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Everything posted by Demon3

  1. Cool, you go with what ever makes you feel better,.. i mean you you said it yourself.. they didnt do a normal review.. its basically the same thing.. yeah review other clubs great call.. dont do proper review of your own team.. its crazy and most logical and sensible supporters know it. dont make excuses for them, it should have been reviewd with an inch of its life.
  2. It beggars belief we are not mentioned in any race for Coniglio.. he is the star we need, i understand it might be heard to get him.. but lets get creative.. would you trade petracca? Get rid of: Lewis Ret / Jones Ret / Stretch / JKH / ANB / Maynard / J wagner - thats 7 delistings. And some big money free'd up.
  3. Hard to imagine any other organisation not reviewing a poor performance and then expecting the problems it highlighted will just go away. The Prelim final loss opened up such glaring and gaping hole sin our system.. as a club you would think that would be enough to go.. ok we can beat some sides but most now have unlocked the kryptonite.. lets address it and lets systematically go about making sure we prepare for it. But we decided to ignore it, publicly state that not a big review was done as that didnt represent the way we play. Its is absolutely astounding that this was the approach. Im just so over this clubs continual contempt for professionalism. Its got me, im a passionate supporter.. but i feel drained. and let downs are piling up. Last year was a great year, but im afraid, that is as close as we will get.. for how long im not sure... and thats now the worry.
  4. I am as disapointed as anyone on here.. i said in another thread 2 weeks ago we would finish bottom 4 and a couple posters seemed to think i was over reacting.... nothing i have seen suggests we wont. Seriously i couldn't believe the hysteria around Nathan Jones game v Sydney, credit to him for a couple of goals and they were important but i saw nothing to suggest he was back and playing team orientated footy.. plus the swans are the exact replica of us right now. so a win against them was never a season defining or changing win. How every person in Australia knew the Saints will be to quick and our coaches didnt and bought in Lewis and Nev. That is the biggest concern for me. But seriously, we cant hide Jones and Lewis right now.. so we have to quickly accept that this year is gone and now we just want to be competitive.. just writing that sentence makes me angry. There are circumstances, i get that, injuries, and form.. but its a leaders job (captains / coaches ) to cultivate spirit, they are devoid of spirit and its pretty Sad. But to this Wednesday night and what we can do: here are my thoughts: Harmes to go back to basics... hard tag on Dusty.. Tim Smith to come in for Tom Mc. Tom is a liability right now, he needs a rest and a reset - Smith to play out of the goal square and sacrifice his game and drag Grimes away from the contest. Garlett in for Spargo - no brainer Lockhart , stretch, baker in.. have to play the kids now. possible ins: T Smith, Lockhart, Garlett Baker Stretch Smith Keilty possible Outs- Tmac, Spargo, Viney (inj) Lewis J wagner. Richmond have 4 speedy small forwards plus Lynch and Riewoldt - Frost and Keilty or O_mac - what else do we have? And play a hard man on man defence.. we cant defend the zones when we are getting beaten so badly. get a man.. go with them everywhere. Fight fight fight, make it hard for the Tigers, I dont think we can win but we should still have the intestinal fortitude to make it hard for them.
  5. The whole "clearly you struggle" is just rude, and you have no idea of my personal circumstances.. so i suggest drop the unnecessary smart alec stuff, i was never rude or indicated that i am a know it all. I just made an assumption, it seems it was wrong and thats fair enough. Hope you a have a nice night, try to chill out a bit and no hard feelings.
  6. I wasnt, but you be all defensive about it, maybe you should coach our backs.
  7. This is the problem, our biggest Is Stretch the only outside player we have? Seriously is he?
  8. fair enough and thanks for the balanced reply. I hope im wrong, trust me.
  9. Its really not, and all you can go on is the first 3 rounds, yours is a typical we will get better and it will click response. So dont tell me to relax, i am relaxed because i have accepted it, you should have a cup of tea and take a minute to properly assess the situation, then you wont be so flippant.
  10. good point and correct he will be a help with that aspect, but the fact we need him to be that person is an indictment on our coaches and our senior leadership team.
  11. I imagine this means its all a bit OTT and its being to dramatic? Time will tell and if you are not at all worried about the situation then thats your right.
  12. Thats because we are zone defending and guarding space, its beyond ridiculous when we cant do it.. you say its poor craft, it might be, but its poor coaching.
  13. You would think we are but the reality is the other teams have caught up and we cant go with them, its a great competition, it might be a case of us just being the 14th best side, not the 4th worst.
  14. I understand picks are speculative the higher you go, We traded 2 first rounders for Lever, it was way to high and left us with out a first roun pick.. and then the picks we have chosen have been one dimensional. We can defend it as much as we like, but we are not well set up for how the game is evolving. But i respect your reply and and its just my opinion.
  15. Isnt Jetta in our leadership group? i get the out of form part.. but he was put in because he is a leader. Love Nev but he aint doing much leading, neither is Max and neither is Jones. Spirit is lacking, we dont have what teh Lions have, we dont have what the Dogs have, we dont even have what teh Suns have and yet we made a prelim final last year. Jordan Lewis is not the difference.. and if we think he is we are doomed.
  16. Jones is done im afraid.. he offers nothing at all, and the he set the scene on Friday night with the very first entrance into the 50 with along non descript bomb, because he is to slow to take the extra 2 steps and look a up and find a target.. it happens all the time. The problem is we wont drop him so we have to carry him as he has carried us for a very long time so it makes it even harder.. its the worst possible scenario for Goody. Can you drop a captain.. i dont think so, but when Lewis comes back in, we will be the slowest side in the comp. FACT. Imagine having Jones, Jetta, Lewis in your back half.
  17. I love this Footy club and want them to do well every time they go one the ground, and i always think when they come off that they tried, win lose or draw.. and that's no different right now, i still love them, and i know the players are having a crack. But it is time we prepare ourselves for a bottom 4 finish. there are mitigating circumstances i know, form and injuries are a real reason, it does affect some teams more than others, but we wont recover in time to make an assault on the top 8, i hope we do, but i think even the most optimistic among us will say its going to be really hard. I watched the reserves yesterday really closely.. and without sounding like an alarmist, there were less than 2 redeeming features among that group. Harsh i know and we should give them time but if a 5ft 3 st gamer was the only reason to get a bit excited about then our problems are far more deep seated that we think. Lever - unlucky with knee / May - Shocking start but can fight back - but our top end drafting again concerns me: 2018 - first selection - Tom Sparrow - Inside mid / pick 33 James Jordan - looks like Tom Sparrow / Pick 53 Nietsche - Knee reco / Pick 56 Marty Hore - Why did we need that sort of player? / pick 75 Toby Bedford - who knows?? 2017 - pick 31 - Bayley Fritsch - nice player / pick 37 Harrison Petty - strange selection at the time remains one now (lightning fast Jack petruccelle went next pick - currentl;y playing in premiership side) / Oscar Baker - outside winger - looks likely not a great choice 2016 - pick 46 Mitch Hannan - Bulldogs reserves HFF player / pick 64 Dion Jonstone - Gone Thats 3 years missing out on elite junior talent and the type of talent we need , pace on the outside.. .. and it will haunt us mark my words.. Because if we think Billy Stretch and Maynard and the wagner brothers and JKH and charlie spargo are the answers then as i say.. we should prepare ourselves.
  18. That doesn't really help the situation right now, we need pace and we need to be able to put pressure on the defenders coming out.
  19. We simply must have fwd line pressure.. Jeffy, Jayden & Jay.. Triple J all need to be in the Fwd 50.
  20. if you think he wont help then maybe you are seriously delusional. He is agood player.. right now we need good players.. he wont kick 8 and win it for us but he might be an important piece of the puzzle.
  21. Terry Wallace suffers from the old problem of being on air to much across the week, therefor to justify it, he has to say stupid stuff. He is the most self indulgent bloke in the media.
  22. Id be bringing Jeffy straight back in if he gets through tests, fitness wont be an issue.. he is the player that we need in our F50 right now.. dangerous and gets in right spaces and takes a good small defender to mind him, he is a legit nother threat inside 50 which will help theothers. You play him, you say.. don ot go outsid eteh 50. In: Jeff / Stetch Out: Sparrow May
  23. Sometimes players just are out of form, Trac was going for things 1 handed, took a few short steps, lacks touch. I watched him very closely as i had a great seat at the Stadium, he didnt drop his head, but his confidence is down, like the rest of them. My biggest takeaway was they played on when they shouldn't have and they didnt when they should have.. its 90% above the shoulders this game.. it will click, and it will fro Trac as well.
  24. I rate Dom, seems like I'm in the minority. Thought his footy was really solid up until his arm injury. He stays in for me and good sides will have depth, challenging players to hold their spot.. i have no dramas with that.
  25. I find it really sad, the whole thing, people who at the end of the day thought they were doing the right thing, it didn't work out, it actually went as bad as it could be, but honestly, i think its time to acknowledge the past but embrace the future., after all they didn't inject players with potentially life threatening and banned substances.
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