. Taking a big risk on a major law suit.
  24. Actually 3 lawyers at our table.
  25. Unfortunately I watched some of it. We put in a shocker. I actually hope NZ smash them.
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