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Posts posted by JTR

  1. Thanks GNF. Let the haters hate and keep doing what you do.


    I dont post here a lot but have been an avid reader for ~7 years, and really enjoy reading GNF's contributions.

    Maybe the "haters" could start making use of the ignore funciton if what he has to say bothers them so much.

    edit - spelling

  2. You love this rumor don't you. Jones is a restricted FA, well and truly, by a large margin, no ambiguities to it at all, not like Frawley's contract situation whatsoever. Further, Frawley got bumped by Watts' extension & the picking up of Dawes after he extended, so the club lost site of where he stood for FA, Jones remains in the top 5 paid players at our club next year regardless of getting a Dangerfield or not, I wasn't going to reveal my source for this but I will now just to shut this garbage up, my understanding of Nat's contract comes direct from Chris Connolly's mouth. Take it or leave it, but I'm happy to bet my balls on this one.

    Yeah, you already cleared that up for me here:


    The post you are now responding to I made several hours before that.

    So, the rant wasn't really necessary, but thanks for the info all the same.

    edit - spelling

  3. MFCSS in me wont allow me to believe it till confirmed.

    Post that sums up the general consensus on the Hawthorn board at BF...

    625k would make him just about our highest payed player. There is no way we would have offered anything that doesn't fit in with our pay structure. You can't ask blokes to take unders to stay together and then start offering overs to lure FAs. I'd think the figure of 450k that has been thrown around is a lot closer to the mark.

  4. I am as confident about Pick 3 as I was about Sylvia's Band 3 compensation.

    We will have Pick 3.

    I am concerned if he goes to a club like Geelong, who generally pay their players unders to keep them all together (less than what many would get elsewhere anyway).

    What if Frawley gets an 'unders' contract?

    How 'unders' can it get before we would risk losing pick 3?


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