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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Ron Casey, Tony Charlton & Peter Landy were all pretty good, too!
  2. Not strictly correct! She's only the Premier. This State is run by a far more high-powered individual who bears the auspicious title (and the FAT pay packet to go with it) of "Chief Health Officer"
  3. Probably because we are sharing the plane with Freo...
  4. I realise, in this brave new world, that the meaning of a lot of words has been mongrelised in recent times. But, still thought this one meant something akin to "come BEFORE". You know, like precede. Not quite sure how young Rivers is gonna achieve that little fete, unless his other name is Marty McFly...
  5. Yeah, kinda assumed that. But, at the time it looked like a "Keystone Cops" moment! LOL
  6. Some funny vision was Spargo sitting on the bench and has a chat on the phone. Was it to the Coach? 'Cos Goody was sitting right behind him (also on the phone). LOL
  7. Just said on Fox that he had a call of nature, and had to make a rush for the loo...
  8. Oi! Don't forget there was some time at the mighty Sale Footy Club in there as well!!
  9. Really? Your memory probably better than mine, but I seem to remember he used to nail pretty much every shot he had on goal in his first year. No?
  10. Actually, he spent ages before the game with his goal kicking practice. Was out on the ground long after the rest of the team had gone back in before the game start. Alas, it didn't seem to help much! And, to think, in his first year he was a dead eye d*ck...!
  11. Only get to see the team live once in a blue moon, and what an embarrassing disappointment!! Just a complete rabble!! No system, no skills, no desire. Now home, and the bar is open...!!!
  12. This! (Past coupla days have been glorious!)
  13. Yep. The winds started here around lunch time, and are forecast to get stronger each day from now until Saturday, when they are forecast to be the strongest all year! Just got my tickets. Might have to take an anchor to hold me to my seat!
  14. That article from the AGE also says: Gawn is expected to train with the Demons on the Gold Coast this week. Really? Bit odd for a team that is housed on the Sunshine Coast!
  15. Pretty sure Egan also said he is "super fit", or words to that effect.. So, who knows??
  16. Is my memory fading? Seem to recall both Dunn & Bate were taken as under-age recruits under some special arrangement. Anyone else got a memory that's working better than mine?
  17. I was wondering the same thing. Couldn't even find any mention of him over on Port's website. Like he's just fallen off the planet. Really hope he can make it back. Always had a soft spot for the lad...
  18. Ignore them, P-Man! A perfectly fine and accurate description of that cute little button!
  19. Is that right? Just 24 hrs before the game? Seems rather short. But, it's a strange season, so guess I shouldn't be surprised...
  20. Anyone know when the Teams are announced?
  21. On several occasions Max tapped the ball straight to one of our guys. But, they fumbled the ball, and in that split second the Bris players were able to get control of the ball and clear it. Had our guys not been so fumbly, they would have been in a better position to win the clearance. As Jack & Goody said in their interview/Presser, Brissy were just so much cleaner than our guys. If we get rid of the fumbles we will do so much better. To me that was the difference between the two sides last night. We continually fumbled the ball and lost any advantage, while the Brissy boys didn't fumble as much, and so had more time to find a team mate.
  22. Yeah, that rain band seems to be building as it gets closer. Looks like we might get a bit in next coupla hours. Hopefully it'll have passed well before game time... (Since 10am this morning until just a few minutes ago it has been clear and sunny...!) Starting to cloud up a bit now...
  23. Really hard to tell what that bit of rain out West will do by the time it gets to the GC (if at all...). Either way, think it's most likely to be fine most of the time...
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