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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. rpfc till I die, or someone guesses what it stands for…
  2. Yeah, my care factor is so low on this that I won’t say much but yes - this is for the effing players and staff. It’s got nothing to do with proximity to the G because that was always a dumb reason to locate a training base. It has nothing to do with getting fans there because that is the nuffiest reason (if I can use that as a pejorative adjective - and I think I can) ever conceived on this topic. Anyway, yay, one training base…
  3. Same here. Jaded is a slave driver. I mean, another DDOS attack on Geelong regional infrastructure?? They barely have computer systems to hack… #worklyf
  4. They deserve a flogging and we need to open the wallet, loosen the shackles, release the floodgates, and every other cliche. Kick 5 goals a quarter at least and beat them by 8 goals
  5. We can’t invest that much in a 3rd defender. May will progressively turn into a gorilla tamer only maybe from next year. We need to spread the investment to the forward line and get a gorilla.
  6. I would prefer his brother at the right price
  7. While I don’t disagree with the sentiment, the main reason I think he gets the most targets is he is the smartest forward we have atm taller than 5’9 and on slow plays - he draws the eye and the footy. I totally understand it’s not as simple as this but I would preferred we lost on sat night moving the ball with dare and lost by 5 goals trying to fashion a forward line that can kick a winning score.
  8. @Jaded No More Hey Boss, I have sent @Binmans PA the follow up email. If it’s in the trash file - it’s from [email protected] Cheers
  9. I think this is all up to Max. Again, if he has to ruck for 100 mins to be effective - he will be taking a lap of the G in the back of a Toyota before l the 2025 GF. Can you be effective on 70 mins ruck? Can you stop talking about how much you want to make it work and just do it? Just be in each moment and positively impact it? I would not have done this trade and I would try to get out of it but I can see the logic - there’s just one man standing in the way…
  10. Must beat the Hawks of course. If we don’t, and the Blues win up in the GC - that Sunday night back back of us in Sydney and Carl against GWS at home will be 4 teams playing for quite a bit. I don’t want to be playing for anything.
  11. Um, I think my views are quite known when it comes to the Grundy Experiment but we are going to play a QF for a chance to have a home PF… So things are not as bleak as some seem to think…
  12. Yeah you and @Deebauched left the country and came back to some change. Maybe, maybe, it is you that has the issue? And maybe, just maybe, you should let people be and not [censored] all over everything.
  13. What a great place to be from 5pm. You get to go to G, have a chat with mates, go to the Robbie Flower Terrace and have a drink and watch the Matildas and get inspired and then watch some footy with the greatest player I have seen back from injury. Times like this I hate being 700kms away from the best city on the planet.
  14. Trent Rivers. Released about an hour ago
  15. @Deebauched seeing it on the big screen:
  16. I once told a poster ‘Dappa Dan’ (as ‘rjay’ would say) that he had just written so long a post that it made Tolstoy blush. He never recovered from that…
  17. I love how ‘3rd’ Is in red - how terrible! And then ‘4th’ is in green - how good!
  18. But they are already immortal revolutionaries of the game. Sincere gods among men. Redwoods amongst mere sprouts.
  19. Yeah but instead of being left with blockchain you’re left with the equivalent of a 19 year old uni student who can draft emails and google how to make sunburst charts in excel. What an age to live in…
  20. AI [censored] sucks. And I am in tech… Latest hype balloon.
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