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Posts posted by ding

  1. 12 hours ago, Dappa Dan said:

    Yeah I know I'm not in the popular camp on here. Demonland are glass half empty sometimes. You think we'll lose to 2 of Richmond, Essendon and Hawks? (I assume you're chalking up Crows as a loss, and who wouldn't after last night).

    My thoughts have to do with Hogan and Lewis coming back. They're just so important.

    Hogan. Against Blues, we kicked a winning score without him kicking a goal, and that was partly related to the dump kicks by midfielders always heading to Hogan, with Jesse crashing packs and cleaning up 3 players. Or at very least, drawing two defenders. If he kicks 4, and the team kicks another 6 from his involvements... we win the last two games easily. A player like him simply cannot be replaced. There isn't anything he doesn't do. And how often does he get to a contest and NOT win it, or spill it to advantage? How often is he absolutely beaten one on one? Now compare that to Weed, Smith, even Watts. Weed and Smith haven't done a damn thing for the club in our two losses. Literally nothing. Watts has done great, but is often spoiled and taken out of contests. I really do believe we're at minimum a 5 goal better side with Hogan in.

    Lewis is a lot of similar things, but in the backline. Not often beaten. Makes about 3-4 other players better. Think about how badly we cleared the ball with Melksham, TMac and Vince. Going back to the bad old days, our worst kicks were always blamed for delivery, when it's more down to the targets not leading. Lewis out there directing traffic, we clear the ball SO WELL. We create 5 opportunities a quarter based on good zoning. So Lewis alone, again, we're a 3-4 goal better side.

    Both players straighten us up remarkably, and not only get it inside fifty, but to good places that it's easier to kick straight from.  I'll be interested to come back to this in a month. I think by the bye we'll be as far as 7-3. 

    Yep, i think we will be beaten by Richmond next week, and probably the drug cheats as well. We SHOULD win both of those games but i honestly think we wont. I DO think we will pump the Hawks. 

    It all depends on not just the ability of our team, but if they have the belief or not. Doubt starts creeping in again and we will be embarrassed.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Dappa Dan said:

    Searing stuff.

    I want to come back to this in three weeks. I really think we'll be 5-2. I know that's poor form and you shouldn't do that. But I've not seen much to make me think we've lost the respect we earned this first month. Just for what it's worth.

    Interesting.. I actually see us losing 3 of the next 4, before wining back to back.

    No way are we playing finals with our current skills.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, ProDee said:

    Sometimes these wins are the making of a club.  When another club knows they can beat you and you know they can beat you it's not easy to come out on top if they're in the game for long enough.

    I didn't want them to kick more than 10 goals and they kicked 9.  I wanted to score more than 100 points and we didn't = X

    Our game-plan and ball movement is still a work in progress.

    Fact: we were younger and less experienced than them

    Fact: we we the youngest team of the 18 in round 2

    Fact: we were the second least experienced from a games played perspective to Gold Coast

    Fact: we had 12 players with less than 50 games.  No other club in the round had more than 10

    Yeah, you were close Pro, but i was closer lol

    Even though the margin was much less than many predicted, i was still happy with the way we finished it off. Not that many rounds back we would have folded like a deck of cards and lost by as much, or even more than we won by today. Lots of work to be done, but if you look at our age profile you cant help but feel a bit hopeful of what we can do in the coming few years.

    Next week will be most interesting.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Moneider96 said:

    Can't wait to see our impeccable midfield in action: Lewis, Jones, Viney, Brayshaw, Oliver, Viney etc. Plus, this has to be the first time all of Petracca, Brayshaw, Salem, and Oliver are playing at the same time.

    lol i wish we had 2 Vineys


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  5. 7 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

    I ask  " who is the fittest guy in the club"

    They answer "Buggy"

    Best I can do

    Sat, if you could reply like this more often you would remove practically any excuse people have to take a swing at you.

    No smackdown, no "high-Horse" sanctimony.

    I endorse your post. Well done, and thanks for that info.

    • Like 1
  6. I rarely visit this board, and even less often leave a comment, but i can add some personal experience here.

    I used to love smoking.... like REALLY love it. If i had 2 heads i could have done 2 at a time. Couldnt wait to get out of bed of a morning and curse how slow the kettle boiled for my coffee as it was delaying my first [censored] of the day. I was a flabby 95kg and so unfit i got puffed just getting dressed for work.

    All good until i had a heart attack while having said brekky [censored], just over 6 years ago. I remember lying in intensive care in the Shepp Hospital, no family or friends with me, feeling a bit sorry for myself. I looked at all the stuff hanging out of my arm and stuck to my chest and thinking "I guess i just quit smoking then"

    Got ugly scars on my Chest, arm and leg from the bypass surgery.

    Now if i have some spare time i go for a 50-60 km bike ride on the pushy.

    These days, the only people who smoke are d1ckheads. Just like i was.

    • Like 1
  7. Oliver to become one of the games top 5 clearance players.

    Angus Brayshaw and Sam Frost be our biggest improvers.

    Jake Melksham to silence the doubters by round 6, before fading late in the season.

    Other stuff that i cant think of now but will claim as mine later in the season.





    Gawn to go down with  knee early in the season (Sorry P-man, last years incredible injury run cant possibly be repeated)

  8. Are some of you really so desperate to believe we have something huge cooking, that this cryptic rubbish is afforded any more than joke status? (admittedly, some of the posts here are quite clever, but some are clinging to the hope its real)

    We should land Hibberd and Lewis. Maybe they will cost us a little more than expected, maybe they wont. We dont have the currency to sign much more than that unless we use next years first or second rounder as well. Why choose to believe in magic?

    Riddler/Troll is making Demonland look stupid.

  9. Just now, demondame said:

    Also Lewis deal will not get today according to slobbo, but will happen

    That being the case, what else are we working on i wonder. Gotta be something else holding things up.


  10. 14 minutes ago, Chook in Perth said:

    I didn't say that.

    I said Brisbane knew nothing about the complex trade posted.

    "Are you working on a complex deal  involving Dunn and future picks with Melbourne for Rocky?"


    People  I trust are now talking about this. I'm approaching cautious excitement. Will be working the phones tomorrow.

    Reckon you may have had a different response if you just asked "Are you working on a deal with Melbourne for Rocky".?

    Easy for him to honestly say no if Dunn wasnt a part of it.

    Keep posting bloke, i love your work this time of year.

    • Like 2
  11. He would need to be a combination of cultural cancer, and an asking price of our 2017 first round for me to baulk.

    OFC i have no idea of what other deals we are working on which may involve our remaining currency, so Rocky might not even have been considered. I would seriously love to be a fly on the wall at whatever swanky resort our recruiting team is currently holidaying at.


    (i was writing this before Gen Dees above post was up)




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  12. Just now, Stretch Johnson said:

    And they can't very well enforce a contract that they initially were trying to back out of.

    The hawks hold no cards.  If Lewis wants to go he goes.  Any pick traded for him will be 4th round plus

    I would be happy to pay a third rounder, but im a drunk internet idiot with no professional reputation to uphold.

    I like your idea better.


    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, spirit of norm smith said:

    Dees to grab pick 21 off the Lions but offering pick 30 and either Dunn, Dawes, JKH or even  Spencer (can grab 1-2 rucks in the draft).

    Lewis for pick 21 is fair ... a steal but the Hawks need to deal now.

    Hibberd for MFC 2nd round pick in 2017 draft.  

    Gets us Lewis, Hibberd and keeps 2017 1st rounder.

    i just vomited in my mouth a little.... 


    No offence.


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