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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. 22 minutes ago, spirit of norm smith said:

    Any news or spec here on Dogga’s updated contract? 

    Yeap his management has slipped in a “dentistry” clause into the contract, cheeky devils. They’ve asked for lifetime dental care.

    I say yepphhs to it. 

    • Haha 7
  2. 1 hour ago, BDA said:

    The bloke restructured the footy department, stuck fat with goody, brought in Yze and Williams, finally delivers a prem and you reckon we’re successful in spite of him

    Did he turn you down for a job, steal your girlfriend or kill your family pet?

    I’d just like some facts/examples relating to his axe to grind. From this side of the fence it seems an odd hill to bury yourself on when we’re looking “reasonable” at this point in time. 

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Mach5 said:

    I’ll say it - he’s the wrong guy. We have succeeded in spite of him.

    We’re very fortunate the football dept culture has been built strongly before his time, because he’s not the man to do it.

    I’m also not going to applaud the guy for managing to re-sign a major sponsor following a flag. Setting the bar fairly low.

    Uhhhmm this was last year muscles, pre the flag..

    • Like 3
  4. 33 minutes ago, Jontee said:

    Might seem like a dumb question but is Sally a fanatical Dees supporter?

    Not trying to be silly but does it matter? As long as she brings her best abilities to the role. 

    I felt the Pies supporters anger/angst re Bridie O’Donnell over the top. 

    • Like 4
  5. 5 hours ago, dee-tox said:

    I think opposition clubs are very interested in our intellectual property, or how we managed to go from ninth to first in one year. I think this is why so many from within the inner sanctum have left this season, probably for more money. 

    There's Burgess, Byrnes, Nev, Daniel McPherson, etc. 

    Then again it's one thing to know how an opposition club does something and another thing to implement it to the same standard.

    Easy, 6 years of a slow, proper rebuild. Replicate that Geelong and you’ve got it. 

  6. 11 hours ago, 1 red eye 1 blue eye said:

    Surprised by this, said on here after talking with him at the pre gf training session that Geelong had in the past come calling, but a move there was was probably “too big a one for his family to make” and that he was looking to “enjoy being around for the Clubs successes” Offer too good to refuse?



    Best of luck to Shannon and family, but I do hope Geelong never make finals again in my lifetime.

    • Like 3
  7. 14 hours ago, Youngwilliam said:

    I think it's funny, science was about throwing in a theory and wanting others to challenge your theory. Scientists welcomed other scientists to challenge their theory because that is how progress is achieved. 

    But heaven fobid if you challenge Covid or Climate science. You get ousted and called a denier. Cancelled even. 

    So Liam is going to throw himself into economic prison, that's his decision. 

    Its always better to entice or persuad people to take the vaccine with good arguments. Forcing people to take something is always going to bring division. Governments have not always done what's best for everyone.

    Not trying to pile on here but we're all mandated to vaccinate our children, for the good of them and all the other kids, this has brought down the mortality rate significantly. The idea of the vaccine for covid is the same principle. 

    You are right follow the money, and the politicians want every one vaccinated not just for the good of the people and to bring down the mortality rate for covid but the flow on affect it has on the medical infrastructure. Ambulances, hospitals, mental health services, having to pay people to stay at home while out of work.. its all a huge burden on the financial systems of State of Fed governments so yes they want us all to get the vaccine as it will cost them less money.

    Climate science is agreed upon by almost all scientists by the way - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/19/case-closed-999-of-scientists-agree-climate-emergency-caused-by-humans

    • Like 4
  8. On 11/10/2021 at 5:04 PM, CYB said:

    I think the next season has the potential to become quite compromised. We no longer have the protection of lockdowns to keep the players out of Covid's way so it is only inevitable that more players will become infected during the season proper.

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the AFL. Will a game will be postponed if 1 player is positive in the lead up, 3 players? 5 or 10? Will teams have to forefeit if they cannot field their best 22 due to Covid. Will we have compromised schedules again. The risk of infection is probably the greatest it will ever be and the government will only call another lockdown if cases start to put pressure on the hospital system (probably around the 5K-10K per day mark). European & American competitions will give us a good indication as to what to expect as they start to head into winter. 

    Those that think COVID is done and dusted should think again. The vaccines are good but not the silver bullet we were all sold and we all have to figure out how we live with COVID and what daily risks we are willing to take in light of this disease. 

    NHL in North America is going through issues with this, the Ottawa Senators have 9 players in covid protocol. NHL teams are allowed 23 active players so it’s a massive chunk of the team.
    They can bring players up from the minor league (the 2nds or even the 3rds).

  9. 3 hours ago, Lord Nev said:

    "You've done a hammy Liam..."

    "I'll do my own research thanks" *opens YouTube*


    Aaron Rodgers from the NFL when asked prior to the season “I’m immunised”… he went to some healer but wasn’t vaccinated. He’s got covid. 



    Howard Stern hahaha 

    "Don't take the cure, but don't clog up our hospitals with your COVID when you finally get it. Stay home, don't bother with science, it's too late. Go f--k yourself, we just don't have time for you.

    "The next time this f--khead gets injured on the field, they should bring in Joe Rogan to fix the bones. They should have him treat him."

    • Like 5
  10. 47 minutes ago, Lucifers Hero said:

    Looks like an Evergrande site!  You know the ones in China that they have deliberately imploded and destroyed - never finished, never inhabited.

    The first 30 secs of this tells the story. 


    Like Evergrande sites the Eddie proposal doesn't deserve to go ahead for pure ugliness!

    god that is brutal, I feel for those people.

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