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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Ill tell you now I reckon he was critically mismanaged and came back far too early! I reckon this potentially could be a fatal injury AKA Trengove!
  2. Agree Potential is such a vicious word we deserve what we get! Stop Bleatin and start winnin! Next year a defining year for Goodwin, the Players and the Club, Finish outside the 8 next year and we may as well amalgamate/relocate to Tasmania play as the Devils and forget everything else!
  3. Political Party line Buulltish !! ( Welcome Back for what?????????)
  4. Oi Goody we are all ur mates !! ( Yeah coz we don't wanta end up like Wattsy)
  5. Still not friggen happy !! By Jesus H Christ {if he ever existed} if this goes Belly Up Sheeeeeeeit! Stand By!!
  6. Another result of not holding our picks closer in trade weeks Ling?? Gone to the fish market!
  7. Yeah well boys lets see how this unfolds!! Eh and when it does go "Belly Up" I will expect a retraction for your, unsavoury comments! Pessimism yep betcha bottom dollar after 53 years !! Yep and countin ya in sonny! PF
  8. You must be kidding?? We were the big duds of trade week, in fact spectacularly so! 1 Sold the farm for Jake Lever 2 Got 1 square metre of Quick sand for Jack Watts 3 As for Harley Balic, a same mans Ben Kennedy who we just delisted. A poor a Drafting result as ever! IMV
  9. We were the big duds of trade week, in fact spectacularly so! 1 Sold the farm for Jake Lever 2 Got 1 square metre of Quick sand for Jack Watts 3 As for Harley Balic, a same mans Ben Kennedy who we just delisted. A poor a Drafting result as ever! IMV
  10. Yep and watch the purge of MFC that will Plunge the club into Crisis!
  11. I dunno why but I have a sense of, 1 We failed Jack Watts big time re his development! 2 I'm actually gonna miss his picture on the face of Demonland 3 I still STILL believe we are much poorer for not having him on our list! And this from a poster that is tired of our lack of success and is scathing when its my time to go and say it like it is !!! Gee, I wonder what Norm Smith might have done with Jack Watts!??
  12. Hi Sue, I reckon u know a fair bit about false promises, club bultish spin doctoring and esoteric hopes!! And yes we have met!
  13. Yeah its called passion and Premiership starvation! After waiting so long it .. happens!!
  14. Well this has the propensity to rip the club apart We haven't learnt from the junior fiasco and others as well! Leadership group might want to play "Gengis Khan" but rank and file players?? Again Club in potential disarray!
  15. Yeah u know Daisy for some reason like many on this site I feel a profound sense of loss! Almost like a death in the family! Not so much a really loved relative but .... Like the cousin you used to kick the footy with when you were a kid! Gee I must be strange!!
  16. Would not have thought myself a snowflake Uncle, more a Glacier on the edge!
  17. Pick 4 equivalent ?? Just set aside your rose colored glasses and look at the deal in itself! It ain"t Lever for Watts !! Too simplistic! JW has been right royally Shafted ! Any way you cut it the scapegoat for last year! I repeat Goodwin and his band of illusionists better get it right for next year! I'm not sure! Many should have gone before Jack !
  18. Sorry Lever is a different player not better!! The decision to trade JW ranks as the worst ever trade Worse than Jim Tilbrook, Jimmy T, Lucas Cook, Sam Blease, Luke Tapscott, et al much worse We have effectively offloaded our best ball user, proven goal kicker, and effective link man for Pick 31 ( Good luck son) AND paying part of his Salary!! Madness! Goodwin and cronies had better deliver in 2018 If not this site and club will implode!!
  19. Yep have also heard this from my spy who fishes the Barwon often and lands some Big ones! Geelong with Watts and Ablett would be almost premiership material!
  20. I cant remember more "Hysteria" about a player since Juice Newton got his marching orders from Supercoach Mark Neeld! Coincidentally Juice was BOG in the Ovens & Murray GF kicking a lazy 8 Now wait a minute could we...........................???
  21. I DO I agree with Andrew Watts Jack Watts has been sledged, Brow beaten and comprimised throughout this whole sorry saga. Club have handled this Abysmally! Whether he goes to Pt Adelaide or Geelong it clearly puts either team right in Premiership Mode! Meanwhile we are light years away!
  22. Yeah well stirring the pot or not what you say is true!!
  23. We have been screwed yet again MASSIVE MASSIVE overs for a player who is "A better mans Oscar Mac""! Our negotiation and management skills are Abysmal!! Should have played hardball !!No gonads!! MFC
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