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Posts posted by ding

  1. Just saw this on the MFC twitter.

    "We want to play our best footy come Monday and the result will take care of itself," - @nathan2jones


    Nobody could deny that the players read Demonland, and have finally got the message that we dont want to hear the cliche "we are preparing for their best" any more.

    Now to back up the words.

    Im pumped for a win on Monday.





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  2. 9 minutes ago, binman said:

    Are you a real person?

    Needle exchange programs are only that in name.. I work at a hospital and can tell you that we have not had a single needle exchanged in 2 years. Filthy users drop them where they use them and just come back for fresh supplies. Great for their health, but stuff the innocents who come across the used ones hey?

    • Like 3
  3. Poor bastards cant take a trick.

    I seriously feel for the average copper who has to confront the sh1tbags of society on a day to day basis, only to have complaints filed against them for offending some poor druggie. Seriously, who would wanna be one nowdays when the force had gone from upholding the law to upholding the peace. Command seems FAR more concerned with using wet lettuce leaves when the bloke actually confronting society's dirt would love to pull out his/her batton and smash some of these crims around the head. 

    Remember the pics of rows of coppers standing still while having water and (probably) urine thrown over them during the G-something-or-other meeting in Victoria a while back? I would have lost my shyt at management for allowing that to happen. What a great way to destroy your employees morale and confidence in the bosses.

    Lets also remember how the front line guys at the Lindt seige fully expected to be blown to bits when they stormed the place but still went in without hesitation when upper management FINALLY got the message that softly-softly wasnt working. Leadership (including the wigs) need a clean out, and a serious rethink of how the law is enforced. 

    Until i know what rules the guys were shackled with, i woulnt be criticising anyone involved in this incident.

    End rant.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, Jaded said:

    I like what ANB brings, he is very good as an inside mid, which releases Jones and Lewis and he can also kick goals. 

    He isn't the fastest, or cleanest, or most spectacular player, but I think he does his job really well, and certainly has been a solid contributor. I wrote him off last year as a bit of a nothing half forward, but have been very impressed with his inside work this year, which has given him a whole other dimension.

    Yep, i agree with this. Wasnt sure he had any real weapons, but the kid is a goer who is gradually learning where to position himself. Love his workrate and tackling.

    Give him a decent run at it and i think we might be surprised.

  5. 4 hours ago, rjay said:



    Also on his opposite hand...for someone seen to be one sided with his handball he's a quick learner.

    Just another string to the bow.


    Credit to ANB in this play as well.

    Obviously Gingerfreak gave an incredible handball on his non-preferred, from a pack situation, and STILL managed to hit a team-mate on the run............But it also took quick thinking from ANB to understand it was even a possibility. A few others might well have been sucked into the pack, but ANB kept moving.

    Im really warming to the lad. 


    • Like 1
  6. I know other will laugh at me, and im also quite pizzy on whiskey atm, but i have to say that i actually see a footballer in O'Mac. He is still a kid ffs. Why do so many people agree that you have to give "talls" time to develop but wont give Oscar the benefit of the doubt?

    OK, so right now he isnt setting the world on fire. I have also had several "facepalm" moments with him, but im betting that many will be happy to have his number on their MFC guernsey in 2-3 years. He, along with ANB will be long term players for MFC.

    Dont be afraid to bump this post in 2 years time if im wrong.



    • Like 5
  7. Hey, what are you guys on about??

    We are currently 8-1, and with todays win (or loss as long as it is within 5 goals and we have some excuses handy) we go 9 and 1.


    Time to start repaying the faith Dees. Overdue some might say.



  8. 27 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

    I think it would be best for the players and the club to just stfu from here on in and let the footy do the talking

    I say that every time someone from the club trots out the old "We are preparing for their best" BS.

    How bout we just play OUR best and the result will take care of itself.

    • Like 9
  9. 1 hour ago, A F said:

    Adelaide would laugh at us if we tried to throw ANB in. He's a C grade youngster best.

    ANB plus pick 10(ish) plus an upgrade of their second rounder not good enough?

    Lever looks good, but he isnt a ready made star. Its hardly a terrible offer i reckon.

    Who do you think we would need to part with?

  10. On 5/21/2017 at 0:46 PM, A F said:

    If that's all it took, you'd do that every day of the week...

    Agree. Not much speculation involved in getting Lever.

    ANB could end up as a handy player and pick 10 has currency so i dont think a deal like that TOO unrealistic.

  11. 2 hours ago, Chook said:

    I don’t want to make this thread about anything other than Angus; but given how important early concussion detection and treatment is to life after professional sports, should the AFL look at some sort of a compensation draft pick for any club that loses a young player to concussion issues?

    There should be no pressure on a concussion-affected player to continue putting themselves at risk, and there should be no incentive for any club to do anything to keep that player playing. A draft pick should ameliorate that awful situation and allow both club and player to move on without any negative repurcussions to either party.

    Rookie pick if they are outed long term for concussion issues during first contract. Rookie pick goes the moment they play first game in seniors or 2's Gives a chance to see how they go in development league.

  12. 5 hours ago, bandicoot said:

    We lost to geelong because Gawn was off for the second half.

    we lost to Richmond because spencer didn't play after 1st qtr.

    we lost to hawthorn and north because we didn't have a ruckman.

    that would have made us 8-1. 

    Coulda woulda shoulda.

    It is possible to mount equally convincing arguments as to how our opposition could/would/should have beaten us in games we won. You are cherry picking things that may have helped us and conveniently ignoring things that wouldnt.

    We are NOT an 8-1 side.Even at full strength. Crazy talk.

    I have us winning 6 on the run home. Want to win all of them, but im not some starry eyed kid who believes in fairytales.

  13. 5 hours ago, hardtack said:

    I get the feeling the game against the Crows really drained a few of them and in particular Watts who has been taking on a hell of a lot since Spencer's demise; he looked knackered from almost the first bounce.  Add to that the fact that they were competing against one of the best rucks in the comp, it certainly didn't help.  For me, we really lost this game as a result of playing TMac up forward for that first quarter... I think that probably cost us goals.  In fact, that move surprised me as I seem to recall Goodwin saying after the Crows game that it was not something he would do regularly, but that these moves could sometimes take an opposition by surprise if used sparingly (or something along those lines).

    I'm just waiting for the day that we can jump out of the blocks from the first bounce and not look back (praying that will be the Queen's Bidet game when my son and I will make it down).

    Hard to argue with any of that.

  14. 1 hour ago, mauriesy said:

    How do you reckon North might have gone on Sunday without Brown and Goldstein (and no talls left to back either of them up)?

    I also reckon it's taking a lot out of Pedersen, Watts and TMac.

    Exhibit A

    Last week proved we can win without them, so why use it as an excuse.

    • Like 2
  15. 4 hours ago, bandicoot said:

    Gawn makes us a 3 goal better side. Spencer a 2 goal better side.

    Hogan a 2 goal better side. 

    That's the difference. 

    Until we get a ruckman we will struggle to win. Can't keep losing hit outs 70/30 and expect to win. 

    In addition our full forward is a 19yo developing player that is only in the side because we don't have a ruck and a full forward. 

    If injuries are minimal in the second half of the season I expect us to come home with a bang. 

    I expect us to win 8 from last 11 games and make finals football. 

    Geezus dude, you are on some wild gear if you honestly think we will win 8 of our last 11.

    • Like 2
  16. 5 hours ago, Travis16 said:

    You seem to misunderstand excuse v explained reason. Taking out the No 1 ruckman, and a big bodied key forward, and saying these are merely excuses for losing, as opposed to reasons why, is ludicrous.  Personnel MATTERS.  

    I do think we could have won yesterday, but there are multiple reasons why we didnt, and missing key players is certainly one of them. The season is very even and on any given day almost any team can beat another, so personnel available is even more relevant.

    lol you completely ignored the fact that we won last week without these same 2 players, which reinforces my opinion that its being used as an excuse. 

    MFC have made some of their supporters masters of it.

  17. 36 minutes ago, Skuit said:

    Ding. Do you think North were rubbish today? Sincerely? Freo, Hawthorn and Richmond were all rubbish when we lost to them. But North's performance today? Rubbish teams can play good games. Many here would cite us against Adelaide as an example.

    yep, they were rubbish, yet we still lost to them.

    MFC will remain a joke until we can consistently beat teams like the Roos. No amount of excuses will make up for losses like this one. 16 in a row?........ give me a damn break.

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