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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Not sure I can make the AGM Can a question be put by a member to Kate Roffey re this please? Agree entirely!
  2. Yeah but to have concussion you need to have some Grey Matter!
  3. Thanks WCW might have got there after that but last week lots of goal kicking practice!
  4. Fullarton yes and rucked reasonably well, but didn't notice Verrall
  5. Tend to agree as Im not sure Windsor was there either. Carryst how hard is it to open a gate and let those supporters, ( especially paid up members ) in??🤯
  6. Ran laps at good pace so no idea!? Also Clarrie had his jumper of doing some drills and crickey he looked ripped and very very fit!😁
  7. The AFL make me sick, just utterly vomitous stuff 🤮 just watch the first person who does the same thing get 6 weeks. MAYNARD IS STILL A HATED PLAYER and will always be remembered for his low act!
  8. Yes possibly so but had the Salem short stride and beautiful disposal but retrospectivly could have been J.V remember it aint easy being outside the ground and again multiple numbers were sometimes doubled up on. Sheesh how hard can it be for the players to wear correct numbers eh??
  9. VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA EPISODE XI “ ZZENON CODEX Admiral Nelson: Leigh, can you come to the bridge I have decoded a message from the pentagon! Capt Crane: On my way! Chip take over the helm. Chip Morton : Aye Aye skip Admiral Nelson: Leigh, I have just unscrambled a code Black call from the pentagon, here read it yourself. “ Dear Harriman, hope you and Seaview crew are well, Harry we have an intelligence report that has uncovered some kind of Alien Cyborg machine that can duplicate people which is in Australia in a Lagoon in Melbourne called Casey Fields. It is called the ZZENON CODEX. Your job is to find and destroy this machine before it replicates all life as we know it. Just think what another 100,000 extra Feral supporters running around would do. The world would be plunged into Armagedon! Intelligence also suggests that a person known to frequent Casey Fields by the name of Picket Fence can be of assistance, he hates anything that relates to ferals and would be a worthy ally! Good luck” Marshal James Pentagon Marshal” Capt Crane: Jeepers Admiral isn’t this more a case for the Star Trek Crew or even Lost in Space? Admiral Nelson: Yes, probably but Fence has already used them in another episode, so it looks light its down to us! Capt Crane: Whats our plan of action!? Admiral Nelson: Simple set a course for Australia and pilot the minisub underneath Port Philip Bay and find this machine and destroy it! Capt Crane: Understand! Chip Capt Crane here, please set a course for these coordinates, oh and Chip, please equip the sub with photon torpedoes and Harpoons apparently there are giant snakes and alligators and maybe the odd Feral Collie’s about! Chip Morton: Harpoons I can do but aren’t Photon Torpedoes for “Star Trek” I’ll have to ask Capt Kirk if that’s ok? Capt Crane: Should be fine as Star Trek ratings were through the roof last week after the Klingons got a fare spanking! Capt. Kirk’s ego will be sky high so he will agree to anything plus he owes me a favor! PICKET FENCE TRAINING REPORT 15/12/2023 NO SHOWS Didn’t notice J.V and Chandler, Bailey Fritsch but they may have been there! INJURIES MODIFIED DUTIES MAX, CLARRY, GUS ( Although he was doing plenty of Running, THOLSTRUP, PETTY ( Who also ran for the first time! SKILLS , DRILLS AND MANOUVERS After warmups and Run Throughs, players broke of into Groups doing a variety of Close in Handball through traffic to hit clean target with players pressuring. One on one Groundhog Day ground ball gets. Telescopic Talls in Marking contest situations Pressure the ball carrier, two meters away closing fast to kick to a lead. Match sims ( See below for details) Half ground transitioning including stoppage work on both boundary side wings and emphasizing manned positioning and quick breakaways using precise handballs to break out of traffic and finding leading player on lead or further handball, chip kicks to favored positions to free up play and present scoring options closer to goal. Red vs Whites, this also had an element of keeping the ball in forward line and using lateral movements and handball before finding a target. So, it was as much about forwards and positioning and defense creating a chess like impenetrable phalanx! PLAYER WATCH AND MATCH SIM TOM SPARROW I mean wow just wow this guy is ready to launch, has confidence picks great options and really will excite through the midfield this year. LACHY HUNTER Has lost weight and dare I say it has picked up a yard of pace, was involved in plenty and looked rejuvenated and classy. JACK BILLINGS, Classy ball user who always hits targets and linked up beautifully today, will play major parts in games. SHANE MC ADAM The missing piece in the forward line puzzle, just oozes class, goal sense and links up magnificently, can also take a hanger and a half KOZZY, Just mesmerizing today total excitement machine SPARGO Yeah righto , he was really good today involved linked up and kicked a few goals and was busy. MONIZ-WAKEFIELD Starting to find his feet was involved in a lot of link ups and used his pace and skills to great effect and could be a surprise early inclusion if he keeps this form up. ADAM TOMLINSON Used his pace to run of the back half and set up many plays. JED ADAMS, I took notice of him a couple of times with great run of Half back and also astute ball use. Looks a player. MARTY HORE Looked right at home of half back, is an intercept king and used the ball to advantage. He could also get an early look in. CHRISTIAN SALEM I’m sure it was him ( remember I’m on the other side of the fence) and he looked really good unhampered by recent injuries and looked fresh, pacey and involved with effortless and crisp disposal. JOSH SHACHE, Took a couple of really good, contested marks and converted effortlessly, I hope he has improved enough to make the difference and looked particularly good today. KYAH FARRIS WHITE Rucked well today and looks like if he develops a bit of mongrel could be a hell of a find. TRENT RIVERS Looks like Mr. Universe with his swagger and relentless attack on the ball. FINAL THOUGHTS T. Mac wasn’t bad in defense and training levels were up from last week I thought. Ball movement was quick , precise and forward entries were purposeful and effective. Given some of the exhilarating and exotic weaves out of defense and forwards moving to effective scoring positions this training session said a lot to me about the increased pace and intent to rectify past deficiencies which have sabotaged our last two years of finals performances. Better get going I er think I’m seeing things Better go to get my eyes checked two people that look uncannily like Admiral Nelson and Capt. Leigh crane are moving towards me! Cheers all at Demonland P.F
  10. NO! Casey is not the answer and once the AFL GET WISE and launch an aligned AFL reserves with only AFL teams playing, the VFL will be irrelevant and redundant! I still say a Port Melb or Fishermans bend location is better an a more central location than a bloody racetrack!
  11. Come down to Casey, I'll supply the coffee, vanilla slices, binoculars, scripts, and an anti slitheras suit and light saber!
  12. Or Berwick,the Monash to Caulfield for training reports? Yeah right! But strangely have hopped on the train to go to Goshe's but that venue has some charm!
  13. I didn't I voted 2 of them out!
  14. But Port Melbourne is closer in Name AND location to the CBD and MCG, but gee you cant walk 15 mins from it from your place, and If, IF thats important given our supporter living heartland, it could be a factor. I STLL want figures of our 70,000 locations to back your hypothesis up
  15. No, querying our supporter base!
  16. Love to get postcodes of our supporter base for analysis. I think you woyld find this Caulfield location a fallacy!
  17. Caulfield is Not Demon heartland, I have proposed Port Melbournes homeground or even Murphy reserve This caulfield thing will be as Souless as VFL Park was eons ago. This is jumping at shadows stuff. Nup until viable options open up stay put
  18. Caulfield Racecourse would be the worst idea and training base ever.The middle of nowhere in the middle of nowhere!🤮
  19. Its like a Blind date between Colli Feral and an Eloi! Dont like it one little bit!
  20. Agree 100% Dazz, but also on what I saw of Billings last Friday, he will also become a bargain basement buy with huge upside! T. Mac down back? well on what I saw I would say if thats the case it's all over, unfortunately just too slow.
  21. Second that !...WCW you are now hall of fame stuff😇
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