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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. I am quite surprised that more of you don't see that Ball's recalcitrance is his way of asserting control over a situation in which he has little. It must be an incredibly humbling experience. Best option at 18 - whoever that may be.
  2. He doesn't want to be here. I know that, we all know that. Which Victorian kids in November want to go to PA? Should PA care? Of course he doesn't have our interests at heart. He has his own interests at heart. I know it isn't ideal, but he went into the ND and if the club sees him as the best option - they should take him. I refuse to let Luke Ball dictate the recruiting philisophy of my club. First, we didn't get Pick 18 because we tanked, we got pick 1 because we tanked. Second, I don't see recruiting Ball at 18 as 'compromising our ego,' in fact I would say that the most deflating outcome would be for the club to come out and intimate that they would not take Ball, even though our interest is well documented, because of the behaviour of Ball. Oh, we're a strong club but when an old Xaverian refuses to meet with us and nominates other clubs we are just going to submit and say 'we can pick you up but we realise you don't want to be here, so we are going to overlook you whether or not you are the best option in the free and open National Draft that you agreed to put your name into.' That is not what a strong club would say. A strong club would have the self-confidence to say that 'this club is not where you want to be, but it is where you will be if we feel you are the best option. We do not take recruiting advice from you, we have a Recruitment Manager for that.' I don't know whether he is the best option at 18, but I want my club to continue saying - until Nov 26 - that nothing has changed and they will take who they feel is the best option. I would be extremely disappointed if anyone from the MFC came out and, categorically, denied that we will select Ball.
  3. Look, everyone knows my view on this, but if the club decided that other options are better at Pick 18 I wouldn't mind the club still intimating they would pick him up and attempt to get Essendon to take him at 10 as KS is intimating. I'm still on the 'couldn't care less what Luke Ball wants' brigade... (Vossy is here too...)
  4. Oh, his body is wrecked... Tell me, and be honest everyone - who was BOG in the 09 Grand Final at half-time? Ball at Pick 18 is the only question for me, BP might see it as good value. If he does, I couldn't care less about our hurt feelings...
  5. rpfc

    The Draft

    Wrong board and there is already a thread devoted to the prognostications of the self-informed.
  6. We need good players, not depth. There is no point going for KPF at 11 or 18 unless the bloke is going to be good enough to demand the footy in a forward line where the mids will be going to Watts and Jurrah. He better be a bloody good prospect...
  7. And now Luke has no employer - unlike Judd - should remove a stakeholder and remove a few potential problems. He's agreed to the terms of the draft, it isn't tacit approval of us recruiting him - it is written and contractual approval. He may not be the best option at 18, but, again, if he is I have no problems with the MFC having the faith in itself to say 'we are where you are going to be, and you'll be the better for it Luke.'
  8. The lion profile they had was classic, understated and a hell of a lot better than the paddle pop lion they have now.
  9. I have a feeling he will. Or perhaps it's just hope.
  10. My view before he went into the ND was that if he went into the ND he saw going to the MFC as something akin to retirement. That hasn't changed. He doesn't want to be here. I don't care. If the footy club see him as the best option at 18 then take him, and tell him to suck it up. In terms of worth - it is a question for BP and where he rates the available talent. All I am saying is that nothing has happened to change my view that Luke Ball shouldn't be dictating the recruitment philosophy of my club.
  11. I don't see us picking up Ball with 11, but if Sydney or PA hasn't pulled the trigger I believe that the FD will have a decision to make at Pick 18.
  12. Not a fan of this attitude. He doesn't want to be at the MFC, I realise that. But he isn't the one in control; our recruiting have more control over his destiny than he does. He is trying to manipulate the situation by not meeting with anyone - I don't care. If he is seen as the best way to spend Pick 18 then so be it. I only care about improving my club, I couldn't care less about his intentions or 'what he has done to us.'
  13. He only has to turn 30 before Sept 30, 2011 to be eligible for the VL in 2011.
  14. Thankyou for humouring me with this tangent. My underlying point (which also brings it into how it is relevant right now) is that a number of fans want the 'deadwood' of 'list cloggers' removed all at once, but as we can see from this rudimentary exercise - deadwood is best moved off the list over years, lest you lose someone you don't want to lose, our recruit more 'deadwood.'
  15. You thought I was having a go at you because you were critical of the club?! You don't see it do you? You are part of a large group of MFC fans who play a pathetic blame game (and have a resignation that the MFC has to navigate a world with 'everyone against us' - the AFL, the Media , our own board, etc) with every decision made by any person, connected to the club or not. You see things - not in black and white - but in 'who screwed us now?' If you cannot see that that is unhealthy than don't worry about it and live in your own little hand-wringing world. Just don't ask me to live there.
  16. Why the 'wacko' emoticon? I know I am changing the topic slightly but I just want to explore this a tad. My (very) early prediction: 2010 - OUT: Green (onto VL), Batram, PJ, Bell, and Dunn. IN: Spencer, McKenzie, Pick 10, Pick 30, Pick 47 2011 - OUT: Bail, Cheney, Miller, and McNamara. Not sure on any of those. I can't see many others other than Pick 34 and 50 from this coming draft. IN: Picks 14, 36, 54, 72 I know it's a strange topic, but I have been thinking about it of late.
  17. Hell, I'd let BP pick you up if there was some value in what you offer. But it's a moot effing point, isn't it?
  18. And that's all it means. Wrathchild is right - this is just PR nonsense from McGuire. They will take him at 30 if he is there. Sorry Jack, but that was a nothing article. Not worth the price paid for it, and I am aware it was in MX...
  19. Ok, now I understand. And 2010 off season delisting possibilities: Green (onto the VL for Junior), PJ, Batram (?), Bail (?), Miller (trade?), Bell, Dunn, Cheney (?), and McNamara (?). Are we going to elevate Spencer, McKenzie, or Meesen? 2011 - Those with question marks that didn't go a year earlier? Pick 50 from this coming draft? Who else?
  20. I don't think we are that divided. It's out of his hands anyway, our recruiting blokes have more control over the destiny of Luke Ball than he does. As does the PA staff, and Ess staff. He's looking to wrest back some control by not meeting with anyone - good luck to him. We play a socialised game that is set-up to get the bugger paid but not by the organisation he chooses. We are the ones in control though, and if we wish to, we can do what is right for our club (if it's deemed it is the right thing).
  21. Bartram being delisted would bring Pick 66 in a shallow draft to the club. How is that optimising our window? You need to clear out three players a season, and having a massive clean-out like Richmond is pointless. Who will we delist next year? Easy, you say? Who will we delist the year after next? Gets harder doesn't it.
  22. We all understand the difficulties. The MFC should be wary of recruiting Ball. Doesn't mean they shouldn't though. Believe me, his tune will change quickly if he gets picked up by anyone before Pick 30. If he is the preferred talent at 18 then take him. I refuse to let Luke Ball and his family/entourage dictate the recruiting philosophy of my club.
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