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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Then if Praccy games are meaningless we have actually done Jack S heeeeit in the pre season!! Stand by for a Demonland Meltdown if The [censored] beat us Round 1 And one other thing I rate JW ahead of a Billy Stretch anyday and it appears he will play round 1. I wouldn't play him but what do I know??So best 22 and if Watts was still A Dee he would? should play. Forget about outside run No 29 CAN achieve that in spades on a wing... And we should still have an excellent finisher!! Would Watts have missed the gimme Bugg fudged in the first quarter?? Well there you have it. Should still be DEE but isn't it a fascinating season to unfold for DEES and Port Adelaide!
  2. Agree as if he still would not be in our best 22 this WILL definitely come back and bite us on the ARRRRRRRZZE
  3. Time will tell but I too don't believe we will make the 8.
  4. Surely Frost is an upgrade and a better long term bet than Wagner??
  5. Laughable that a range is given. Why not go out on a limb and predict that ladder at the end of round 22 Weak to say the least.
  6. YEP and so the ANT ( Auatralian No Touch) have appealed this decision on the basis that our game is now less Physical and more akin to this hybrid code where if you go past someone very fast, it is deemed a serious serious assault! WTF
  7. Well this would want to be a consistent ruling! Very!!
  8. Just watching it again Really I mean Really?? Sheeit this is absolute Caaaaaarp. I'm more than Ropeable!! this is just Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh Eragghhhhhhh Grrrrrrrrrrrrraannnhauh!!
  9. Here we go again one rule for "Elitist" clubs that make a lot of noise another for the rest which includes us. Sheeit very little in it Typical Sanctimonious tossers at AFL We have more sanitation that at a Fat Rats clacker party for incontinence. We cannot win. Stuff the AFL and there triple standards. Shhheeeeit I am ropeable!
  10. Lever sensational???? I thought he was very very average! Stretch not up to it and never will be. Stopped at one stage and hesitated cards are marked if I were to judge. Maynard reasonable, Wagner not bad, Brayshaw might struggle for a game. If Max gets injured we are in all sorts. He was phenomenal today. Fritsch reminds me of Yze, Clarry Choo Choo great , Lewis 1st half sensational, Bernie terrific, Salem superb, Hogan dangerous and Melksham has become a hard at it player. Good signs ahead. Oh and Oscar continues to improve but need Frost for Wagner IMO
  11. Apparently Dom Tyson is in trouble with a calf strain. I saw him last week in Richmond on Tuesday with a compression bandage over his calf so not so much a new injury?? Calf injuries are by nature niggly and can take some time to heal. Hopefully not a bad tear.
  12. GADDY WHO?? knows nothing!! Kara Donnellan the best player by far in this competition. Good to see her creating a name for herself! Must have been listening to her former coach!! And to think she started with the Dees many years ago.
  13. Kara Donnellan the best player by far in this competition. Good to see her creating a name for herself! Must have been listening to her former coach!! And to think she started with the Dees many years ago.
  14. From what I saw last night more akin to Netball. An absolute Farce. Dreadful Hybrid game. Im with Crawf on this.
  15. Did you play with Kim Smith? A very underated player.! IMV
  16. Gaaawd how some here like to pick scabs, fester and create more open wounds. We had our chance drafted an absolute Dud in Toumpas and blew to the shizen a golden opportunity. Horse has bolted GONE NEVER TO RETURN
  17. Very tidy Daisy, very good indeed. Hnmm Federal League. I remember a Gun FF playing for Highett G Douthie. in the 70ts Was it the same Federal League? What was the team in VFA?
  18. No Problem at all . Laugh away, not a bad effort though A premiership at Norwood a couple of years ago now this. Bet you would be chuffed to win a couple of flags if you had a career!
  19. A bit like this bloke who was much maligned in his time at the Dees! Pictured as running out before Ovens and Murray GF 2017 where he kicked 8 goals. Not bad from the skipper! Ah, what might have been had he been given a sustained go Before, During and After for your perusal. Juice at his best!
  20. So Crocosheeit media to be pursued for monies owed to The Ox and Finey! Hope the boys get every last penny owed to them!
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