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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Well said. Who needs to talk glowingly of a 14 year old when you can bash his father 17 years after he left the game. Elephant in the room? Or an irrelevant elephant that left 17 years ago? As Luke Skywalker can attest - you're not your father.
  2. Depends on whether you take up the 'extras' like pregame, after game, dinners, special events for VIPs etc. If you like going to that stuff - find out what they are and make and judgement call. If you live in Canberra just forget about it.
  3. I think 2for1 would prefer you not completely contradict yourself. He doesn't need to get a membership but he will at some point in the future, a future tied to what Collingwood will probably enact in 2011. Talk about having your cake and eating it. Talk out the front of your mouth, WYL. Not either side.
  4. Nothing like this rock that I have that keeps tigers away. Yeah? Well do you see any tigers around? PS. I wonder if HO007 would like the rock? It'll cost him...
  5. You don't know me. I'll introduce myself. I'm rpfc, and I am a sarcastic [censored]. I was being flippant. Those threads, like the one HO007 started are just manifestations of MFCSS like you say.
  6. Mr. Madison, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. This is what this thread reminds me of.
  7. I know what you are getting at, but the likelihood is that the merchandise would be bought regardless of the $50 membership. I really don't get the MFC membership for romantic reasons (to slightly cast aside earlier posts of mine) but for the very real and tangible reasons of power and influence and stability. The more members the club has the better off it is. AFL is a zero-sum game when it comes to memberships and we are hamstrung by the MCC in this regard. There are benfits out of the MCC but the fact remains that the club would be better off, setting aside the historical relationship, if the MCC didn't exist. With that in mind I pay-up to give my club a step-up. Pragmatic or romantic? Maybe semantic...
  8. The same article that you, only minutes earlier hailed as (misinterpreted because you didn't read the article) proof of the Tigers offering outlandish deals to kids?? Wow. What you have done here is amazing. Like George W Bush amazing. Hail something that you don't know anything about and then disown that very thing a couple of minutes later. Wow...
  9. I'm reticent to say this but maybe we get Cam Schwab to try and do a deal with the AFL where we put a rider on items purchased at the Demons store and it goes toward a membership. I'm reticent because it's a little silly but if there are thousands who think like our friend here then that is thousands of paying supporters who don't have a membership and we can't have their contributive clout. If you are an MCC menmber and spend $250 at the store you automatically get the $50 membership ticket? I dunno... Jeez, running a footy club is tough, especially when you are beholden to a cricket club and it members...
  10. Perhaps. But this is where Land has it over Ology. With so many posters here the arguments had by a few don't take all the oxygen out of the debate as there is so much oxygen. Lots of hot oxygen... Just kidding. I enjoy it. Most of it.
  11. Unlike the 'celebrities' of today, notoriety doesn't interest me. I don't post things just so I can be the centre of attention. And I don't personally attack posters (On those points we are similar DC). That's how you get notoriety on a forum. I post the truth. The arrogant truth.
  12. My popularity always wanes in the off-season...
  13. Marketing making an educated guess? Marketing just putting a very good player on there? Hey, does everyone remember the membership card we got with Thompson, Jolly and Miller?! I think it was 2003. I guess it didn't work out...
  14. Unfortunately, I live in the real world. Where member numbers are a badge of honour (or dishonour) for clubs. Without the MCC/MFC donators that give money for nothing OUR club would have 25,000 members and a hell of a lot more pressure on us. We do a great service for this club, over and above the merchandise we buy from Brunton Ave. We'll be happy to have you.
  15. I hope you are not refering to those who don't think he should have been given a trigger for 2012. IIRC you were on the side of giving him two years straight up. Apologies if that isn't the case. We will miss him slightly but Grimes back in the team will help, and will get us closer to Number 13, if you know what I mean...
  16. You can post what you want - and I have learnt to trust certain posters over others. But you're making allusions to nothing, and it's just silly. I can't tell you why it's silly - it just is...
  17. Yeah, I left ages ago. I don't think I can remember my name - it might have been Number 27...Anywho... The straw for me was having TGR admit that he would prefer he be right about whatever prediction of doom he was professing than for his prediction to be wrong. The ego of some people... Yes, yes, I realise. But I am not that bad.
  18. The MFCSS is so rich I can smell it, H007. Get a grip.
  19. It's coming in. 2012 I believe. To be reviewed after 2015/6. There is a thread on this I'm sure of it.
  20. I agree with you DC. I don't know whether it's the vibe of the thing or my growing arrogance as a Melbourne supporter but GWS can go after Scully as much as they want. He ain't gonna leave. I don't fear any of our Flag Core will go to GWS.
  21. Good on you, Deevout. You and around 10,000 of MCC members like you are the reason we have 35,000 MFC members and not 25,000. Can any of us imagine the sh!tstorm that would be the Demons of the last few years if we took 10,000 members off the rolls because it is a 'nothing' membership? Maybe we should keep that in mind when we have the opportunity to give that $50 or $160 donation.
  22. As long as we don't lose the Flag Core this is just what happens when you develop so much talent.
  23. It isn't nothing. Any MCC member reading this thread - it isn't nothing.
  24. You're a good consumer, but as a supporter... Look, fine. And I get the excitedness expresses earlier is on the nose re: what Nasher said. But you're infuriating me with your 'nothing' meme. Do you think any of us got 'value for money' during 07-09? We all paid for 'nothing.' I think that if you ponder it deep enough you'll understand that sometimes nothing isn't really nothing and that sometimes you should concede that. 10,000 MCC members have given $50 or $160 for 'nothing' for 2011. And that's something.
  25. Just proves even the most bright and even of us can get excitable. Meh. Pay up.
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