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Posts posted by ding

  1. I have tried to stay out of this thread as i say stupid [censored] too often, but here is my opinion anyway....

    BB and ADC have a point that if Hoges goes it wont be the end of the world. We are building nicely with or without him and the compo we can fairly expect would be good.

    But i hope to high heaven that Jesse re-signs. OK, so he is a shite kick from outside 50.. and granted, his body language has been fuggin disgraceful for most of the season... and his head seems to be in the wrong place..... and.... and....

    Stop for a minute and just think how good this fella will be when his head and heart are sorted and he directs all his energy at the contest ???

    I can only imagine how he must have been feeling during the year if his old man is as crook as some have suggested. If that was me i would have been pizzwrecked all year and unable to even kick a footy lets alone dominate a game the way that us supporters hope/expect.

    His signature is possibly the most important for MFC since Roos and Peter Jackson inked their first contracts. Hogan signs and we can realistically expect to have other names consider us who otherwise might not have.

    The kid has future champion written all over him, and he will make others walk taller.




    • Like 19
  2. oh FFS you guys can we get back to being pryks to each other please?..... logged in half cut and find myself with a big lump in my throat reading this thread...

    Much easier for me if i can just be combative with everyone.

    markc and Mgdee, geez what can i say................. heart goes out to you and anyone else who has been in your position.

    Anyway, how bout that weather...... ?

    *clears throat.

    • Like 5
  3. 1 minute ago, binman said:

    This sort of tosh shits me, even in jest. Wishing someone ill only reflects very poorly on the holder of such moronic views


    Hope Hawthorn pays through the nose and O'Meara never gets out of first gear.


    • Like 1
  4. For a season that promised so much before it began, to end with a crushing blowout like today wasnt just disappointing, it was unforgivable.

    Even the drug cheats finished on a high. Our guys will probably cling to the upset win over Hawthorn and kid themselves the year was a huge win instead of the small step forward it actually was.

    Oh well, we can look to the off season and our big name recruits like Hibberd, and umm, err.......... Hibberd.

    We are essentially a pre-season and a couple of praccy games away from fielding practically the same team again. No first round pick to get excited about; ..... ... only the dream that the team who just surrendered to the tune of 111 points will be much better next year. Again. Forget landing good free agents or trades after that. (Unless we pay massive overs again)

    Hang your heads in shame Dees.



    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Wiseblood said:

    Yeah, I should have clarified further that I don't want us to do it every year.  I just think we're at a good stage where some extra experience will really help us moving forward and it seems like the right time to do it.  Next year, in what they are saying is a strong draft, it would be good to hold on to the picks unless a good, young player becomes available.

    ^ this

    Rumored superdraft ( not that rumors mean much ofc), and we cannot afford to become Norf. they went too early with top ups, something we cant afford to do.

    Experience IS required, especially if Lamumba, Dawes, Dunn etc leave/are pushed, but we should only trade out future first rounders if the deal is much better than could normally be expected ( Or fills a massive need ).


  6. I dont know why people are even bothering to come up with scenarios that see us land him. Massive injury risk and the current owners wont part with him for steak knives, which is all we would offer. I wouldnt part with any of our current kids, other than the fringe players who wont have nearly enough value anyway.

    He wont be coming to us unless we are prepared to part with one of our best young players..... and why the hell would we when we are trying to get them all to stay together? 

    Move along, nothing to see here.


    • Like 2
  7. I am just sick of the waiting......

    I mean, i know i have no choice, and we have a team of children who might actually become quite good, and we are better than last year, and we show potential, and, .... and.....

    I dont wanna wait any more. Im old and broken already and i cant afford the alcohol that i need to keep tuning in every week.

    This team makes me grumpy. 

    And sometimes happy

    But mostly grumpy.


    • Like 4
  8. 17 minutes ago, stevethemanjordan said:

    If you ever want to see serious improvement from this side, you best move past that kind of spin.

    They're just shitty excuses used to forecast a potential loss and for some reason it seems to be the norm around here.

    The dogs have a list almost as young as ours, they have been massacred by injury, yet they back their effort up every week. 

    I'm sick of lame excuses.

    You think we'll be flat after our best win in nearly a decade?

    Give me a [censored] break.

    lol yeah im sick of the lame excuses as well. You clearly didnt see the tongue in my cheek when i typed that. 

    Win, and win well Dees.

  9. 1 minute ago, monoccular said:

    I know this may have been answered elsewhere, but does anyone know for a fact if the EssUndone banned players are able to leave as free agents?

    There has been speculation one way and another - or is this yet another case where the AFL will make a decision on the run?



    Do you really think that the AFL wouldnt be working its rrrr's of behind the scenes making sure that the druggos got the best possible deal for whichever player choses to leave? If a trade favoring EFC cant be done, bank on a compo pick being granted.

    Past behaviour indicates that Dill and his cohorts will twist the rules in whatever fashion they desire to make sure Essedon dont lose too much.


    Their bonuses depend on it.

    So yeah, they will make [censored] up on the run.

    • Like 2
  10. 10 minutes ago, Wrecker45 said:

    My wife is a school teacher and she tough a kid who wore his Melbourne jumper to every footy dress day at school with pride but in his life time he had never been to a game Melbourne had actually won. 

    Paul Roos has changed that.


    Geez, what a little champion. Onya lad.


    Lots to be thankful for, although i admit i have been one of the impatient barstardz who was always whining " WINS ARE ALL THAT MATTERS"

    Thankfully we have a team running the show who know it takes much more work/preparation/ignoring the whiners etc etc to build a club.

    Thanks Roosy. Enjoy Hawaii.



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  11. From the small sample i have seen, his biggest weakness is his lack of strength. Gets brushed out of the contest by guys much smaller. Also his decision making is pretty horrible at times.

    But geezus he is just a kid. I suspect he is being forced to develop quickly as insurance in case his brother leaves and we dont get Hurley. In an ideal world he would have had the majority of the season in the 2's getting a handle on the basics, but as it is we could only have replaced him with Dunn ( i would have done just that a few times this season ) or Garland. Now for some reason they are not getting games. Can only guess why, but its obvious they are not part of the future for MFC.

    I am of the belief (misguided or not) that he will become a very very good defender in time. Right now he is being asked to play key roles before he is ready. That is not the kids fault.

    Anyway, i rate him as a prospect. *shrug


  12. 5 hours ago, Wiseblood said:

    Hopefully they will have turned the corner and jumped on board like the rest of us mate!

    Never in my life been so happy to be wrong.

    I even watched a fair bit of the game at work.

    As promised, i just purchased a membership.



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