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Everything posted by Demonstone

  1. If his surname was spelled "Macadam", we could go down that road. Tar very much!
  2. Being a premiership player doesn't make you a star or give you protected species status. Plenty of ordinary players have played in premiership teams. Exhibit A: Billy Frampton.
  3. Our club has made the decision to recruit Tom Fullarton. He hasn't even arrived yet and you're already writing him off. You're not really much of a supporter are you?
  4. Adelaide aren't giving him the flick. He's giving them the flick. They would rather he stayed.
  5. Even if that's true, it has nothing to do with McAdam. The two issues aren't related. Adelaide's interest in Petty is unsurprising.
  6. Sanders are smooth movers by definition.
  7. The Simpsons are excited about this news.
  8. I reckon that you've identified the problem here, @Timothy Reddan-A'Blew, By a) reading his drivel, b) being angered by it and c) responding to it, people are just giving Cornes and his employers exactly what they are looking for. If we all simply ignored the troll and his "controversial" baiting, our lives would be so much less stressful.
  9. The Flat Earth Society agrees and they should know. They have members all around the globe.
  10. A cricketer hey? Wouldn't want to pay overs.
  11. The response by @Demonland above is showing the conventional date format.
  12. I believe the saying is "You can lead a horse to drink but you can't make him water".
  13. I know what you're saying, but it seems to apply to footy clubs at all levels and has always been the case. Pretty sure that @Supermercado is an advocate for a player running out in #100 or a similar very high number!
  14. At the moment, quite a few numbers are vacant for next year, including some low numbers which have historically been more desirable. So far, we are looking for new players in numbers 4, 6, 14, 23, 27 and 34 with a possibility of others (#10?). I wonder if any of the higher-numbered players will seek a lower number. (eg James Harmes started in 43 before taking Jack Watts' old #4.)
  15. What did they serve for dinner at the B & F? Was it all duck?
  16. I'm glad he didn't cop an injury like that oyster who went to a nightclub and pulled a mussel. Sorry.
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