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Everything posted by Chook

  1. The smart move definitely would have been for all of us to quit while we were ahead and just stop caring about footy after the boys got up last year.
  2. I remember port going to town on our game plan earlier this year and forgetting how to play football because they were so spooked.
  3. Surely not. Worst case just plonk him in the goal square and give the reigns to Jackson.
  4. Absolute tosh. Montagna was the first media person last year who I heard espouse Melbourne's shot at the flag as being anything other than a pipedream.
  5. I'd love for the ladder to be each team's best performance against each other team for the year. So if Melbourne beats Brisbane by 100-60 then a performance of 100-59 in the return game would mean the Demons percentage would be taken from the 100-59 result and the 100-60 result would be the the Lions' percentage. Extend that to if the Lions beat Melbourne in game 2, then the Lions get the points and percentage from game 2, but Melbourne gets the points and percentage from game 1. It's probably open to manipulation though, as if you smack a side in the first game there's no incentive to try in the return game. EDIT: Though it's probably always best to beat your opponent so they can't claim premiership points from either result. It would give the media a boatload to talk about in the return games as well. The biggest plus to the above is if you beat a cellar dweller twice, the most you can gain is 4 premiership points, just like a team who only plays them once.
  6. Absolutely. I'm rapt for that last 60 seconds but there is no way this forward line in this team wins a flag this year.
  7. I mean come on. We're prepped for the finals after this run of high-end matches that's for sure.
  8. Jake Melksham is pulling a Michael Hibberd with his career here.
  9. Let justice be done though the heavens fall…unless you're Carlton.
  10. Wear flaps around your neck parts, animal hide all over your feet (honestly, all extremities to be safe), and otherwise do not under any circumstances show your birthday suit - that's for special occasions only. But do also display your follicles - the Medallion Club folks get off on that.
  11. Lingers goes bang. Hope the pies go even faster to prove Ed wrong, and in doing so, prove him all the more right
  12. Surely the that’s a push free kick before there’s even an opportunity for a goal review?
  13. I go out to do my Sunday shop thinking how much lions. nek minnit I get back and there’s a kick in it.
  14. Oh the humanity of everyone's reactions on the siren with that draw. How could you want to remove that from the game?
  15. Should've won a flag in the mid-late 2000s. They could go another 50 years and not get a better shot.
  16. Needs a slap in the face. He looks like a man overthinking things.
  17. And this is after 3 weeks of coming back to the field, after looking like Phar Lapping everyone. Hope we can get everything sorted in the back half of the year and begin moving like the tremendous machine we were at the end of 2021.
  18. 10 years ago this would not have been announced. Clary would have made his way to Carlton after a year of speculation and underperformance.
  19. Uncharacteristically negative of you there CB.
  20. People have been saying that about Hibberd for 3 years. And yet he has a medal around his neck and notwithstanding the fact he was injured has had a hell of a time recovering from that this year, he deserves a shot to get back in the team and begin showing everyone what a surprisingly effective footballer he is once more.
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