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Posts posted by ding

  1. Just now, P-man said:

    I can't make my mind up on ANB. He's a mixed bag. Every time I think I'm a fan he does something VFLish.

    Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle.

    Kid is really improving and could eventually be quite handy. Give him a bit more time i reckon.

    • Like 1
  2. Im tipping Richmond to win by 4 goals or so.

    Their form is good and confidence high atm. We have had patches, but as our 2-2 scoreline shows, patchy doesnt cut it.

    I have a Goon bag if we lose and a bottle of Scotch if we win.

    Either way im waking up tomorrow with a headache.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Dappa Dan said:

    That's VERY glass half empty. We've scored 120, 86, 97 and 104. We've got firepower now. Even without Jesse, and with one KP down on the day (Weed) we still kicked almost a hundred and over a hundred without them. I really think we're doing most things right. Just our defense is two players short. Against Tigers I  like Jesse and Watts against Rance, and I like Tmac against Riewoldt. I rate our midfield to belt the living snot out of them like they usually do. Then after that, Lewis into backline will do what he did in the first two weeks. bingo bango... 5-2 lol

    I said in another thread that i just shook my head when comparing our lists on paper as we just look FAR better than Richmond. Despite this, they are clearly playing better as a team than we are atm. Their confidence alone gives them a headstart, as will the likely 80/20 crowd split.

    Our form is simply not as good as some are trying to make out. First half of the season is supposed to set us up for the tougher run of matches to come, but so far we have had only played 1 good game out of 4. The Saints win was good, the Carlton game poor (win notwithstanding) and the next 2 games we pizzed up against the wall. I will start to tip wins when they seem likely, not simply because i own a MFC membership.

    Its well overdue that we made a real statement. Let it be this week. My glass might just become half full.

  4. Formline is pretty clear to me. Tigers playing with absolute confidence, and not taking their feet off the accelerator the whole game.

    We have been switching of for entire quarters, and simply rolled over to the Cats in particular.

    When i look at our 2 lists side by side, i shake my head and wonder how we can look SO much better than them on paper, but still be a worse team. And there is no doubt that atm we are playing worse as a team. Confidence alone must be worth a few goals to Richmond.

    Reckon the Tiges will win this one by 4 goals or so goals unless we can find a way to actually bring a full 4 quarters of heat.


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