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Mighty Demon

Mighty Demon (3/10)



  1. Fritsch - a leisurely frolic LOL - very apt description
  2. vanRooyen - have another look. Take away his goal and we lost. Gives his all as a second ruck, least of our problems.
  3. Let’s not make this the hill we die on. Time to try something else.
  4. Damn - this didn't age well
  5. well i'm a life member and i have offered money for any time on my personal project. but thanks for your (non tattoo related) 2c
  6. haha! C'mon I'm actually serious DL !! :)
  7. LOL - sure a blue block would great on a Tatt :) but thanks!
  8. I am now seriously considering something like your Avatar logo @Demonland - would you have any issue with me using it? If not, my only issue would be that i would like to add some blue ( "royal" 80s TV / current away) - ideally i'd put the little guy in a guernsey..could you (or anyone reading) assist with an edit to the graphic? (Happy to pay for your services of course).
  9. I'm doing the something similar...unsure finer details at this point...inspired by these and also the MCC version (so some variation/combination of these ideas). I have no calves so it will be inside forearm i think :)
  10. Unsure about that logic pd
  11. Excellent question. I don't think I'll ever be confident
  12. 186 times somewhere that can't be named
  13. No, you heard right. Level 2, MCC Cats v Blues is a T2 exposure site (get tested & isolate)
  14. I hear you. I think Jayden might be a tad quicker & taller - unsure about speed. They really add a touch of magic when they get going.
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