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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Yes, I apoligise to all those offended. You winking at me through emoticons is a little creepy. Less creepy than real winking but still...
  2. You are going to alert HSOG with a comment like that... Why are we obsessed by a team of world beaters? We need role players. Do you think that Collingwood and St Kilda are full of A graders? They have players to fill a particular need to be as good as they are.
  3. Hypocrites galore here. When E25 has a go at you for doing similar - don't have a whinge to the mods.
  4. I seem to recall a few DD posts assuring DLand that PJ is 'completely ok' or words to that affect. I tell you - the FD wants a tried ruck/fwd to be a resting backup to Jamar and if they get him next week - PJ is gone.
  5. Who knew minorities needed to form some stronger bonds with each other than middle class white people... It's not racist, it's just really condescending.
  6. You can't replace your best players. I really don't see this proposed deal as insurance for Jamar. I see it as a way of getting an integral member of the 22 (or 21, but I doubt it) - to give Jamar a rest and to occupy a defender that would normally maul Watts, Jurrah, or Green.
  7. Absolutely. But it is not the role of a CHF.
  8. The water girl was probably emotional... You're right. I have heard nothing but bad things about this entitled SOB.
  9. Well said. The guy is a very good, deliberate kick. If he turns it over it is because (on the whole) he is adhering to team structures and instructions to move the ball quickly and through the corridor. There is nothing wrong with his kicking and I look forward to his presence anywhere on the field next year - whichever line coach wins the argument.
  10. Dunn is not a CHF. He played a defensive role on damaging HBFs and tried to make them accountable. That isn't the stuff CHFs are made of. Where is Watts going to play?
  11. We have Gawn and Fitzpatrick. They are babies. The thought of Jamar going down with a knee injury doesn't make me want a decent backup ruck, because you can't replace your best players. I want a role player so the year we have a good run with injuries in the next 3 or 4 years we will have a solid body that can give Jamar a rest and still kick a couple of goals. He doesn't have to dominate - Watts and Jurrah can do that, he just has to fill a role.
  12. I think you'll find that we have one of the best conversion rates of I50s to scores in the comp. Mahoney has done a very good job with a young and undersized forward line.
  13. What will it be? About 29/30? You'd have to ask Prendergast what talent he thinks will be there. Otherwise, jettison a player and satisfy the Kangas through that in some way. My thinking is that they will keep PJ if they cannot get Hale/Clark/White etc but he's off if we get one of them.
  14. No team is full of world beaters. Role players are required. The FD would like a resting ruckman capable of taking some pressure off Jurrah and Watts, and give Jamar the occasional rest. I think some of you want to fill the 22 with dead-set stars of the game. And it won't happen, and nor will you fit them under the cap. He's younger than Jamar, he has proven himself to be a better goalkicker than Jamar, and he can pitch-hit in the ruck. If the price is right, and Jesse White and Mitch Clark aren't available, why not?
  15. He did well in the second half of 2011. He did extremely well by his appalling standards before that. Always wary of 'contract' years; we all try a little harder than usual when our livelihood is on the line. At risk of showing a bit of MFCSS here, but I will say that there is a spot for him in our forward line if he wants it.
  16. You are looking for the perfect footballer if you're querying his speed. Didn't worry Junior. Anyway, we have Trengove and Scully. They can be perfect. McKenzie will just be the bloke at the bottom of the pack getting them the footy...
  17. We are talking different Whites.' I meant Jesse. Creates a spill, decent kick, and I would prefer him being mauled in the sqaure than Green, Jurrah, or Watts.
  18. Brown isn't great, but he uses his frame more than PJ does. He acts on the field as if he is 2 feet smaller and 20 kilos lighter. I don't want to put up with it anymore, frankly. I want a White/Clark type. But if we can't secure one then i guess it's 'here we go again' with PJ.
  19. We are massive sh!t stirrers, DC. Give it a rest. We done.
  20. We'll see how they go during trade week...
  21. I am to an extent, but Green doesn't bring into play Wonna or any crumbers that a big lump would. Bailey is the one superkeen for it. And he think he is onto something. I agree with having an effective lump. It's just the best way to provide Jamar with a break but have a decent ruck aswell as a decent forward. He's trying to kill to positions with the one player (to bastardise a metaphor).
  22. JFK? No need to go that far afield. Josh Kennedy isn't even related to Josh Kennedy.
  23. Jurrah, Petterd, Watts, Green, and this extra 'around the ground' forward ruckman would fall over each other. I've heard Bailey talk about this a few times and I think his head is at a big, FP/FF that can swap with Jamar for 10 mins a quarter. Provide a stay at home target that allows Green to not be that target.
  24. I would love to a fit Cox in our forward line. I wonder how long the medicos think he can play for? And while I understand the OP and the desire to wait for one of the three to come on, we do need a deep target. Jurrah does a good job of it but I would prefer a big lump in the square that could help Jamar out in the ruck. Right now, we don't have a player like that near our top 25-30 players.
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