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Elwood 3184

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Posts posted by Elwood 3184

  1. Ive deleted the other stuff...irrelevant

    The remaining however is of great intrigue because it does beg the question ...why ? ( not )

    I must confess, if he goes he goes. If he stays and has a solid preseason and gets his mojo happening hes a handy player..I do however put Colin in a group ( for mine ) of players who I wouldn't describe as core elements of or growth going forward. They can have roles, of course, but aren't essential ( nor irreplaceable )

    But that question certainly has my curiosity

    If he's a free agent then he can walk but he has to get an offer first.

    I assume then that the silence surrounding him is all about whether there's interest from other clubs and whether we would be prepared to match an offer if one is forthcoming.

  2. I'd like to think they can to.

    Don't think there's any big fish out there for us this off season unfortunately.

    Even if there are no big fish available, that doesn't mean that you go after minnows.

    Virtually all of the players you mention from other clubs are struggling to get games with their current clubs or have been delisted which puts them in the same category as the NQR's who we've just delisted. Your proposal is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

  3. He would've been under the eye of recruiters this year at Leongatha, as Aaron Heppell also played down at Leongatha this year. I think Heppell alternated between Bendigo Bombers and Leongatha, but mostly played for Leongatha. So Best still would've been in the eye of recruiters this year. Best would still be a good fit for the Dees.

    Yes, I can just imagine all 18 AFL clubs sending their scouts to Leongatha on a regular basis to watch Heppell's brother who is at best a fringe player with the Essendon VFL side (the Bendigo Bombers folded last year) and Jake Best. Good thinking.

  4. I get that feeling too sometimes. We are clearly on the way up, will pay him a fair deal and he is playing regularly. Pretty poor for him to be looking to find a way out.

    It's a business and players have a short time in the game so he's quite entitled to go for the money. By the same token the club is also entitled to look to leverage the situation to one that enables list improvement so all's fair in love, war and footy trading.

    • Like 3
  5. My take from my limited viewing of the 2015 draft pool to date (the Under 18 National Championships matches shown on Foxtel, a streamed game on the AFL site and these two games) is that I would not be surprised if Melbourne was to trade away its first draft pick if the opportunity arose to pick up a quality player by way of trade. It's not so much that the players mentioned in dispatches around the mark where the Demons' first choice is likely to be aren't of interest but because you might not lose a great deal going down the order a dozen spots.

    With names like Oliver, Clarke, Bonner, Milera and Weideman available a little later in the order, we could be looking once again at a trade like that which brought Dom Tyson and Christian Salem to the club two years ago.

    WJ. That's an interesting observation but is it based on anything you know or is it just intuitive?

  6. That's nice of him, hi Nev!.

    There's nothing to say any player who gets dropped from a team list can't fight his way back if he's determined enough. The problem is that Nev is more the exception than the rule.

    I think it's fair to say that we will be saying farewell to more than Daniel Cross today.

  7. I hope to God I am wrong on Toumpas, but at the moment I think he is not in our best 22 and probably won't ever be.

    I don't care about his draft number but rather what he has shown.

    Hopefully we have Salem, Petracca, Kent, Frost and JT in the side next year. With the regulars and Stretch, ANB and Vandenberg and maybe Prestia where does Toumpas fit in?

    I think Harmes is going past him and I think Newton still has something to offer. If we trade in Prestia and maybe another mid and then draft well, his chances appear to become even slimmer.

    Then again as I said earlier, I hope I am wrong. It won't be the first time.

    You need to read the Prestia thread Mr. Leg.

  8. Imagine if Prestia broke his contract with the Suns, crossed to us at a high price in terms of his pay and the cost to the club and then struggled with his injury well into 2016?

    We would be livid and the club would have massive egg on its face. Perhaps he's doing us and himself a big favour by seeing out his contract? In any event, he would have to pass a searching medical to get to the stage where a transfer would be seriously contemplated and maybe he's not 100% confident of that? Or, he simply believes that a contract's a contract and that's that.

    Whatever way you look at it, it's time to move on and look elsewhere for that A Grade mid.

    Adam Treloar?

  9. That was our heartbreaking St Kilda loss and the heartbreaking Essendon loss rolled into one game for Richmond. Lost in the last 30 seconds AND had far more scoring shots (they kicked 6 bloody posters!) for an eerily identical behind count to us.

    Had a good chuckle, poor Tiges fans.

    The thing I took away from the game was how Fremantle set up after they hit the front with that goal in the last minute.

    Immediately, all bar about two or three players were in the defensive half of the ground and play was bottled up for the rest of the game.

    So simple, so elementary and yet so difficult for the MFC when we were in that position a little while ago.

    • Like 1
  10. A Friday night game!

    The remark was made in response to applying for a priority pick. We didn't get one last year at all.

    And for that matter, we didn't get a Friday night game either although we did get one this year (and that was a Richmond home game so they got the financial benefit).

  11. The entire history of this Essendon saga is one of the club and its supporters arguing technicality after technicality without caring about getting to the truth about the nature of what was injected into players.

    As a result, karma has stepped in with a vengeance. They are floundering as a team and the circumstances have put the club in a position where it's virtually difficult to attract players from other clubs and the entire culture has deteriorated in a system where there is a great deal of mistrust. You reap what you sow.

    • Like 2
  12. Agree 100%, and im amazed at the softening of opinion on this site.

    Perhaps people are softening their stance on the players because the events both on and off the field as they are being played out, have become a nightmare for players, the club and even for Hird himself (although he has kept his position and is earning big $s, his reputation is now in the toilet).

    If they only had persevered with the reported Evans way of massaging the situation and making deals with the AFL and ASADA, this would have been behind them now and the club and the football world would have moved on. Now, this won't go away for at least another six months and is likely to continue to hurt the players and the club until well into 2016. In particular, it will affect their recruiting and delay their much-needed rebuild by another year.

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