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Posts posted by ding

  1. 35 minutes ago, Deestroy All said:

    Forget your password, that'll fix it.



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    51 minutes ago, ding said:

    Explain which parts of my posts you think have been incorrect or shut your trap. We lost for the 16th time in a row to Norf. NORF. Why do you think my criticism is wrong?

    Because your criticism is not being constructive in the slightest. Offer us something of value, mate. Yes, today was frustrating. Yes, we should have won. But we didn't. Stop whinging and look to next month for redemption. 

    So i didnt say anything that was wrong, but because i didnt give the team a cuddle and offer encouragement, i am somehow incorrect..


    See this is part of the reason the rest of the comp treat us as a joke. Constant defence of losses should be binned. I dont have to be constructive, i dont have to offer encouragement... i simply comment on the final result, which just happened to be the 16th loss in a row to North.


    • "Stop whinging and look to next month for redemption. "

    No.......with MFC its always next round/month/year...............This has been going on for a decade. If thats good enough for you i suggest you support St Kilda.

    32 minutes ago, ding said:


  2. 8 minutes ago, Deestroy All said:

    Forget your password, that'll fix it.


    doc roet

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    5 minutes ago, ding said:

    LOL i see the quality of your posts havent improved either.



    Can't improve on perfection.


    I know what you mean. Sad how others dont get it though.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dee Dee Ramone said:

    Keep your money. I will buy two memberships if you promise to find a another team.


    Earl Hood

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    Where is Ding? He adds so much to the debate. 


    1 hour ago, ding said:

    We lost.. Deal with it.


    There's only one person commenting in this thread so far that seems unable to deal with the fact that we lost.

    lol i was one of the few in this thread to tip that we would lose. The rest of you lot are trying desperately to come up with reasons why we are actually awesome, but cant seem to win.


    Instead of wasting other posters time , why dont you find a way to fix the quoting problem on this site?

    You are the only poster that I have seen manage to quote the full profile of someone. Stick to demonology maybe Ding?


    I tap the "quote" button and the rest of this rubbish come up. Clearly not my problem but one of this site.

    Cache cleared, and browser closed and re-opened. Demonland problem, not mine.


    Thanks for your input though Rafiki, cant remember the last time i read someones input and was forced to place on the ignore list after one post before. Strange how you keep appearing.





    I tap the "quote" button and this is what comes up.... i tried to put you on ignore but obviously this site is broken. Perhaps one of the mods can do it for me so i dont have to read your rubbish any more. ?

    Thanks in advance mods.

  4. 1 minute ago, Leoncelli_36 said:

    Take a valium and have a glass of scotch Ding..pessimists paradise with you about

    Wow why didnt i think of that... yeah Diazepam will make MFC a better team !!!!  ffs...........................


    16 in a row bud, no excuses............

  5. Just now, Rafiki said:

    You have said nothing that needed to be said, talking absolute bollocks mate


    Explain which parts of my posts you think have been incorrect or shut your trap. We lost for the 16th time in a row to Norf. NORF. Why do you think my criticism is wrong?

  6. 1 hour ago, Dee Dee Ramone said:

    Keep your money. I will buy two memberships if you promise to find a another team.


    Earl Hood

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    Where is Ding? He adds so much to the debate. 


    31 minutes ago, ding said:

    We lost.. Deal with it.


    There's only one person commenting in this thread so far that seems unable to deal with the fact that we lost.

    lol i was one of the few in this thread to tip that we would lose. The rest of you lot are trying desperately to come up with reasons why we are actually awesome, but cant seem to win.


    Instead of wasting other posters time , why dont you find a way to fix the quoting problem on this site?

    You are the only poster that I have seen manage to quote the full profile of someone. Stick to demonology maybe Ding?


    I tap the "quote" button and the rest of this rubbish come up. Clearly not my problem but one of this site.

    Cache cleared, and browser closed and re-opened. Demonland problem, not mine.


    Thanks for your input though Rafiki, cant remember the last time i read someones input and was forced to place on the ignore list after one post before. Strange how you

     keep appearing.

  7. 1 hour ago, Dee Dee Ramone said:

    Keep your money. I will buy two memberships if you promise to find a another team.


    Earl Hood

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    Where is Ding? He adds so much to the debate. 


    23 minutes ago, ding said:

    We lost.. Deal with it.


    There's only one person commenting in this thread so far that seems unable to deal with the fact that we lost.

    lol i was one of the few in this thread to tip that we would lose. The rest of you lot are trying desperately to come up with reasons why we are actually awesome, but cant seem to win.


    Instead of wasting other posters time Nash , why dont you find a way to fix the quoting problem on this site?


  8. 49 minutes ago, Dee Dee Ramone said:

    Keep your money. I will buy two memberships if you promise to find a another team.


    Earl Hood

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    Where is Ding? He adds so much to the debate. 

    And the contribution to this thread from you has been ,    what, ... nothing.


    We lost.. Deal with it.


  9. 1 hour ago, Roost It said:
    3 hours ago, ding said:






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    • lol i have cleared my cache, and re-opened my browser and STILL the same problems persist.

    Anothter felcher i imagine. Welcome to the club Pal.

    The quoting is fine on this site Ding, I think you are the one having issues here

    42 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:


  10. 1 hour ago, Roost It said:
    3 hours ago, ding said:




     Sorry Roost, the quote feature, like most things things onthis site is screwed.


    "You seem like a really nice bloke Ding. Get to bed early though because year 9 really is a consolidation year."



     lol, and this is what MFC supporters are reduced to.


    No surprise we are considered a joke by clubs as pathetic as the drug cheats when this is all we can come up with.


    Knock yourselves out guys, the football world is watching and laughing at your excuses. 16 losses in a row to Norf, and all you can do is make pathetic excuses. 

    29 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:


  11. 1 hour ago, Roost It said:
    3 hours ago, ding said:




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    Funny that, it seems that no regular poster here wants to accept the obvious truth. Feel free to bury your head in the sand though.


    16 losses in a row. To Norf.


    Nah its cool though coz we are gonna be great.................................................

    10 years pal. 10 Years



    25 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:


  12. 1 hour ago, Roost It said:
    3 hours ago, ding said:







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    38 minutes ago, Goodvibes said:



    Demonsflag.....lol i have not read anything so far fetched in years. We wont win a flag for decades if ever.  Ignore me pal, i am obviously too intelligent for you....


    14 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

    Can we at least agree to ignore ding and not feed the troll?

    Sadly, although I have him on ignore, his posts keep creeping in.

  13. 1 hour ago, Roost It said:
    2 hours ago, ding said:







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    Can we at least agree to ignore ding and not feed the troll?

    lol yeah ignore the poster who is game to say it like it is..... MFC has so many sickening felchers its no wonder the likes of the drug cheats laugh at us.

    We lost again. for the 16th time in a row to a team nobody thinks is a serious threat. Let that sink in..... 16 losses in a row to the pretenders Norf.........

    A hack team who wont win a cup in the foreseeable future, in a so-called statement game. 

    I am starting to understand why so many supporters from other clubs laugh at you lot. We are rank.

    Your problem to come to grips with, not mine.

    *clap clap clap........



    26 minutes ago, Goodvibes said:


  14. 1 hour ago, Roost It said:
    2 hours ago, ding said:

    LOL loss 16 against a mob of pretenders, and some are trying to blame it on the umpires.............. again............

    MFC have WAY too many supporters who are too easy to please.

    Glad the sugar-coaters fund this chit. Means i can keep saving the money i would have spent on membership for stuff i actually enjoy.

    This was a statement game believe it or not. Makes me laugh.

    Or not.



    See you champ.



    Well, I hate losing but THAT was a statement to supporters. 9 goal qtr against a good side and smashed the around the ground. More polish/better officiating and we are celebrating a huge win.

    We aren't and that's footy but the effort was back and when it is - we are a good effing team.




    We just lost to a team of pretenders, after losing to a team of sub-par AFL ring ins and you think " we are a good effing team.".

    Ignore list for you as you clearly have NFI what constitutes a good AFL team. lol


    22 minutes ago, Goodvibes said:

    Another for the ignore list it seems. Excuses, excuses, Excuses.

    A loss is a loss. The rest of the league is laughing at you.

  15. 55 minutes ago, Roost It said:
    2 hours ago, ding said:

    LOL loss 16 against a mob of pretenders, and some are trying to blame it on the umpires.............. again............

    MFC have WAY too many supporters who are too easy to please.

    Glad the sugar-coaters fund this chit. Means i can keep saving the money i would have spent on membership for stuff i actually enjoy.

    This was a statement game believe it or not. Makes me laugh.

    Or not.



    See you champ.



    Well, I hate losing but THAT was a statement to supporters. 9 goal qtr against a good side and smashed the around the ground. More polish/better officiating and we are celebrating a huge win.

    We aren't and that's footy but the effort was back and when it is - we are a good effing team.




    We just lost to a team of pretenders, after losing to a team of sub-par AFL ring ins and you think " we are a good effing team.".

    Ignore list for you as you clearly have NFI what constitutes a good AFL team. lol


    15 minutes ago, Goodvibes said:


  16. 41 minutes ago, Roost It said:




    2 minutes ago, Goodvibes said:

    If you didn't have hope you wouldn't be posting on Demonland right now.

    Thats the thing though Roost.. Im out of hope. It has been replaced by despair and anger.

    10 years of rubbish will do that to you.

  17. 41 minutes ago, Roost It said:




    2 minutes ago, Goodvibes said:

    If you didn't have hope you wouldn't be posting on Demonland right now.

    Thats the thing though Roost.. Im out of hope. It has been replaced by despair and anger.

    10 years of rubbish will do that to you.

  18. 41 minutes ago, Roost It said:




    28 minutes ago, sue said:


    hey Chook, trolling is what you do when you are wrong.

    I tipped a loss, and i was right.

    your point?

    Nah i didnt think

    you had one.

  19. 22 minutes ago, Roost It said:




    9 minutes ago, sue said:

      So after a performance like last week's, a coach is a sugar coater if he is pleased with our response this week.   A narrow loss to a top 4 team after a week like last week's is a damn sight better than a 10 goal loss.  Game could have gone either way in the end, but all you see is LOSS.     I bet you came top of every class at school and now run a billion dollar business.  Actually, I don't

    lol WE LOST !!!

    After losing to a team of ring ins last week. My dear god i cant believe that anyone who follows this club need it explained to them, but clearly you are a bit simpler then most so i need to break it down. Lets it be known i am typing very slowly so you can keep up.

    The fact that we lost to Essendrug last week should be enough for ANYONE to accept that we have major problems, but to follow it up with our 16th loss in a row to a club nobody seriously rate as a realistic chance at a premiership in a so-called "statement" game is an embarrassment. 

    Dont mind me talking sense Sue, you just go right ahead and knock yourself out making excuses for losing to Norf.


    Mel-Mun, clap clap clap......

  20. 16 minutes ago, Roost It said:




    3 minutes ago, sue said:

     Some people follow footy with hope in their hearts (the softies he refers to continually), some follow footy so they can tell everyone else how weak they are.

    lol hope.... HOPE. how is your hope looking after 10 years of utter crap?

    Im a realist.

    You and others like you are dreamers with practically no connection to reality.

    16 in a row.... to Norf....... 16


    Yeah we are great.

    * insert eyeroll

  21. 30 minutes ago, Roost It said:

    He said he was pleased with the effort and frustrated with the loss. You're a [censored]


    Yeah look at the interview again sober.

    He was pleased, despite losing.

    Only DH here is you and the other sugar coaters. Grow up and accept that we are finished as a club. 16 in a row to North?... hang your heads in shame.


    Im the type of person who wont accept losing.. after 10 years of losing.

    Its very obvious to me that MFC has a large percentage of suckholes who think that a narrow loss is a good thing. Yeah, lets have several narrow losses each year for the next 15 years.... that would be great wouldnt it?

    My dear god the [censored] factor in this site is off the chart. Enjoy your near losses everyone. MFC stand for nothing, and so do most of the sickening apologists who post here. 

    WINS matter. Nothing else. 10 years of rubbish is more than enough for anyone with standards. The rest of you can please yourselves.



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